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Universal language, 39, 40, 131-33. See also Artificial languages; Esperanto; Ido; Volapŭk Universal Peace Congress, 107 Universal Postal Union, 22 Unua Libro (Zamenhof), 65-66, 71 Unuiĝo de Esperantistaj Virinoj, 111 Ursprache, 39 Utopia (More), 10

Vegetarianism, 113-14 Volapŭk, 2; Academy for, 46, 80-81; aesthetic dimension of, 52-53; Alfred Kirchhoff's promotion of, 27-28, 37-38, 46; American Philosophical Society report on, 42; anthem for, 176 n.26; antinational aspects of, 36-38; Auguste Kerckhoffs's criticism of, 44-45, 48, 54-55; Auguste Kerckhoffs's promotion of, 30-32; birth of, 21; business and commercial use of, 29, 31-32, 33; changes in, 32-33; complexity vs. simplicity of, 45; critics of, 34-45, 48; demise of, 49-50, 51-56, 155; vs. English, 38; vs. Esperanto, 64, 72, 80, 128; First Congress of, 32-33, 44; in France, 31-32, 34-36; in Germany, 36-38; grammar of, 23, 45, 80-81; international peace and, 28-29; introduc- tory brochure on, 25; journals for, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 33, 46, 154; linguists' reactions to, 38-41; literary use of, 28; Ludwig Zamenhof on, 155; Philological Society of London report on, 42-43; popular support for, 23-24, 25-26; purposes of, 26, 27-29, 31-32, 33, 55-56, 103; reform proposals for, 44-50, 51-52; ridicule of, 34-36; Second Congress of, 35, 45-46; textbooks for, 25, 30; Third Congress of, 47-48 Le Volapuk, 46 Volapŭk Academy, 46, 80-81 Volapuk: A Monthly Journal of the World

Language, 29-30 Volapŭkists: clubs of, 24, 25, 46-47;

educational background of, 26; ethnicity of, 26; French, 31-32; gender of, 26; hierarchical organization of, 33, 49-50, 54-55; identity of, 25-27; Nuremberg, 47, 71-72; purge of, 49; World Organization of, 46

Voyage en Icarie (Cabet), 122

Wanderism, 114-15 Wandervogel movement, 115 Wells, H. G., 150 Weltsprache, 41 Wilkins, John, 11

Women's International League for Peace

and Freedom, 111 Words: Esperanto formation of, 66; meaning and, 12-13; Volapŭk formation of, 23, 45, 80-81 World City, 106-7

World Peace League of the White Cross, 116 Yiddish, 63, 90

Zamenhof, Ludwig, 2, 51-52, 156, 157; cosmopolitanism of, 64; on Ido, 135-36; Jewish identity of, 59-60, 62, 78, 84-86, 88-89, 181 n.9; on language, 68-70, 90-91; on nationalism, 63-64; pogrom effects on, 60-61; on Volapŭk, 155. See also Esperanto Zamponi, Ludwig, 29 Ha-Zefirah, 63 Zetter, Carl, 29, 80 Zhirkov, Lev, 155 Zionism, 62-63, 64 Zorell, Franz, 176 n.26


This book began as an article while I was benefiting from the friendly atmo- sphere of the Max-Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (Cologne). When the article kept growing, I was encouraged to transform it into a book. From the Max-Planck, I took the project to the Instituto Juan March and Univer- sidad Carlos III of Madrid, and then to Georgetown University. I am ever grateful to the staffs of these institutions for their help in finding difficult sources, particularly to Paz Fernandez and her library assistants at the Insti- tuto Juan March.

I am also indebted to the students of my seminar on language and na- tionalism at Georgetown University. Their questions and insights into this topic gave me a better view of its many facets. Without the encouragement of Humphry Tonkin, this project would not have come to fruition. I am also very grateful to Ezra W. Zuckerman, Laurel Grassin-Drake, Julia DiBenigno, Sebatian Lavezzolo, and the anonymous reviewers from the University of Pennsylvania Press for their tremendous help in the early phase of this proj- ect. Celia Valiente and Peter Stamatov deserve especial mention here. I owe them much more than a couple cups of coffee. Peter Agree of the University of Pennsylvania Press took an interest in the manuscript when it was only a draft and was always very supportive. I am also much indebted to Jennifer Konieczny, Erica Ginsburg, Susan Thomas, Amanda Ruffner, and Eric Schramm for guiding the production of the book. Pamela Haag made a great contribution by organizing the book for the widest readership possible. I am also thankful to Walter de Gruyter for letting me reproduce Figure 1.

And finally, this book is dedicated to my wife, Genevieve, and our chil- dren, Paloma and Azucena, for their invaluable help and inspiration.

I am a Jew, and all my ideals, their birth, maturity and steadfastness,

I am not looking for praise. I only want people to help me eliminate the mistakes I have made; and the more severe their criticism is, the

the entire history of my constant inner and external conflicts, all

more I will appreciate them I am very aware that the work of a

single person cannot be free from errors, even if this man is the most brilliant, or much more educated than me. Therefore, I have not given to my tongue its final shape. I cannot tell you "Here you have the language: finished and ready; and this is the way I would like it to be and remain."12