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Dex released her hold on Gena's arm. The girl, coming free, began to move quickly toward the bedroom. Watching her go, Dex realized that Gena was beginning to feel afraid of her. Well, that was better than being tickled as only Gena could tickle. Maybe it was the first step of the way to making Gena think.

Dex followed the two girls. A throbbing had begun to pound in her temples and felt as though it had been beating there for ages. She paused to steady herself but she could not even glance about the room for clues deeper into Gena's personality. All that she could do was follow the line of magnetism into the bedroom and give herself up to whatever the women had in mind to do to her.

They were both lying on the bed.

It was one of the largest beds that Dex had ever seen. The mattress spread from one wall to the window wall. A drawn green shade rippled in a breeze coming through the half open window. Its edging banged against the windowsill. Dex, still struggling to maintain her balance, noticed that the room was hardly bigger than an ample closet and that was why the bed seemed so large.

"Where are you?" Ryan said, half-opening her eyes.


For an instant, Dex felt as though she were diving down into a deep and dangerous gorge. As she came down between the two bodies, a sensuous fragrance of perfume made a cloud through which she penetrated. She recognized the fragrance. An imported French brand that one bought by the half ounce. And yet its essence seemed to be rising from the bed as though Gena had soaked the mattress in the perfume.

Dex started to back away, wanting to sit up and open a window to clear her head.

A leg raised high, bending at the knee. It caught Dex around the waist and drew her back down.

Gena laughed low in her throat. "Going some place, darling?" She felt the smoothness of the taut flesh bristle her pubic hair. Dex's cunt reacted like a cat being petted.

The darling was an irony – a harsh slap in the face. Dex tried to control the separate animal reaction of her sex, the swelling of the labia which itched for rubbing and sucking. She turned her back on Gena, moving within the leg's boundary.

"You look good there," Ryan said.

It was like being behind a fence ten thousand feet high, with Ryan sitting on top of it, looking down but making no effort to help her out.

Dex allowed the pressure of the firm young leg to force her backward inch by inch. She felt the warmth of Gena's thighs rubbing over her hips. She heard Gena's groan of pleasure.

"Well, go ahead," Ryan said. "I'd like to watch. Maybe I can learn something from a big tough butch like you."

The words were calculated to turn Dex off as though she were a faucet. They were meant to torture her by surrounding her with all the elements of frustration.

Dex heard, but the words bounced off the surface of her flesh. She felt deaf and blind and encased within the armor of her own protecting passion. Nothing could harm her. Nothing could even reach her that would prove an obstacle to the fulfillment of her desire.

Dex rose and turned upon Gena.

"You're beautiful like that," Gena said. "I adore you."

The words were like cotton candy that melted in Dex's mouth. Still, she could not hold back, forcing a real emotion out of the frivolous kitten. The surging current of her need was too powerful.

Crouching on her knees, she reached and lifted Gena's taut round ass up from the mattress. The sweet smell of her pussy rushed into her nostrils, giving her a rush like a snort of cocaine. And something about that hot odor was just as illicit. Just as dangerous.

"Don't play with me," Dex growled. "Or I'll kill you."

There echoed enough truth in the words to make Gena go pale.

"I'm not playing," she stuttered. "You know I'm not."

Dex shook her. "Then come across," she rasped. "Act like a woman."

Gena's tongue flicked out and wet her lips. She squinted, struggling to understand what Dex meant for her to do.

Dex dug her fingernails into the warm flesh of her ass. She moved her hungry fingers up the rich curves of the lean back until she held Gena by the shoulders. The bones beneath felt frail or hollow. Bird bones. To go with the fluttering heart. To go with the wings that could carry Gena away into limbo where she would never give a second thought to a person's need or pain.

"Don't be so damned coy," Ryan said, her voice reeking with disgust for, Gena's kitten act. "Give the butch what she wants. Suck her cunt."

Dex felt her skin go cold. Ryan knew. Ryan understood. If only she could want Ryan… But she didn't. Even the crudity of her words did little to excite her either way. Her fingers continued to sink deeper, harder into Gena's flesh. Ryan knew what she wanted, and it was more complicated than just licking pussy.

"I'll make you happy," Gena said. "I'll do anything."

Dex let go. She sat Gena up and began to stroke her body. The breasts seemed to stiffen and point up, her waist to grow more willowy, her hips fuller, and her cunt more succulent. Though Gena's mind could not settle down to reality, her body was ready and able.

The feel of Gena's passion gave Dex respite from her fury. She moved her fingers deliberately, rotating them against Gena's swelling cunt lips, provoking spasms which soaked her fingers in the delicious juice.

And then Dex felt fingers creeping up her thighs, until they reached their goal. The touch was sure, direct, as a finger felt for the hood of flesh hiding her clitoris and coaxed it into erection. Ryan's touch.

There was something about the fondling that told Dex the nature of Ryan's attitude. Ryan was taking pity on her predicament. Ryan understood. In her own way, obviously, Ryan sympathized.

Humiliation seared through Dex's flesh. She didn't want Ryan to be the one to satisfy her now. Certainly, she didn't want Ryan's impulsive surge of pity.

Dex pulled away from the hand. She pushed Gena down and saw her head bounce on the pillow.

Ryan watched carefully, sensing that there was a tension here that she had not suspected. Dex was positioning the girl's face to lick her, to prod her tongue into the wet recesses of her cunt, to make her drink her juices. And Gena was withdrawing.

Suddenly Ryan realized Dex's predicament. There had never been any reciprocity between the two women. All the sexual action had come through. Dex. Her lover had been manipulated by the girl for her own pleasure. Now Dex was demanding more. The situation came close to rape.

Ryan smiled to herself. Finally, she felt that she had the upper hand on this relationship. Dex had no idea that with Ryan, Gena had taken the initiative. Had licked deep into her cunt, had sucked her juices, fucked her with her mouth so that Ryan had come violently. So that was it, thought Ryan. That was the source of Dex's interest in the girl. Gena had represented the unattainable, something hard to get which she then wanted.

"You're going to do it," Dex ordered. "You are."

Dex began to move upward toward the girl. She positioned her thighs over the girl's mouth and lowered her crotch down towards the fresh, young mouth.

If Gena didn't give in, that would be the end, Ryan thought. The game would be over, and she would have her woman back. A week later they would be laughing over the whole escapade. She looked on, half in tension, half assured of the outcome.

Gena's nostrils flared wide. She looked like a colt confronted by approaching flames.

"I never…" Gena choked, twisting her head, playing the game of virgin all the way. "I never have."

"Well, you will now," Ryan's voice came in, making a mockery of the situation with an undertone of sarcasm. But it was a tone only Gena picked up on. Dex continued her relentless approach.

Dex could not stop to analyze or care about other reactions. Her burning desire to bring the swelling lips of her cunt down on the cool young mouth, to feel that hot tongue finally touch her clitoris, lick deeply into her vulva, was overwhelming. Only the true sexual contact of Gena's mouth could matter.