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Their lips closed on each other in a tenderer version of a kiss.

"Wow," he said, coming up for air. He couldn't think of anything else to say. He tried to think and couldn't.

"Let's go to bed," she said. Her voice was now rich and sure. He let his hands slip down her back and rest on the outward curve of her shapely ass. What was going on in that beautiful head of hers? He wondered. He felt as if he were now the object of every kind of sexual energy she had in her. The girl he had seduced and possessed that afternoon was gone. He was now dealing with a woman who wanted something and was out to get it. If only he knew what it really was she was after.

He felt her fingers moving up and down his naked back. Finally, like his own, they came to rest on his hard ass. Her mouth moved in towards his. She kissed him gently.

"I thought you wanted to go to bed," he said, softly, nuzzling her soft cheek.

"Maybe not just yet," she replied. He tensed for a second.

"You change your mind?"

Ryan didn't bother to reply. She bent her body slightly and began moving her lips over his bristly chin and down his thick neck. She tasted his flesh, the male odor of it, its saltiness. The aggressive urge in her was transforming everything. A man was her prey. She appreciated his body as she had only done to a woman.

Her lips reached a nipple on his broad, hairy chest. The light odor of sweat invaded her nostrils from the closeness of his armpit. Even that smell excited her, where once she had been revolted. She licked his nipple as she would have another woman. She wondered vaguely how he would react. Would it excite him? She didn't really care now, because she wanted it. What she wanted was all that counted at this moment in time.

Robard began to murmur something, then the sound in this throat changed to a soft groan of pleasure as her teeth grazed the point of flesh and her lips sucked it. Something inside him realized instinctively that she was making love to him in her most private, intense way. His cock began pounding against her lower belly. The pleasure of her mouth on him made him feel his body in a way he never had before.

"You're making me into a sex object," he whispered, trying to make it into a joke.

"I like that. Don't you?" she replied, straightening up suddenly and confronting him. He turned his head slightly so he wouldn't have to meet her interrogation.

He couldn't lie. "Yes," he whispered, grinding his cock against her. "Yes, I do."

Ryan suddenly pulled back. She wanted to look at him in the dim light of the living room. Her hands caressed his chest muscles. His flesh was hot and beginning to sweat under the soft mat of hair. His cock bobbed against the towel to remind her of its presence. Her eyes dropped to it immediately. She knew now what she wanted.

She knelt down abruptly on the rug, pulling the towel off him and tossing it on the floor. His large prick jerked up free from the jungle of pubic hair at his crotch. She sniffed the sweet odor of the precum dribbling out of its tip.

Before he knew quite what was happening, Robard felt her soft lips enclose the head of his shaft. His balls pulled up violently. He was more excited than he had ever known before. He wondered if he was going to suddenly shoot into her mouth without any preliminaries.

"You want to take it?" he asked hoarsely. She replied by sucking down his rod until her nose buried itself in his crotch. She could feel the muscles of her throat gulp and contract on his thick meat. Slowly at first, then picking up speed, she began sucking up and down the full length of his prick. The hotness of her mouth, the softness of the flesh inside it, and the play of her tongue were too much for him. He was going to shoot into her throat with the quick eagerness of an adolescent. His body was out of control. He had to warn her.

"Ry, I'm going to…" He couldn't complete the sentence. He felt his balls pull up tight to his flexing rod. She brushed them with the tips of her fingers. It was needless coaxing. In the next second, sperm exploded from his balls and shot up his shaft. His prick jerked violently in her gulping throat as it sent its first creamy load splattering against the back of her mouth.

Ryan moaned softly as she swallowed Robard's cum. Her face was flushed. All she could concentrate on was the spasm of his penis, the hot jet of sperm, tasting it briefly, and then gulping it down greedily. She wanted his seed badly, and she didn't know why. It was irrational, animal. She wanted to eat a man. Have a man in her belly.

As he shot his last load into her mouth, Robard doubled over. His hand went down to her head. He ran his fingers through her hair. His cock jerked again, renewed by the silky feeling running through his fingers. He felt his balls totally drained. They would ache tomorrow. They always did when he came violently like this.

His cock began softening, but still Ryan did not want to take the male thing from her mouth. She was afraid of uncoupling, afraid of the separation. She did not want to face what she had done or think about it. She wanted it to continue on.

"Ryan?" he said quietly, but with a plaintive tone. She released his cock, letting the bulbous head slip out from between her lips. She stared at his hairy thighs. Her hands went out to them, stroking the sides, then running up to his small tight ass. It was covered in fine sweat like the rest of his body. She held both muscular cheeks cupped in her hand. The lack of softness in his body excited her. It was what she needed now.

She rose up unsteadily to her feet. A silly grin played along the ribbon of her lips as she finally looked him in the eye.

"I just ate you up," she said. Her voice was like a little girl's.

Robard leaned forward and kissed her softly on the cheek.

"Let's hit the sack," he said.

Dex thought of going home, but the last thing on earth that she wanted to do was run into Ryan. There was no telling what kind of a scene Ryan might put on. Dex knew that she could not sit there and watch Ryan tearfully packing.

And she didn't much feel like seeing either Madge or Robard, either. Both of them would be sympathetic, of course, but neither could really understand. Then, too, she always felt that Robard, for one, was always on Ryan's side, even if he never said as much. She wondered if Ryan and Robard had ever really made love together. Sure, she had accused Ryan of it many times. That very evening she had again told Ryan to go off to Robard for comfort. But she didn't really believe it. Ryan was a woman's woman. That seemed sure enough.

No, there was nobody she could call on. Besides, it was late. Everybody had Monday obligations.

She, herself, should go someplace where it would be possible to catch a few hours of sleep, undisturbed. The thought made Dex laugh with futility. Sleep. Her body felt geared into high. Ready to leap and run. Vibrating with excess energy, she felt like the doomed brigade. Life seemed to be closing in on all sides.

When Dex looked up, she saw that she had circled Gena's neighborhood. Now she stood across the street from Gena's house and realized that her legs had been unwilling to carry her away. She might be willing to let go of Ryan but with Gena she was not yet ready to admit defeat. There was too much of herself at stake to give up so easily.

Resolutely, Dex crossed, not knowing what she would say to Gena when she confronted her again. Dex knew only that she intended to spend the night with the girl. Sleep in Gena's bed. Mak either own.

When Dex tried the door to Gena's apartment, it was open. She faced the girl abruptly.

Gena was sitting on the living room couch, both legs up over the arms, talking on the phone. She held the receiver cradled between shoulder and chin. Her lips curved in the old, devilish smile. Rapidly, she was filing the nails of her right hand and blowing on them as though to make sure that the polish had dried.

She stopped in the middle of a sentence as Dex came in.

Dex didn't have to be told what she was interrupting.