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Before Dex could respond, she felt Gena pull her hands from around her waist and place them again on her up-turned breasts. As her fingers stroked the pointed nipples poking against the light fabric, Dex felt an urgent need to have this girl. To feel Gena's slender fingers explore her cunt in every way. And then to devour the girl with her mouth. She licked her dry lips.

"Why don't we leave the bloody sky for other people?" Dex whispered.

Lightly, she began pulling Gena away from the view and over to the gray leather sofa-bed.

Gena glanced from Dex's face to the cushions as they stood beside the sofa.

"Is this where you sleep?" Gena asked.

It was an innocent question, Dex knew. Gena was too young, too eager. She wasn't interested in prying. It was mere curiosity that spoke. But Dex felt herself react. Tension tied a knot in the pit of her stomach. Absent, Ryan still continued to torment her.

"I don't much like bedrooms," Dex said, sliding her fingertips to the back of Gena's neck.

She tilted Gena's head upward and brought her mouth slowly down to the girl's soft lips. Feeling the girl's body respond with a quiver, Dex moved her hands quickly around the small waist and drew the body in close.

Her tongue dived between Gena's small white teeth, searching out her tongue. Before Dex could find it, it found her. Gena slipped her tongue almost forcibly between Dex's lips so that now their tongues were intertwined. Dex was not used to such boldness. She kissed her harder, more roughly, forgetting her preconceived notions about Gena's innocence and just responding to the girl's passion. Dex's cheeks went hollow as her tongue jutted down the girl's throat. She wanted her mouth so badly she could have devoured it physically.

Gena was no match for Dex now. Her petite tongue slipped back into her own mouth and allowed itself to be swallowed up by Dex.

Dex felt her breasts almost itching for Gena's fingers again. The nipples were stiffened now and rubbed irritatingly against her blouse. She wanted them free in the air; free to be touched and licked and even bitten.

Gena had toyed with Dex just long enough to remind her of her habitual butch role. Somehow her carefulness had made her forget up until then, or perhaps, she thought vaguely as her tongue ravenously explored Gena's tender mouth, she had expected to be the one who was taken. With Ryan it had always seemed as if she played the man. Something in her was tired of this, tired of having to be stalwart as well as sexually aggressive. She now wanted to be wanted, pitched onto a bed and devoured. That was the condition she had placed on having sex with anyone else besides Ryan.

Gena had turned the tables.

Dex had expected the girl to give – and give fast. Now Dex felt the beginning of fulfillment as Gena yielded, pressing herself upward, rubbing her breasts to find Dex, opening her mouth ever so much wider to bring Dex deeper into her throat.

There was something almost too confident about Gena. The contrast between her seeming youthfulness and the forceful desire of her actions made Dex tremble. She had wanted to be casual and careful. Not frighten Gena off with a display of rough passion.

And yet Gena's body itself demanded force and strength. She lifted her hips and pressed her thighs forward so that they rubbed hotly against her own. Then raising one knee, she moved it against Dex's crotch.

Dex grabbed her by the shoulders and devoured her mouth even more forcefully. She paused for a second to lick the girl's cheeks and chin and lips, before once again clamping her mouth back down on Gena's and entering her with her practiced tongue. She felt the girl's knee rubbing the soft hairs of her pubis against the cotton material of her slacks. She felt the thick lips of her labia moisten with the stroking, then gush as her cunt opened wider to the pressure of the knee.

No, this was no virgin, Dex told herself. This wasn't any sort of beginner either. Gena might he young but she must have been around.

Yet she had said that it was her first gay party…

Gena sighed and ran the tip of her tongue around the edge of Dex's mouth when Dex came up for air. There was no stopping her. Gena could not seem to get enough. Dex sucked the eager tongue back into her mouth. Clasping the girl tightly, she drew her down onto the cushion-less seat of the sofa-bed.

The hardness under her buttocks seemed to add to her excitement. Gena came down onto Dex's lap. She wiggled her ass against Dex's crotch, teasing her on ward. Dex reached around and let her hands play over the lithe body of the girl. As her fingers drifted across her nipples, Gena would respond by grinding her ass more roughly against Dex's crotch. Dex let her thighs part slightly so that Gena's buttocks slipped ever so slightly between them.

Suddenly, for no apparent reason, Gena giggled softly to herself and slipped sideways onto the couch and brought her feet up. She was now stretched out, her young ass rubbing gently against Dex's moist crotch. She was gazing intently at the older woman.

Dex blushed slightly. She felt Gena observing her now, more than participating. Yet, the position she had taken, sprawling over her lap, was calculated to bring things out of the foreplay stage.

"You're in my lap like a baby," muttered Dex. Before she had time to begin reproaching Gena, the girl's eyes twinkled suggestively.

"Oh, I'm no baby. Except maybe when I want to play with your breasts and…" Gena didn't bother to finish her sentence. She unbuttoned Dex's blouse and worked her fingers behind to release the clasp of her bra. Dex's breasts fell heavily into the outstretched palm which tried to cup both of them at once. Then Gena moved both hands into play, pulling the bra out of the way, and now rubbing Dex's stiffening nipples.

"Do you like that?" asked Gena coyly.

"Damn it, of course, I like that," Dex snapped back. She liked being stroked, her breasts fondled, nipples pulled and pinched, but she didn't like being toyed with.

Abruptly she slithered out from under Gena, pulling the girl's long legs up on the couch so she could slip free. She fell to her knees with the girl spread out before her on the sofa. Gena lay there watching Dex intently while a pale tinge of color flushed through her cheeks.

The clear, direct invitation stopped Dex from thinking. Desire rushed through her body headlong. She covered Gena's mouth once again with her own and let her hands play downward to find the breasts.

She stroked from one to the other, and they felt hot and large. Her eye caught a glimpse of the two nipples jutting blatantly against the girl's jersey as if trying to stab through the cloth and out into the air. Dex began to fumble with the clothing, working the jersey upward till her fingertips touched the warm, bare midriff.

The skin was smooth. It covered the rib cage sparely and emphasized the high rising mounds of breasts. Gena hoisted the jersey up and pulled it over her curly blonde head. Dex felt the globe of rippling flesh as one breast sank into the palm of her hand. She stared at its rosy color greedily. Both nipples seemed to harden before her eyes, protruding, hard nubs of flesh.

"Kiss me there," Gena whispered, pressing Dex's head down to her breasts.

The nipple seemed to raise itself into Dex's mouth. She closed her eyes and played her tongue tip firmly across the puckering center. As her teeth scraped gently around the point of flesh, Gena moaned softly and stroked Dex's hair. With her head pressed close to Gena's body, she could feel the rapid heartbeat that revealed Gena's mounting desire. The intimate scent of flesh ensnared Dex, ruffling her senses, urging her on.

Now she began to pull down the cotton slacks, revealing the frivolous rose-colored panties beneath. They were surprising. Made intricately of lace, apparently quite expensive, they belonged on a high-class whore. Not on an eighteen-year-old girl.

The elastic cut low across Gena's flat belly, letting hairs from her crotch sprout out invitingly over the top. With one finger Dex pulled the scanty material away, revealing smooth flesh.