Alesha caught me looking at Brent and Becca. It prompted her to stand on her tiptoes and whisper in my ear, “I know what you did last night… on the raft.” Taken aback, I looked down at her, pretending my best to look like I had no idea what she was talking about. She smiled mischievously and then leaned forward to whisper again, “I was awake and I saw you guys. It was hot!”
Not knowing what else to say, I leaned forward and said “please don’t tell Becca. I haven’t told her yet.”
She leaned in again and said “oh don’t worry. I think we’ll all have things to confess when this is all said and done.” Then she reached down and grabbed my crotch area. “Oh, and before tonight’s done, I’m gonna fuck your brains out.” Then she kissed me quickly on the lips, flashed a devilish smile, and darted off to find a new partner.
I stood there for a while, stunned. I was rescued from my thoughts by Lisa, who put her arms around me and began to move her hips slowly to the music. She looked gorgeous. “Have you seen our spouses recently?” she asked casually. I glanced over. Brent and Becca were still dancing closely together, like a couple would. “I’m inclined to let that play out as far as they want to take it tonight. It’s only fair. And that way I won’t feel as bad about what we did.”
I swallowed, trying to push away the jealousy that thought triggered. “Yeah, I guess so,” I finally replied.
“But on the bright side, that might give us one more chance to be together. That wouldn’t be so bad.” She smiled at me seductively.
“No, it definitely wouldn’t,” I said back, smiling, “though I think you may have some competition. Alesha seems pretty buzzed and she just told me she was going to… how did she put it?.. oh yeah ‘fuck my brains out.’”
“Holy shit!” Lisa said, stifling a laugh. “I’m honestly not all that surprised, though. You should have heard some of things she’s said to me and Becca. She claims she’s joking, but basically she’s been lobbying for an orgy.”
“What do you think is gonna happen tonight?” I asked.
“I have no idea. But my guess is it’s either going to get pretty wild or really awkward soon… maybe both. Just do me a favor and don’t forget to find me later.” I nodded, smiling. With that, she leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips, not for terribly long, but long enough to get a rise out of me.
After a couple more drinks and few more dance partners, I found myself dancing with Becca. She was looking beautiful and was very talkative and affectionate, the way she gets when she’s pretty tipsy. She leaned in and said, “this is all really crazy, Clint. I don’t know where the lines are any more, especially the ones we’ve already crossed.”
I just nodded and said “I know.”
“Is it bad if I want to cross some of them again?” she asked with a real uncertainty and vulnerability in her voice.
“No,” I responded, “that’s just human. Look, Becca, let’s just see where things go, but if you want to be with Brent again tonight, I’m okay with that.”
She looked up at me earnestly, “Really, Clint?”
I nodded again and then leaned in to kiss her. We kissed for a while and before long I had a raging erection in my shorts. It was around then that we heard a deep voice with a thick Kiwi accent ask “do you mind if I have a dance?” It was Jim, our guide, asking to dance with Becca. He had been dancing with Jen, who, once Becca accepted Jim’s offer, threw her arms around me.
The music was slow and she pulled in close, a grin on her face. Before long, she reached in and spoke into my ear, “I just want you to know that what I saw yesterday at Havasu, was one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen.” When she leaned back out, she had a wicked smile on her face. If the lighting weren’t so dim, she would have seen me blushing.
I leaned in to reply, “We felt the same about you guys, you know, under the waterfall. You… inspired us.”
She smiled back, clearly pleased with my response. “This is my 20th trip down the river, and I’ve never seen a hornier bunch. Being around you guys… we just couldn’t help ourselves.” With that she reached around and grabbed me in the ass, while pressing herself closer against me. To my embarrassment, my Viagra fueled hard on roared back to life, unmistakably pressing against her hip. When she felt it, she looked up and flashed that same wicked grin, but didn’t say anything else.
It was around that time that I first noticed Candy. She and her boyfriend, Keith, were really going at it. She had her eyes closed and her back pressed up against him. He was kissing her neck and had one hand under her dress and another fondling her breasts on top of her dress. A number of us were staring at them but they clearly didn’t care. As Jen watched, I felt her press even closer against me.
Over the next few minutes, things escalated quickly with Candy and Keith. Keith hiked up the bottom of Candy’s dress so that her bare ass was pressed up against him. It was clear from our vantage point that she was not wearing any panties. Before long, he was fumbling with his fly and it was clear what was about to happen. Sure enough, in short order, he had freed his cock and buried it deep inside of Candy, all while they continued to sway to the music.
As they continued their love-making, oblivious to everyone around them, more and more of the rest of us stopped dancing and just stood there watching. Jen gave me a quick grope, feeling my hard on, before smiling again and wandering off, perhaps to find Jim. A few seconds later, Becca reappeared, sliding her arm around my back as she watched Candy and Keith, who had by this point moved toward the center of the circle, clearly aware that they were putting on a show.
Candy then pulled away, letting her dress fall and leaving Keith’s cock exposed for all to see. Within seconds, though, she was on her knees in the sand, in front of him, and she took his cock into her mouth. Becca and several others let out involuntary gasps as this scene played out in front of us. While Candy was sucking Keith’s cock, she skillfully undid his shorts and pulled them down, enabling him to step out of them entirely. After several more minutes of well-executed oral sex, Candy stood up and gently pushed Keith down, until he was seated in the sand. Then she climbed on top of him and lowered herself down until he was once again inside her.
As she began to ride up and down on him, she reached back and undid the strap around her neck that was holding her dress up. It immediately fell down to her waist, revealing her spectacular breasts. Within seconds, Keith was leaning forward, propping himself up on his elbows, and taking her breasts one by one into his mouth. Candy now had her eyes open and was surveying her audience, looking for the lust in their eyes and clearly getting off on it.
It was at this point that some of the audience began to do more than watch. I first noticed Krista and her husband, Carter. They were standing toward the outer edge of the crowd, but on the opposite side of the circle from Becca and me. Much as Candy and Keith had started, Carter was standing directly behind Krista and had pushed her skirt up over her ass. He began fumbling with his zipper and a few moments later, I could tell by the reaction in Krista’s eyes that she had just been penetrated.
Meanwhile, just to our right, Alesha was attempting to free Alan’s cock from the confines of his shorts and struggling a bit. When she finally succeeded, she immediately dropped to her knees and took him into her mouth. By this point, Becca was rubbing my cock through my shorts, but we were both content to watch, at least for the moment. Brent and Lisa also seemed largely content to watch, though from my vantage point, it was hard to tell just what Lisa’s hand was doing to Brent. For all I knew, his cock was out and she was stroking it.