Chapter Notes
Throughout the preparation of this book, we have striven to be objective, factual, and impartial, allowing only our conscience and the facts as we have discovered them to guide us.
The source material we have used consists principally of extensive interviews which we conducted personally in Japan and the United States in 1975 and 1976 with participants in the events described, and of documentary evidence from both countries, much of which was originally classified as top secret and has only recently been released. Apart from the intrinsic importance of each of these two prime sources, we have used them as a means of providing checks and balances one against the other, so enabling us to present the story as authentically and as true to the historical record as possible.
When dealing with the Japanese language, we were very much aware that it seldom allows a literal translation into English; with the help of our interpreters, to whom we owe special thanks, we tried to take every care to preserve in the translation the meaning and tone of the original.
In the detailed source notes which follow, documents and reports to the best of our knowledge unpublished at the time of writing are so indicated; private papers, a third valuable source of research material, comprise personal diaries, aide-mémoires, letters, manuscripts; correspondence indicates the authors’ letters to and from those involved; transcripts refers to interviews conducted by others or to documentary broadcasts; finally, a number of published books and magazine and newspaper articles proved useful and are acknowledged.
The form of identification used is:
AI = Authors’ Interviews
B = Books
C = Correspondence
D = Documents and Reports
M = Magazines, Periodicals, and Booklets
N = Newspapers
PP = Private Papers
T = Transcripts
A combined list of all written material consulted may be found in the Bibliography; a list of interviewees is in the Special Thanks section.
B: The Birth of the Bomb (Clark); No High Ground (Knebel/Bailey); Now It Can Be Told (Groves); The New World (Hewlett/Anderson).
D: Letter, Einstein to Roosevelt, August 2, 1939; record of meeting September 23, 1942, in office of secretary of war (unpublished); letter, Groves to Dill, January 17, 1944 (unpublished).
T: “The Building of the Bomb” (BBC-TV).
AI: Tibbets.
C: Montgomery.
D: Memo, Derry to Groves, August 29, 1944 (unpublished).
N: Chicago Tribune interviews with Tibbets, March 10 to 22, 1968 (Thomis); The Register, Newport Beach, California, August 3, 1975.
PP: Tibbets (notes made subsequent to events described here).
T: Ashworth.
AI: Tibbets.
M: Air Force Magazine, August 1973: “Training the 509th for Hiroshima” (Tibbets).
PP: Tibbets.
AI: Tibbets, Beser, Jeppson, Brode.
D: Letter, undated, written in April 1943, from Condon to Oppenheimer; White House Appointments Register, August 26, 1944; memo, Somervell to Chief of Engineers, USA, September 17, 1944; Harrison-Bundy Files.
M: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, June 1970, April 1975, May 1975.
T: Groves.
AI: Yokoyama, Kaizuka, Kosakai, Genda, Fuchida.
B: Hiroshima in Memoriam (Takayama); A History of Modern Japan (Storry); Hiroshima (Hersey); The Fall of Japan (Craig); Death in Life (Lipton); Japan Subdued (Feis); Hirohito (Mosley); The Glory and the Dream (Manchester); The Hiroshima Memoirs (Hiroshima City).
D: U.S. Strategic Bombing Surveys (USSBS); Mission Accomplished.
PP: Notes made by Yokoyama in 1944–45.
AI: Tibbetts, Ferebee, Beser, King, Slusky, Grennan, Gackenbach, Perry, Caron, Strudwick, Biel, Jernigan.
B: The Hiroshima Pilot (Huie).
D: Roster of Officers, 393rd Squadron (unpublished); 509th Pictorial Album; Short Narrative History, 509th Group (unpublished); historical report, medical activity 509th Group (unpublished); History 509th/Twentieth Air Force (unpublished).
PP: Beser, Tibbets, Perry, Gackenbach.
T: Interview with Tibbets, USAF 5–4410–90 (unpublished); interview with Tibbets, Air Historical Branch, USAF, September 1966 (unpublished).
AI: Hashimoto.
B: Sunk (Hashimoto); Abandon Ship! (Newcomb).
AI: Tibbets, Beser, Brode, Jeppson.
B: Dawn Over Zero (Laurence); Brighter Than a Thousand Suns (Jungk); Now It Can Be Told (Groves); Atomic Quest (Compton); A Peril and a Hope (Smith); The Great Decision (Amrine).
D: United States Atomic Energy Commission, In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer; United States Atomic Energy Commission, Historical Document No. 279; Harrison-Bundy Files.
M: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, October 1958; Look, August 13, 1963; American Historical Review, October 1973; Journal of American History, March 1974.
T: Ashworth, Birch, Burroughs, Groves, Hayward.
AI: Asada, Suzuki, Nizuma.
B: Imperial Tragedy (Coffey).
D: Asada manuscript on Japanese navy and atomic energy, May 12, 1965 (unpublished); Asada research document 19176–2–18 (unpublished).
PP: Asada (notes made subsequent to events described).