Her hand was shaky as she took the seemingly innocent sheet of yellowed paper from him. Amazing to think such a simple thing could cause such huge problems. Scanning it quickly, she noted the sum of ten thousand dollars was paid to a Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin for the adoption of their son, Abel.
“I don’t believe this.” She felt her anger rising. Erin had loved Abel’s parents, but especially his mother, Sarah, who had taught her so much. If she felt their betrayal so deeply, she figured it must cut Abel right to the very marrow of his bones. “I’m so sorry, Abel.”
A part of her still wanted to believe that this was all just some kind of horrible mistake. “You’re sure there’s no mistake?”
“None.” He gestured to the journal sitting on the table. “I read it in her diary after I found the papers. Part of it was around the same time they got me. Same dates. Everything matches…”
“Tell me,” she encouraged as his voice trailed off and he started to stare absently off into space.
Gathering himself for a moment, he launched into his tale. “Apparently, she miscarried when they were traveling through Illinois on a holiday. She ended up in the same hospital as the Benjamin family. Mom was despondent and the Benjamins were poor and couldn’t afford two children, so they sold their youngest one. Both couples went home with a child and everyone lived happily ever after.”
Bitterness filled his voice, but Erin focused on the most appalling part. “What do you mean they couldn’t afford two children?”
Abel continued to stare at the table, so she grabbed him by the front of his shirt and shook him. He barely budged and was hardly even startled by her physical outburst. “Tell me!” she yelled.
“I have a twin brother.” His voice broke on the last word and he buried his face in his hands. “All these years I’ve been alone and I have a brother. How could they do that?” He swiped at his eyes and looked at her as if she had the answers for him. “How could they not tell me?”
“Oh, sweetheart, I don’t know.” Wrapping her arms around him, she rocked him gently, trying to soothe some of the pain in his heart. Betrayed by those who supposedly loved him best. Desperately, she tried to find something to help him. “Perhaps they meant to tell you on your eighteenth birthday, but never got the chance. They were killed just two weeks before. Remember?”
“You really think so?” Like a drowning man, he grabbed onto the lifeline she threw him.
“I do.” She nodded emphatically. “I might not approve of what they did, but your parents loved you more than anything. Like most of us, they probably figured they had all kinds of time to tell you. And besides, they probably knew you’d want to find your brother right away, but until you were both of legal age, it’s possible his parents could have kept you apart.”
Abel nodded, more thoughtful now. “I didn’t finish reading everything, but I got the feeling that the Benjamins were at their local hospital that night. They probably lived close by.” She could see the wheels beginning to turn in his head. Now that he had something concrete to focus on, it seemed to give him new strength.
“I’ll bet you can find them in no time.”
“I don’t give a damn about them.” His voice was harsh and condemning. “But I want to find my brother. Even if nothing ever comes of it, I want to meet him face to face.”
Abel buried his face in her neck and hugged her tight. “I’ll do whatever I can to help you,” she reassured him. He was such a strong, independent man so all she could do was offer her assistance and hope that he took whatever he needed.
“Thank you.” His voice was muffled against her neck, and a moment later, she felt his lips nibbling the sensitive skin behind her ear.
She could feel his cock pressing against her side and knew that he was channeling all his emotion into sexual energy. Sex was something he could deal with and it would help him vent some of his frustrations. She sensed he was holding back until she gave him the okay, and her heart melted. This was the man she loved and she would gladly give him anything. Right now, he needed the mindless release of wild, hot sex and she was more than willing provide him with just that.
Slipping from his arms, she stood next to the chair and held out her hand. “Let’s go upstairs.”
“You’re sure?”
She smiled at him and gently tugged him to his feet. “Very sure.”
“I don’t know if I can be gentle right now.” She didn’t know if he was trying to warn her or himself.
“Be gentle later then,” she told him. “I can wait.”
Swooping down like a marauding Viking, he scooped her up into his steely arms and carried her towards the stairs. His mouth came down on hers hard and desperate. Their tongues met in a frantic duel and Erin sensed he was near the breaking point. Kneading her hands against his chest, she met his tongue stroke for stroke.
Abel stopped on the landing halfway up the stairs and shifted her so that her legs were on either side of his waist. Pushing her back against the wall, he jammed her there and yanked at her shirt. He released her mouth long enough to tear the shirt over her head, and then ground his lips against hers once again. Erin gripped his sides with her knees for support, trying to give herself more stability. The move pushed her pelvis right against his erection, causing her to moan with pleasure.
Abel pushed her legs downward, ripped her shorts open, and tore them and her underwear off in one motion. Before she could even comprehend what he’d done, she was back in his arms. His desperation was fueling her own growing arousal and she was quickly becoming as frantic as he was. Her hands tugged at Abel’s shirt, pushing her hands beneath it so she could touch his warm flesh. Leaning forward, she licked and sucked at the throbbing pulse at the base of his neck.
His fingers groped between her legs as she hung in the air with her back against the wall and her legs locked around his waist. He sucked in a deep breath when he found her pussy already damp and willing. The moment his fingers stroked her slick folds, she arched her head back against the staircase wall and moaned. Her whole body burned for his touch.
Abel shoved her bra out of his way, covered one of her nipples with his mouth and suckled hard. “Yes,” she hissed as she tugged him even closer.
Suddenly, he reached between their bodies and jerked open his own jeans. Shoving them and his underwear down far enough to release himself, he drove his hard, pulsing cock deep inside her.
Although she was ready and eager, the shock of his sudden entry made her cry out. She could feel his desperation as he drove himself into her. He felt large and thick inside her as he held her pinned against the wall, ramming his cock into her. With each thrust, she tried to relax her body until the uncomfortable feeling was gone and the pleasure began to grow. She clung to him, unable to do anything, but allowing him to take whatever he needed from her.
She could feel her own arousal growing as he gripped her behind in his hands and drove his cock deep. But Abel was already too far gone and, on the next stroke, he came deep inside her. Erin squeezed her inner muscles tight around him, giving him everything that she could. Finally, he stopped pumping into her and slowly slid to the floor with her still gripped tight in his arms.
Partially lying on the landing and partially sprawled on the stairs, they remained locked in each other’s arms. Erin was uncomfortable as she was partially crushed beneath his much larger frame, but she didn’t move. Abel needed the comfort of her body at the moment, and she offered it to him without hesitation or restriction. After a long moment, he stirred in her arms.
He shook his head as if trying to regain his muddled senses. Erin was unable to stifle a groan when he shifted one of his legs. His laser green gaze pinned her to the spot where she lay flat on her back against the hard floor, with her legs trailing down over the stairs. Shrugging her shoulders, she gave him a tentative smile. “Sorry, but the position is a little awkward.”