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"I don't think you're paying any real attention to me," pouted the young girl in Bobbi's arms. Bobbi ran her fingers through the girl's long brown hair. She tilted her head up toward her so that the sensuous, hot little mouth was ready and waiting. Bobbi bent down and pressed her lips against the girl's mouth. Her lips parted and sucked in Bobbi's tongue through her teeth. Her tongue flicked around in the warm mouth, searching for the girl's small pointed tongue. Finding it, a shiver ran up her spine as she licked her tongue against it, then sucked it into her own mouth.

Who was this girl she was devouring with her mouth? thought Bobbi for a moment. Anyway, she was right about one thing, she wasn't really interested, not seriously. Gena's exit with Dex had surprised and annoyed her more than she cared to admit.

"Does that prove I am?" whispered Bobbi in the girl's ear as she brushed her lips against her downy soft cheek.

"It helps," sighed the girl vaguely. She cuddled up closer to Bobbi and reached further inside the woman's shirt.

Bobbi's breasts were large, white mounds of flesh that moved slowly as the girl freed them from her bra. The rich flesh came to a point in large pink nipples beginning to peek out of the opened blouse. The girl suddenly bobbed her head down and took a stiffening tit between her teeth. Bobbi moaned as the sharp little tongue worked on the nib of stiff flesh, teasing it, sending a shudder through her body, down to her crotch which stirred in response. The girl's fingers, as if knowing the direction of Bobbi's response, crept down her slacks to the mound at the start of her full thighs. They skittered over it, then slipped determinedly between the thighs and traced the crease of labia under the double layer of slacks and panties.

"Watch out down there, honey. Your fingers might get burned," said Bobbi hoarsely.

"Oh, I'm not worried about my fingers," she replied quietly, ignoring the flippancy of Bobbi's remark. With greater pressure she now rubbed against Bobbi's cunt obviously enjoying the rich heat pouring up from it now.

As the small fingers worked in tandem with the sucking mouth at her nipples, Bobbi forgot about Gena and her pick-up and began concentrating on her own pleasure.

In a minute she had the young girl's tight breasts free and was rubbing the small pink tips. The nipples came alive between her thumb and forefinger. They stiffened in erection like a man's penis, eager and persistent. She pulled one up to meet her diving mouth. In the next second her teeth were grazing around the nipple which had stiffened out to an amazing length. She sucked it slowly in her mouth as the girl slid her hand between her slacks and her firm belly and worked down. As the small finger reached the top of her bushy pubic hair, Bobbi felt the inside of her cunt gush in anticipation. In seconds the finger slid its way down to her clitoris, pulling it out of its hood of flesh and stroking it.

Bobbi wrapped her arms around the girl's small waist and pulled her up closer to her. She slid her breast out of her mouth and whispered in her ear.

"I think my bed would be a better place for this, don't you?"

At daylight it was cold and damp. Dex and Gena saw the street lamps turning off so that they moved among wisps of misty shadows. Yet the shadows dispelled rapidly, dissolving before the pale pink sashes of sunlight slanting down between the tall buildings.

They found an open newsstand on the corner of Ninth Avenue. Then, carrying the bulky paper under one arm and guiding Gena with her free hand, Dex moved on toward her apartment.

She lived in one of the giant, white-brick buildings that she had never wanted to occupy. In the old days, the happier days with Ryan, they had planned to own a country place, complete with grounds for horses. Yet, somehow, they had never made the move, never found it quite convenient to leave the city.

Dex moved Gena quietly past the relief doorman dozing on a high chair beside the entrance.

The lobby smelled of perfume, a particular exotic fragrance that made Dex smile with recognition. She saw Gena twitch her nostrils.

"Whew! What's that?" Gena said as they stood waiting for the elevator.

"That's Madge," Dex answered matter-of-factly. "Our famous lady of letters. You might even get to meet her one day."

Gena wrinkled her forehead. "Is that good?"

The elevator door opened and a brace of Dalmatians scampered eagerly between the two women. A tall, muscular-looking man in a light windbreaker grinned at Dex and excused himself as he followed the dogs out toward the curb.

"And that's Robard," Dex said, stepping into the elevator. A slight scowl passed over her face, then vanished. "He lends us the gin for Madge, among other things." Other things included the constant suspicion that Ryan knew Robard better than she should, at least as far as Dex was concerned.

"You know more people than Ann Landers. I'm glad I don't have to stand on line for you."

There was something breathy beneath Gena's words. Dex felt a cool shudder of pleasure as she realized that Gena was very eager to get upstairs. She looked at the girl's upturned profile. A pleasant, out-going face. One would never suspect what lay beneath. And, then, what did? reflected Dex. She really didn't know herself.

The conversation between them trailed away amidst the high whine of the rising elevator. A tension of expectancy hovered over them. It seemed to draw them close. Dex moved in a step behind the girl. For a moment, she rested her hand lightly on Gena's shoulder, touching the warmth that came up from beneath the light clothing. The shoulder moved in response. Only slightly. Enough to answer Dex with a subtle but definite yes.

They got out on the seventeenth floor. Dex led the girl through a long carpeted hallway and off into the extreme right wing of the building.

Before using her key, Dex tried the knob. It was just possible that Ryan had come home after all and had left it open for her.

But the door remained closed to her touch. Either Ryan had been home fast asleep for hours or she was still out. With firm, determined movements, Dex unlocked the door and flung it wide.

"Come on in," she said softly. "You'll like the view."

Gena did not hesitate. She strode forward and looked around the vast expanse of terraced living room. Then she saw the window. As her gaze focused on the lightening sky, she began to walk toward the double doors.

Dex flopped the newspaper onto a long wooden slab of table. She left Gena to the rising sun, as she quickly explored the apartment to see if Ryan was in fact home asleep. A quick check of the bedroom gave Dex her answer. She sighed audibly with relief as she stepped back into the living room. She was relieved, but, at the same time, something inside her sank heavily. Even at that point, with a beautiful young girl waiting to jump into bed with her, she would have preferred to find Ryan there and ready to jump out of bed at any second and find them having sex.

Quickly now, she came up behind Gena and kissed her lightly against one ear. Her arms wrapped around her, then clasped the young firm breasts and pulled her tight against her. She felt the outward curve of her pert rump against the bottom of her belly where it seemed to burn through her clothing. She felt the girl's nipples stiffen under her palms.

Gena murmured, and Dex realized that she must be overwhelming the girl. Putting her arms around Gena's waist, she held her quite still within an easy embrace. She didn't want to push Gena into making love out of a sense of bravado.

Again she had misjudged the girl. Gena moved her hand around behind her and began to run it down Dex's smooth hip, then over the outside of her thigh. As she moved her hand around to the soft flesh of her inner thigh, Gena's heart began to pound audibly. In a sudden jerking movement she placed her fingers directly on Dex's crotch and stroked there.