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The huge armored vehicle was melted into a huge pool of liquid. She looked around to see if anyone had seen her do what she had just reprimanded Jelly for and blew out a breath. Good, no one noticed. She looked at her tactical display and saw her company was still two miles out from the giant ground disruptor. She saw and heard a massive blast go off to the south and knew that she was running behind schedule. The line of buildings in front of her warriors was covered with enemy troops and heavy weapons were dug in inside the buildings. Her eyes narrowed and she clicked her communicator, “Alright, I’m getting tired of this! Pull your heavy blasters and take down the line of buildings in front of us. Once they’re down, jump over the rubble and take down the next line!”

Lynn raised her heavy Dark Energy Blaster and sighted at the third floor of the building directly in front of her. She pulled the trigger and moved the beam across the front of the building from the right to the left toward the ground next to the first floor.

The building stood for a moment and then slid to the left and toppled into the building next to it that was also sliding down. An entire mile of tall buildings fell like a line of dominoes and her company activated their boot thrusters and jumped over the high pile of rubble. It took her another twenty minutes to take down six more blocks of buildings between her and her target but her warriors finally arrived and saw the fifty story tall ground disruptor.

She yelled over her communicator, “Get out of here NOW!” Lynn pointed her right arm with her fingers extended at the giant disruptor. She heard a giant explosion to the west and knew Roy had taken out his target. She pulled four fingers back into her fist, turned, and ignited her boot thrusters as she felt four jerks on her back.

The four high explosive missiles leapt out of her back magazine as she blasted off the concrete and flew away from the disruptor like an artillery round. The surviving enemy troops on the ground tried to hit her with their beams but she was moving as fast as a bullet as she flew over them. She began her descent as the giant disruptor went up in a massive blast. She landed six miles away as her thrusters went to full power to slow her landing. She went to a knee as the massive shock wave from the disruptors destruction rushed in on her. She hit her gravity compensator and added a ton of weight to her armor and she fought being blown over by the massive blast. She looked at her tactical display and saw only one of the giant disruptors in her sector was still operational.

She gathered her company and saw the massive explosion as they moved out into the capital city. Her battalion had completed their mission but there were still hundreds of thousands of enemy troops and weapons still operating in the giant city. As she moved out, she heard, “I love you, Lynn.” She smiled as she began receiving enemy fire. Her tactical started flashing blue and she looked up. The huge battleships were a mile above the city and the sky was covered with large transports dropping to the streets with their load of Heavy Warriors. The sound of explosions began and didn’t stop. The Heavies were on the ground. “Call in your Pods and get into orbit!”

The Warrior’s Assault Pods came flashing in and the Warriors boarded them and took off at an incredible speed. Their sonic booms added to the deafening noise of the Heavies’ weapons. The Assault Pods flew into formation around the three Admirals and the battleships around them moved away to drop their loads of Heavies.

* * *

Eve and her personal force of 100 bodyguards moved in on the most heavily defended target on the planet. There were another four thousand Assault Warriors with her as they fought their way toward the giant spaceport. The spaceport had thirty ground disruptors inside its perimeter and these disruptors could fire at targets on the ground. Her armor’s computer was programmed to track those thirty huge weapons and alert her forces if any of them were swiveled to fire on them. Eve’s bodyguards were the best Assault Warriors in the fleet. They were the ones that rushed out and opened lanes into the huge facility. The city around the spaceport was on fire from the blasts of the massive disruptors.

The Assault Pods could do little to take them out. Each disruptor’s force field was powered by a massive array of huge nuclear reactors and they extended to within six feet of the ground around them. Getting close to them was fraught with danger. The only thing that made it even possible to try was the huge barrels of the disruptors could not be swiveled quickly. Eve’s armor was different from the other warrior’s armor. She had the incredibly fast speed of her father and she was strong enough to carry a heavier load of weapons.

Eve was crouching behind a blown out armored cannon and her bodyguards were scattered around her moving when necessary to avoid the disruptor beams. Eve said, “Seven,” and her communicator connected her to a Battalion Commander of Assault Warriors located directly across the sprawling spaceport. “Colonel Russell, open fire in ten seconds and then get your warriors out of there.”

“Yes Sir.”

Eve counted it down mentally and saw the Dark Energy beams erupt on the other side of the spaceport. The six huge disruptors a half a mile in front of her started swiveling their giant barrels toward the attack and Eve left the cover she was hiding behind. Her bodyguard used their tactical guidance programs and fired on anything that moved in front of them. Their scanners tracked the other giant disruptors and they prepared to move quickly to evade any that moved toward them. The line of ground bunkers in front of them began exploding as Eve crossed the open field at a blinding speed.

Eve focused on her tactical and used her armor’s scanner to determine what path she was going to take to the disruptors. Six rounds being fired from the left and five heavy blasters from just to the right of center. She swerved right and the explosive rounds hit behind her.

Three of the heavy blaster beams hit but her force field shrugged them off. She swerved back to the left as the enemy reloaded to fire again and then she dropped to the ground as a wave of beams and high explosive round flew over her. She was up in an instant and firing her DE Heavy Blaster directly in front of her. The six bunkers went up in massive explosions blinding the enemy trying to get a shot at her and, in an instant, she was under the first giant disruptor. She raised her right arm and squeezed her fist.

A magnetic bomb shot off her back and stuck to the wall of the disruptor as she ran out from under its force field and under the force field of another disruptor. The enemy warriors couldn’t fire on her without hitting the huge disruptors and they didn’t dare risk causing one of them to explode. There was a quarter of mile between each of the six giant buildings that housed the massive weapon and Eve crossed the distance between them in less than five seconds. She literally jumped between the last two as every enemy warrior and weapon fired at the ground they knew she was going to cross. She landed under the last disruptor and released another magnetic bomb. She jumped above the ground and gripped the wall of the giant disruptor as hundreds of enemy warriors ran toward her.

The mental timer she had running in her head reached zero and she smiled. The first disruptor tower exploded with a massive explosion and the concussion knocked all the enemy warriors off their feet. The last disruptor’s force field protected her from the blast and she dropped off the wall and ran out from under the force field. She ignited her boot thrusters as the shockwave rolled in behind her and she flew out barely ahead of it. The shockwave from the destruction blew through the bases of the other disruptor towers and blew them away. They all started leaning and then they went up like a huge string of firecrackers in giant explosions. The six shockwaves built on each other and rolled across the giant spaceport blasting all the armored bunkers out of the ground and sent them rolling in the supersonic winds that rushed into the bases of fifteen more disruptor towers. Eve flew ahead of the massive shockwave and landed six miles away. Every assault warrior gathered around the spaceport had hit their boot thrusters with the first huge explosion and they landed in the ruins of the burning city surrounding the spaceport.