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“I was just playing with you, baby.” His rough hand fondles my ass and I raise my heel, kicking him in the balls. “Ugh!” he grunts, and Brad swims up behind us with Cassie in tow.

“Is everything okay here?” Brad asks, his eyes worried.

“Sam?” Cassie asks hesitantly.

I reach the side of the pool and pull myself out in one motion, looking back at Todd as he tries to regain his monstrous composure. I know I kicked him hard, and I hope I busted at least one of his nuts, if not both. His glare causes chills to run down my spine.

“I’m fine,” I say and look at the pool house. I see the large dial on the clock that hangs outside above the bar. “It’s almost midnight, Cass. Your mom will be here any minute.”

I look at Todd again to make sure he doesn’t get out of the pool with us. I swipe my cover up and shoes and grab Cassie’s things as well.

“I’m coming!” she calls after me as I head up to the house. “Brad, call me tomorrow?”

“Sure,” he says, and then I hear him say, not so quietly, “Todd, what the fuck?”

Todd chuckles and another chill runs up my spine.

Cassie’s mom is waiting for us, as I predicted. We wrap towels around us and ride home in silence. She’s super excited about something but looks worried at the same time.

“Did you girls have a fun time tonight?”

“It was great, Mom.” She giggles.

“Hey, what happened with Todd?” she whispers in my ear. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m okay.” I think.

“What did he do to you?” she asks.

Her mother chimes in from the front seat, “What happened? Is everything alright?”

“Todd Mitchell was being a royal ass tonight. He was messing with Sam in the pool, and I think she kicked him in the nuts,” Cassie announces proudly.

“Are you okay, dear?” she asks.

“Yes,” I say and hope that I never see his face again.

“I can’t imagine why Todd Mitchell would be at a high school party. And why isn’t he at college where he’s supposed to be?”

“Isn’t he like twenty-five? He’s in his like tenth year of college!” Cassie smirks and I cringe.

I have no idea how old Todd Mitchell is. My skin is still crawling from that menacing look in his eyes.

“I think you girls should stay away from that boy, okay? I don’t think Todd is a very nice young man,” Cassie’s mom says, matter-of-fact.

Nope. Neither do I.



Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Age 19

THE CROWD ROARS as Alex’s voice fills the room.

“Jaded…” he screams. “Weary…”

I stop strumming, and the room becomes silent as all eyes focus on Alex. His breaths are the only sound heard through the speakers.

The drums beat one last time, and he whispers into the mic, “Alone.”

The room erupts with screams and applause and we’re finished with our set.

That’s always the perfect song to end with because it draws raw emotion from the fans. I look through the rows and rows of people rushing the stage, trying to find the record label executive who is supposed to be here tonight. I finally find her, seated at a small round table, feverishly writing notes in her spiral-bound book. She has a smile on her face.


Based on Dax’s research, this label is the one to go with. He handles most of the business side of things, and he’s confident this will be the best deal for us as a band. I trust him—I guess I have to.

Alex disappears into the crowd and I make my way to the back. Dax and Tristan are already there. I throw myself onto the couch, my fingers still vibrating from my guitar.

“That was amazing!” Tristan shouts, and I nod in agreement.

“Dax, that chick from the label was out there, and man she looked happy. I have a good feeling about this,” I say, and Dax frowns.

“Don’t get your hopes up, G. Who knows what they’re going to offer us. I do know that part of their offer is likely to require a three-record deal. That type of deal makes me nervous. We’re committing to so much. I’m not sure Alex will agree.”

“What does it matter if he agrees or not?” I ask, annoyed that Dax always keeps Alex in the top of his mind.

“Because he’s our songwriter. Without his words, we have nothing. He needs to be all in or we don’t sign shit.” Dax tosses his drumsticks onto the couch next to him and rubs his hands together. He’s nervous.

“Where’s Alex?” Dax asks.

“He said something about a girl and he jumped off the stage to find her in the audience.” Tristan smirks.

“Dude, we don’t need him getting all serious with a chick,” I state. “As Dax said, he needs to be all in. We can’t have his dick leading the charge.”

Dax nods his head in agreement and Tristan snickers. “Man, how long have you known Alex? He’s never been led by his dick.” He falls over onto his side and laughs hysterically.

“I’m going to see what’s up with the label exec. I’ll be back in a few.” Dax gets up and leaves the room.

“He’s so uptight.” I shrug. “That dude needs to get laid.”

“Says the ladies’ man.” Tristan laughs again. “That reminds me, what happened with that blonde the other night. Did you bang her in the bathroom?

“So what if I did.” I don’t know her name, but I most certainly did bang her in the bathroom. Twice.

“She was hot. She had her eye on you all night.”

I remember spotting her in the crowd from the stage. She stared at me like I was the only one there, and she made me feel really good afterwards.

I wonder if she’s here tonight.

I’m about to get up when Dax comes back into the room, excited. “She just gave me her card and told me to call her in the morning. They’re working up an offer as we speak!” He can barely contain himself as he high-fives Tristan.

“That’s amazing, bro!” I shout, thinking about the blonde again. “I’m going to try to find someone,” I say as Alex comes rushing through the door.

He’s muttering to himself, and he’s not happy.

“Alex, you’re never going to believe this,” Dax says, and then his expression changes. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he mumbles and throws himself down on the couch. “What are you so happy about?” he scowls.

“The record label is working on an offer, and we should have it first thing tomorrow morning,” Dax says.

“Great. Exciting.” Alex isn’t the least bit excited.

“Care to share why you’re being a royal douchebag right now?” I ask.

“It’s none of your business,” he spits.

“Whatever,” I say and get up. “Congrats, everyone. I’m looking forward to tomorrow, Dax. Don’t worry, it’s going to be a great offer.”

I walk out of the room, and I hear Dax ask Alex about some girl he saw him with. The door shuts behind me before I can hear anything else.

I spot the blonde as soon as I enter the bar, and I’m ready to find another room in this place. She sees me too and makes her way across the crowded room. Just before she reaches me, my cell phone vibrates in my pocket. The only people who have this number are the guys and my mother. Since I know it’s not Alex, Dax or Tristan, I realize it can only be Mom.

What could she be calling about? She called me as soon as I woke up this morning so she and Bill could sing “Happy Birthday” to me.

I swipe to answer and I hear her soft voice. “Garrett?”

It’s loud in the bar area, so I hold up my finger when the blonde reaches me and I mouth, I’ll be right back. She smiles and her full lips are so inviting. I back up into the quiet hallway behind the bar.