“You’re right, they have to be removed.”
“Yes they do, Chris, and in this particular case, it’s our own fault they are here. We caused it.”
“What about the Invaders?”
Lukas smiled, “We are about to enter an extended time of peace.”
“The Invaders are trapped into a situation they can’t escape. If they send ships to the galaxy they conquered, M-84 will attack again. If they send ships here, M-84 and M-86 will probably launch against them.”
“The Orange Fleets that were on their way there turned around and returned to defend their planets. For the first time in almost a hundred years, the civilizations in M-86 are not fighting for their survival. They have started banding together and have instituted a massive building campaign to manufacture warships. They’ve also launched a thousand ships to go to M-87 and deploy probes to keep an eye of them. If the Invaders go to attack M-84, they will seize the moment and attack them. M-87 has probes in M-86 and they have to know what’s happening. I’m sure they also believe we would join the fleets from M-86 in their attack.”
“We would go and attack them there?”
“We wouldn’t join M-86 because there is a real possibility that they would attack our ships as well, but they don’t know that. They would expect us to do it because that is what they would do in the same situation. A stalemate exists and we will have time to prepare for when the powder keg goes up.” Chris tilted his head and Lukas shrugged, “There’s too much anger and aggression out there. Eventually, someone is going to tire of waiting and go on the attack. That’s when all hell will break loose and we’ll be sucked up in it, along with the other three galaxies.”
Chris thought for a moment and shook his head, “If M-86 attacks M-87, then M-84 will not have to worry about being attacked and they will be freed up to attack us here.” Lukas nodded. “And if M-87 attacks anyone, the others will pounce on them.”
“Right again.”
“We need to really start building Pods.”
“There’s something else.”
“What is that?”
“We’ve always taken the stance that we will only defend ourselves against outside aggressors.”
“Yeah, I’m aware of that.”
Lukas looked at Salud and she said, “That is going to change.”
Chris looked at her and saw her anger. “What do you mean?”
“I’ve stood by and watched twice as another galaxy came to exterminate mankind and all I’ve done is live with my fear and pray we can survive. I’m done with that. I am not going to live in fear that my children are going to be blasted by an aggressive civilization that wants us dead. We will probably be the ones that light the powder keg.”
Chris looked at Lukas, “Do you agree with this?”
Lukas stared at Salud and then turned to Chris, “To a point. Those wishing our demise should be given an opportunity to change their evil ways, but if they refuse, then they deserve what they get. Being a father has changed my perspective.”
“How is that?”
“Do I want to wait for an intruder to enter my house before I defend my family or do I meet them outside?”
Chris lowered his head and nodded slowly, “Audrey is pregnant.”
Salud smiled brightly, “Congratulations!!”
Chris looked up at her, “I understand what you’re saying.”
Lukas shook his head, “No you don’t.”
Chris jerked his head from Salud to Lukas, “What am I missing?”
“You are chosen to be the Conqueror that goes out and removes those that pose a danger to us.”
“You are tasked with removing any civilization that represents a threat to the planets of our allies and us.”
Chris shook his head, “I don’t see myself as a conqueror.”
“That’s why you’ll be a good one. I know you’re not ready to go out and take on those galaxies but we have some time to build the forces you’re going to need. We will announce your new position shortly and call for all of our planets to give you their total commitment and support to accomplish your mission.”
“Lukas, you should be doing this?”
“I don’t have the heart to do it. I would fail at the critical moment.”
“Just like I just did.”
Salud shook her head, “You didn’t fail. You told them that next time you would finish what they started. You actually wanted to finish it then but managed to stop and do the right thing. That’s what convinced us that you are the one destined to do this.”
“You think this is my destiny?”
“Lukas should have killed you before you were born to prevent the Stalkers from seeing you and learning that he was on Earth. He didn’t do it. You were created to do something remarkable. You are going to save us.”
Chris looked at them and slowly shook his head, “Can the two of you imagine how many intelligent beings I might have to kill?”
Salud’s smile turned hard, “If they were intelligent, they would leave us the hell alone!”
Chris stared at her and started chuckling. After another moment he started laughing. Lukas joined him and Salud said, “What’s so funny!?”
It took a minute before Chris managed to say, “We have to change the definition of intelligent life; coming after us is really stupid!”
Salud nodded, “Indeed it is!” Chris grabbed his ribs and laughed even harder.
Lukas laughed and managed to say, “She’s serious about this!”
Chris fell back in his chair holding his ribs and managed to look at Lukas through his tears, “You think?” Lukas had to stand up and bend over to breathe.
Salud stared at them and frowned, “I don’t see anything funny!” Her remark was greeted with another roar of laughter. Salud stood up and stormed out of the room.
After some time had passed and they had caught their breath, Lukas said, “The most dangerous of our species are the females.” Chris nodded. Lukas took a deep breath and blew it out. He leaned back and slowly shook his head, “I’ve watched her at night staring at our children with more love than I can describe. But I can see the fear in her eyes wondering if they would live a full life or be killed by alien invaders. I would not go out to attack but I can’t allow her and all the other mothers on Eden and Earth to live with constant fear for their children. We have to bring them peace.”
“Thanks, Lukas. I needed to hear this. I couldn’t understand why you’ve undergone such a radical departure from your previous views. Now, I do.”
Lukas looked at Chris, “I’m very proud of you. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to raise you.”
Chris smiled, “It was my destiny, remember. I suspect Pat had a hand in it but you’ve always been there taking care of me. It’s time I did my part.”
“Can you do this?”
Chris looked at Lukas and his expression turned dark, “I’ve heard the thoughts of real killers wanting our extinction. This conversation has freed me to look at them in another light.” Chris stood up, “I’m going to need enough ships to go out and do this. I can’t go and leave this galaxy and Eden undefended.”
“The population on Eden is growing at a tremendous rate. It appears when humans are stressed by fear of dying, their birth rate skyrockets. When the original colonists went to Eden, nearly all of them were at childbearing ages. We’ve also made a rather remarkable discovery.”
“What is that?”
“I hate it but our people on Eden are forced to be a part of a military culture. Even the children are subjected to the fears of being conquered by aliens. Amanda and Trevor have built small training pods for the young adults and teenagers to fly.”
“They love it. They aren’t armed with anything more than bright lights that replace their disruptors and they are not given any instruction except to go out and play.” Lukas looked at Chris, “They can do things with a pod that are absolutely impossible. They can already fly rings around our veteran pilots and they’re getting better as they grow up.”