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Andy replied, “You know, Luv, the next time you think of investigating the Three Principles you might find it very interesting if you consider looking into their true nature—not how they work, but the simple fact that they exist.

“Try to see that every human being on this planet functions using the same three gifts. Now remember, on their own, these gifts are completely neutral. It is how we, as human beings, personally use them that is significant in our lives.

“And, remember, both of you: The Three Principles I speak of are universal constants that can never change and are never separate entities from us. From the cradle to the grave, they totally encompass the reality we observe and experience in this lifetime.”

Janet admitted that she was still somewhat baffled by the concept of the Three Principles, and felt that there was definitely more to them than she currently understood. Andy smiled kindly at her. “Delving into the Three Principles is endless. Don’t ever believe, as many do, that just because you can remember the three words, Mind, Consciousness and Thought, you will gain the understanding you seek. My pet parrot could repeat the words, but just knowing them by rote wouldn’t do him any good— any more than your knowing them intellectually does you any good.

“Even more disastrous would be to try to connect this understanding with some of your techniques, ideas and concepts. If you do this, I can guarantee you will surely fail.”

Andy smiled as he caught Janet trying to hide a yawn, “What do you say we take a rest and indulge in another cup of tea?”

Chapter Five

Universal Consciousness

After fifteen minutes of laughter and small talk and a steaming cup of strong English tea, I asked, “Andy, why do you think our friend Tom listened to the same words we did last year, and yet he didn’t seem to understand anything about his own thoughts creating many of his problems? Can you explain that?”

Andy paused thoughtfully for a moment before he answered. “You have to remember, Eric, that just like you, Tom is committed to his own views on life. Like many others Tom feels he was trained in a different understanding altogether and, as you already know, Tom isn’t ready to listen to anything new.”

“But we all seem to find it so difficult to understand what our ears are hearing, Andy. Why do you think this is so?”

Pointing to the sky Andy replied, “The knowledge you seek regarding human behavior is beyond the written or spoken word. This is why I ask you to look for a deeper dimension of Thought.

“The trouble is, not too many understand the enormous difference between one’s personal thoughts and the universal principle called Thought.

“However, this I can guarantee you, no matter who you are in this life, such knowledge can only be uncovered from deep within your own inner consciousness.”

Once again Janet had been quietly listening to me and Andy, but now she broke in with a question. “Andy, could you clarify what you mean by Universal Consciousness?”

Andy shook his head. “Janet, no one, but no one, can ever explain intellectually what Universal Consciousness really is.

“Yet, as thinking human beings, we use this magnificent gift every day of our lives. It’s a gift that enables us to experience the existence of creation.

“I guess you could say: it just is.”

“Andy, I’m sorry if I seem to keep asking the same question again and again,” Janet apologized, “but it’s really important to me to better understand the principles. Why do you differentiate between Universal Consciousness and personal consciousness?”

The gardener thought for a considerable time, then answered. “My dear, Universal Consciousness has no form of its own and can only be talked about metaphorically. Let me try to explain it this way. Universal Consciousness is a gift we use to travel through this life. It allows us to see creation. It’s a psychological gift that comes from before time, space or matter. As far as you are concerned, this world would not exist without it.

“Personal consciousness is a gift that we use from moment to moment to see and react to the world we live in.”

I found Andy’s answer very interesting, but what really held my attention was the assurance with which he spoke, the confidence in his voice, as though what he had just said was a straightforward and simple fact.

Looking very serious, Janet remarked, “So what I hear you saying, Andy, is that this knowledge or understanding we are looking for is found in a zone beyond time, space and matter?”

“Yes, that’s what I’m saying.”

“Hmm. Well, I have to say, what you are saying is amazing to me but I’m afraid I don’t get this talk about time, space and matter. Do you think you could elaborate a little more on the idea of something beyond time, space and matter?” Janet asked.

There was a moment of quiet while Andy looked down at his hands. “I’m afraid not. How could anyone elaborate on something that is before form?

“What you have to realize, Janet, is that the wisdom of the sages was beyond explanation with mere words and had to be spoken of metaphorically.

This is where many get mixed up in their thinking, they often take the metaphor as literal truth and, most definitely, this will only lead away from what is sought.

“Perhaps that’s true,” I said, joining in, “but the big question is, how do we access this knowledge?”

Andy gazed at me intently and said, “Eric,

“When your mind is still enough

And goes into the state of no personal thought,

The incubation takes place

And the wisdom you seek will be brought to life.”

Reluctantly I admitted, “Andy, I can’t deny that your words intrigue me, but much of the time I have little or no idea what in heaven’s name you’re talking about. And, I’ve been wondering what spiritual truths have to do with psychology.”

“What I have been saying to you Eric, has everything to do with psychology. Right now we are discussing the essence of every human being’s psychological make-up.”

I told him that I could not connect what he was talking about to our profession.

Andy looked at me and sighed heavily. “Eric, what many don’t realize is that,

“When our thoughts are working strictly from the human plane,

We are somewhere between the physical plane and the spiritual plane,

And this is where the confusion and lostness of humanity prevails.

“Another way to say the same thing would be that when we are using our personal minds from the lower levels of consciousness, we are using the power of the egotistical self, which inevitably leads to mental suffering and the same old problems that have plagued humanity since the beginning of time.

“On the other hand, when we are using the gift of the Universal Mind properly, we are using the power of our own innate wisdom and this is where the secret to all knowledge lies.

“By delving into sickness too much, and ignoring the mental health that lies within, you will build a belief system on a quagmire riddled with quicksand.

“What you and Janet fail to see is that you are concentrating on trying to find out how people think or what they think, when you should be looking at the fact that people think.