At last Hemingway looked up from the volume. He drew a long breath. "Do you know how this woman was killed?" he said.
"No, I don't," said the Sergeant shortly.
"She was stabbed," said Hemingway. "An Italian anarchist rushed up to her as she was walking along the quay at Geneva to board one of the lake steamers, and stabbed her in the chest, and made off."
"They do that kind of thing abroad," said the Sergeant. "Look at that King of Yugo-Slavia, for instance, at Marseilles! Bad police-work."
"Never mind about that! You listen to me!" said Hemingway. "She was stabbed, I tell you, and the man made off. She staggered, and would have fallen, if the Countess with her hadn't thrown an arm round her. Have you got that? She'd no idea she had been stabbed. The Countess asked her if she was ill, and it says here that she replied that she didn't know. The Countess asked her if she would take her arm, and she refused. Now, get this, and get it good! She walked on board that steamer, and it wasn't until she was on it, and it had begun to move, that she fainted! Then, when they started loosening her clothes, they found that there were traces of blood. She died a few minutes later."
"Good lord!" the Sergeant gasped. "You mean that you think - you mean that it's possible -"
"I mean that Nathaniel Herriard wasn't stabbed in his bedroom at all," said Hemingway. "Do you remember that the medical evidence was that death probably followed within a few minutes? Neither of the doctors ever said that death was instantaneous. It wasn't. After he'd been stabbed, he walked into his room, and locked tlw door, and that door was never opened again until Ford and Stephen Herriard forced the lock."
The Sergeant swallowed twice. "And Joseph gave himself an alibi!"
Joseph gave himself an alibi for the whole time between the locking of that door and the breaking of it open, having already committed the murder."
"But when did he do it?" demanded the Sergeant. "Miss Clare went upstairs with him, don't forget that! He can't have done it with her looking on!"
"Get her!" said Hemingway, shutting the encyclopedia with a snap. "You'll probably find her in the billiardroom with young Stephen."
The Sergeant did find her there, and returned to the library presently escorting not only Mathilda, but Stephen too. He indicated to Hemingway, by a deprecating gesture, that he had been unable to leave Stephen behind, and cast a reproachful look upon that wholly impervious young man.
"Look here, Inspector!" said Stephen, with an edge to his voice, "when you've quite finished annoying Miss Clare with futile interrogations, perhaps you'll let me know!"
"I will," promised Hemingway. "There's nothing for you to get hot under the collar about, sir. Since she's bound to take you into her confidence anyway, I don't mind you staying here, as long as you behave yourself, and don't try to waste my time protecting her from the cruel police."
"Damn your impudence!" Stephen said, grinning reluctantly.
"You sit down, and keep quiet," said Hemingway. "Now, miss, I'm sorry to bother you again, but there's something I want you to answer. You've told me what happened after you got upstairs to your room on the evening Mr. Herriard was murdered: what I want you to tell me now is what happened before you went into your room. As I remember, you stated to Inspector Colwall that you went upstairs with Joseph Herriard?"
"Yes, I did," she answered. "That is to say, he caught me up on the stairs."
"Caught you up?"
"Yes, he went first to put a step-ladder in the billiardroom, out of harm's way."
The Inspector's eyes were very bright. "Did he, miss? Was Mr. Nathaniel Herriard anywhere about at that moment?"
"He had just gone up to his room." "
Did you see him go?"
"Yes, certainly I did," she said, a little puzzled.
"Where were you, miss?"
"In the hall. Actually, standing in the doorway of this very room. I was enjoying a quiet cigarette in here after the somewhat strenuous time we'd been through over Mr. Roydon's play. The rest of the party had gone up to change, I think. Then I heard Nathaniel and Joseph Herriard come out of the drawing-room together."
"Go on, if you please, miss. What were they doing?"
"Quarrelling. Well, no, that's not quite fair. Mr. Herriard was still very angry about the play, and - and one thing and another, and Mr. Joseph Herriard was doing his best to smooth him down."
"Did he succeed?"
"No, far from it. I heard Mr. Herriard tell him not to come upstairs with him, because he didn't want him. Then he fell over the step-ladder." A tiny chuckle escaped her. She said remorsefully: "I'm sorry: I ought not to laugh, but it really was funny."
"Where was this step-ladder?" asked Hemingway.
"On the first half-landing. Joseph had left it there, and - well, it was just the last straw, as far as Nathaniel was concerned, because he didn't like having paper streamers hung up all over the house, and the wretched steps tripped him up. I don't quite know how Joseph said he knocked them over on purpose, and I must admit it would have been quite like Nathaniel to have done so."
"Did you actually see this happen, miss?"
"No; I heard the crash of the steps, and I came out into the hall to see what was going on."
"Well, miss? What was going on?"
She regarded him with a crease between her brows. "I don't quite understand, Mr. Joseph Herriard was helping his brother up from his knees, and trying to apologise for having left the steps in such a stupid place."
"And Mr. Herriard?"
"Well, he was very angry."
"Did he say anything?"
"Yes; he told Joseph to take the decorations down, and said he was a clumsy jackass."
"Did he appear to you to have been hurt by the fall?"
"I don't know. To tell you the truth, he had a way of pretending that he was practically crippled with lumbago whenever anything happened to annoy him, and he certainly did clap his hand to the small of his back, and -" Her voice faltered all at once, and she gave a little gasp, and clutched at a chair-back. "Inspector, what are you asking me all these questions for? You surely don't mean - But such a thing isn't possible!"
Stephen, whose eyes had been fixed on her face throughout, said harshly: "Never mind that! Go on, Mathilda! What happened next?"
She said in a shaken tone: "He went upstairs. Rather slowly. He held on to the banister-rail all the way. I thought he was putting over one of his crippled acts. I heard him slam his door when he got upstairs, and I - I laughed. You see, I thought -"
"That doesn't matter," Stephen interrupted. "What did Joe do? Did he know you were watching?"
She turned her head. "No. Not till I laughed."
"And then? What did he say?"
"I don't remember. Nothing in particular, I think. He gave a little start, but that was quite natural. Oh yes, and he did say that Nat had knocked the steps over on purpose! Then he carried the steps away to the billiardroom. I collected my handbag from this room, and put out my cigarette, and went up to change. Joseph overtook me at the top of the stairs. But - but it isn't possible! It couldn't have happened then!"
Stephen said: "Is it possible, Inspector? Was he stabbed then?"
"You've got no right to ask me that, sir, and you know it. What's more, I'll have to warn you both -"
"- to keep our mouths shut! You needn't trouble!"
"But the knife!" Mathilda said. "I never saw it! What could he have done with that?"
"Easy enough to have concealed it from you!" Stephen said. "Up his sleeve, or even flat against the inside of his arm, with the hilt held downwards in the palm of his hand. You'd never see it!" He turned to the Inspector. "Would it have been possible for my uncle to have walked upstairs after having been stabbed?"