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'And is she cold?' Philip asked sarcastically. 'I can't believe the bloody temperature in this house.'

'Hah!' Laura said. I can't believe you enjoy living in the Stone Age. Have you not heard of that great new invention, the radiator?'

Philip sighed and slumped into a chair, put his elbows on the table and cupped his head in his palms. 'Yeah, OK. . whatever.'

'Bad day?'

He looked up at her. His eyes were bloodshot. 'I could do with a drink.'

A few moments later Laura handed him a huge malt whisky and settled into the chair next to him. 'You look like you need to get something off your chest.'

Philip took a gulp of his drink. 'Yes, and you won't give up until I tell you about it, will you?' he replied lightly.

'Absolutely not. So, what's been happening?'

He glanced over her shoulder at the TV. The local news programme had just started and Detective Chief Inspector Monroe was about to give an interview to a journalist. 'Let's watch this,' Philip said and turned up the volume with the remote.

'So, Detective Chief Inspector,' the journalist was saying. 'You can confirm a second incident?'

'Yes, the body of a young woman was found this morning on a tributary of the Cherwell close to the city centre.'

'And was this murder similar to the first, the one that was discovered last night?'

'It does share certain characteristics,' Monroe replied guardedly.

'I see. Some people are suggesting that we have a serial killer at large. Can you deny or confirm this?'

'It is far too early to jump to conclusions. You'll appreciate that we are doing everything we can-'

'But,' the interviewer interrupted, 'is it true that there is some ritualistic element to the murders?'

Monroe looked weary. 'All we can say at the moment is that there are some common characteristics.'

The journalist quickly changed tack. 'So, Chief Inspector, what happens now? Can you offer the public any advice?'

'Yes, indeed I can. I would like to reiterate that every effort is being made to find the person or persons responsible for these murders. We simply ask that members of the public remain calm, support us in our investigation in any way they can, and if anybody has any information that they come forward.'

Philip turned off the TV.

'Very cagey,' Laura said.

'Well, he has to be. Standard police procedure: never give details away. If someone comes forward with evidence to support the facts that have been deliberately kept from the public, you know they are leads worth following. It also lowers the risk of nutters trying to copycat.'

'Yeah, I know that, Philip. Remember what I used to do in New York?'

Philip smiled. 'Sorry.'

'So, you're going to be more forthcoming than Monroe, I hope.'

'Naturally, Laura,' he replied. Leaning back in his chair, Philip stretched out his legs and took a deep breath before telling her about the woman in the punt. After describing the pictures that he had taken he fell silent and drained his glass.

'My God,' Laura said slowly. 'I thought New York was a brutal place. You were told the body had been there for — what? Four hours?'

'She was partially concealed by the branches of a tree. Spotted by a woman out this morning.'

'Nice thing to stumble upon.'

Philip raised his eyebrows.

'So, that would place the murder in the early hours of the morning — 3, 4 a.m.'

'I guess so,' Philip replied and stared at Laura wearily. 'She lived in a house along the river. It's an out-of-the-way stretch of the Cherwell, no tourist punts there. Besides, it's out of season. It was the family boat. The parents are in Europe. Thing is, though, she wasn't murdered in there. Monroe went straight to the house. The girl's bedroom looks like the inside of an abattoir. She was placed in the punt later, which was guided to a spot under the trees and tethered to the bank.'

'Carefully planned. Like the murder at The Perch. You say a silver coin was left in the girl's skull?'

'That's right.'

'Did you notice where the gold coin was at the scene of the first murder? Did you see it before Monroe had it?'


'Surely they would have left the scene untouched until you took your pictures?'

'Yes, you're right. But the wound was a total mess. I got the feeling from Forensics that the coin was embedded in the chest cavity and they only found it when they inspected the wound.'

'Well, there you are: another ritualistic element.'

'So, what're you suggesting?'

'The murders took place within a few hours of each other. Two young girls, mutilations performed with expert precision.'


'Well, I've heard of something similar — and so have you. Whitechapel, 1880s? Young women murdered and torn apart?'

'Oh, great.' Philip offered his glass for a refill. 'Just what Oxford needs: a twenty-first-century Jack the Ripper.'

Chapter 10

'What's brought this on?' Philip asked as Laura, sitting on the edge of his bed, shook him awake.

'Oh, just felt like it,' Laura replied lightly, laying a breakfast tray on the quilt between them

'You're after something.' Philip sat up and rubbed his eyes.


'You want to get involved in the investigation. Am I right?'

Laura could not pretend for long. 'I've been thinking about it all night. Hardly slept a wink.'

'But, Laura, this is a police investigation. You have no authority… I don't have any authority, for God's sake!'

'I'm not suggesting I enrol in the police force, Philip. I'm just saying I want to conduct, well, a parallel line of inquiry.'

'"A parallel line of enquiry"?' Philip scoffed. 'This isn't Kojak , you know'

'I think I can help.'

Philip said nothing. 'Could I at least have some tea first?'

Laura poured milk into his cup.

'Agh. . bloody Americans and tea! Let me do this. And you tell me what you've been mulling over all night.'

She placed a couple of pillows at the far end of the bed and settled herself against the ironwork of the bedstead. 'I kept thinking about what I said last night — you know, about Jack the Ripper? But I soon realised that there are actually very few similarities between our murders and the Whitechapel killings. Sure, the Ripper's victims had organs removed and there were ritualistic aspects to the murders. The police at the time discovered some weird Freemason connection, but they never really got it figured. Even today we still don't know for certain who the murderer was.'

'So, what're you saying?'

'For a start, all the victims in Whitechapel were prostitutes, as were most of the more recent murders of the Yorkshire Ripper back in the 1980s. Also, the way the organs were removed from the current victims is very different to the historical cases. Sure, all the Whitechapel victims had their throats cut, left to right, but each murder was more brutal than the last. The Ripper's final victim, Mary Kelly, was practically ripped apart. There was also a clear sexual aspect to the murders. The two MOs are quite different.'

'You've certainly been doing your homework/ Philip said half-mocking.

Laura shrugged. 'I've read a few books about Jack the Ripper. Always fascinated me.' She took a breath. 'There's a very specific ritualistic aspect to these two cases. Gold coin, silver coin, heart removed, brain removed. Maybe there's something significant in the fact that the second murdered girl was placed on water while the first victim, the one near The Perch, was on land. But it's not a whole lot to go on, is it? Did you find out anything more yesterday?'

'Not really, Laura. I'm a police photographer. I spent most of the day producing prints and backing up the digital files, sending material to Scotland Yard and looking up pictures on the police database.'