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Nudge was sitting at his desk working on a program to smooth out the application of the new pod’s force field and he heard a commotion behind him. He turned around and saw Eve walking through the lab directly toward him. He smiled and stood up just as she arrived. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him hard! “You brilliant man. You have saved so many of my warriors with your program.”

Nudge shook his head, “I take it worked for you?”

Eve kissed him again and then broke the kiss. Nudge turned bright red and quickly said, “I can design something else for you. Just tell me what you need!”

Eve laughed out loud, “I take it you want another kiss.”

Nudge smiled, “Something like that.”

Eve kissed him again and said, “I’ll be back to take you out to dinner this evening. Is seven a good time?” Nudge could only nod. Eve smiled, “I’ll see you then.” Eve turned and left just as fast as she arrived.

Nudge fell into his chair as Budge walked up, put his elbow on Nudge’s shoulder, and watched Eve depart, “Did you tell her I helped?” Nudge put his hand on his lips and nodded. Budge sighed, “Well, so it goes.” Nudge looked up at him. “You need to go and clean up. Don’t embarrass me.” Nudge stared at him for a moment and then stood up and sprinted out of the room. Budge smiled and went back to his computer.

Chapter Twenty

The meeting room was full. Jinks tried to remember the last time there were this many in attendance and he gave up. The Welken, Johan, and Myot Rulers were present with their Fleet Leaders. The High Leader of the Goran was there along with the leader of his fleets. The entire Leadership Team was present along with the most senior fighting Admirals. Jinks smiled as he remembered Julie as a college junior commanding one of the Gold Star units. Now she was the Mother of two and an Admiral of fifty thousand Barrier Pods. Of course Chad and Loree were also present. He looked at the wall monitor and saw the view of two Silver Ships in orbit above Eden. Piper was one of them and the other was a ship from his relatives at the Grey Planet.

He looked at the row of chairs along the wall and saw the Droken Ruler. Chris asked him to attend just to keep him updated on what was going on. Jinks suspected it was to also keep him in a high position in the Fellowship. Oh well, he wouldn’t have done it but he knew Chris had a good reason for doing it. He saw many things that Jinks missed. Jinks looked at Lukas. Chris was very much like his father. Michael was there sitting between Stoney and Kathy.

Jinks sighed. Michael had gone through the metamorphosis from being a child to a mind that was incredibly active. He was ten years old but his eyes showed something else. Those children born with the Welken-Human hybrid brains were really a different species. He wondered if Chris was going to allow Michael to change his DNA. Michael looked at him and lowered his eyes as he smiled. Jinks sighed, he was listening to his thoughts. He tipped an imaginary hat to Michael and he smiled and looked away.

Eve was sitting beside Salud and Jinks shook his head. She was so much like both of them; the brilliance of her father and the hardness of her mother. Eve looked at him and he looked up at the ceiling. Eve laughed as Jinks thought, “Can a brother have a silent conversation with himself?” Salud looked at Eve and asked why she laughed. She told her and Salud looked at him and started laughing as well. He rolled his eyes and saw Averel laughing as well. He looked at the floor and turned back to looking around the room. So much had changed. So much. Six people nodded at the table. Jinks tried not to but he started laughing. He heard a noise and turned around. Chris and Allison entered the room and everyone rose to their feet. Chris smiled and said, “Please sit down.” Everyone sat down and Allison joined Chris at the center of the huge round table

“High Leader, I understand one of your scouts has heard the Legends saying they will order an invasion shortly.”

“That is true, Father.”

“Then we will commence our attack when they start forming their formations.”

Kyel looked at Chris, “Why have you waited until they plan to invade?”

Chris smiled, “That’s a good question Uncle. I thought it might be easier to go after them when they were in one large group rather than having to go ferret them out from thousands of planets.”

Kyel looked at Chris and smiled, “You make an excellent point.”

Chris smiled and looked around the table, “This meeting is to make sure all of us know our roles in what’s coming.” Chris looked at the High Leader, “Your forces will go after the Progen ships when they form up outside the edge of M-87.” Chris looked at Vanger, “Are your fleets of Pods ready?”

The short Goran nodded, “They are. They’re armed, provisioned, mobile, hostile, and agile.” Chris laughed and Vanger smiled, “What I’m trying to say is that we’re glad the waiting is almost over.” A number of Amens followed his response.

Chris looked at Kyel, “Your battleships will join Vanger’s pods in their attack. Have the two of you worked out a plan on how to work together?”

Kyel nodded, “Vanger will be in overall command. He will be able to send orders telepathically much faster than I could electronically. I’m thankful for him.” Vanger looked at Kyel and nodded at the compliment.”

“Jinks, you will be in command of the ships watching for the retaliatory forces that Legend Central might send to support those in M-87.”

“Kyel, how many battleships will be sent to me?”

“Half of them?”

“Are you sure you can afford to send that many?”

Vanger said, “If we run into trouble, I’ll call them in.” Jinks nodded.

Chris looked at Jinks, “You are going to have all of the Barrier Pods. If we run into trouble at the Legends’ Planet, I’ll start calling them in by fleet number.” Jinks nodded again. “I’m hoping I don’t have to do it. I’d rather keep them as a surprise to use against the response to our attack. But if they’re needed, I will use them.”

Everyone heard Piper say, “Are you really worried about their ships?”

“Piper, we’ve not seen what those new ships the Super Legend brought in can do. Until we do, I’ll be nervous. It would be good for you to not assume anything as well.” Piper was silent and the Grey Leader said, “Arrogance should be checked at the door.”

Everyone smiled and Chris nodded, “Something like that. I’d suggest not getting too close until you determine what they can do.” Chris looked at Eve, “Have you assigned the targets?”

“I have, Sir. We’re going after all the ground disruptors on the side of the planet where the Legends reside.”

“You have a tough task, Eve. If it gets out of hand, take out enough of them so we can skip in the Barrier pods.”

“I’m checking my arrogance here. I won’t be taking it with me.”

The group laughed and Chris said, “Pat.”

“I’m listening.”

“I’ll be taking you with me.”

“Is that a good idea?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m expendable, you aren’t.”

Piper said, “I happen to agree with him.”