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And yet, in his delusional interview-book fraught with uninteresting and narcissistic confessions and entitled Un président ne devrait pas dire ça… (Stock),[24] former French President François Hollande cynically confirms this reality in the presence of two Le Monde journalists, a reality that is otherwise denied by both leftist and rightist politicians and that he himself once refused to acknowledge. ‘The division’ of France into two populations that are hostile to one another ‘is now underway’. François, however, could not care less and is now enjoying his retirement.

The (Perhaps Temporary) Apathy of French and European People

The French people’s sole reaction to the deadliest recent Islamic attacks — whose heinousness is unheard of not only in the history of our own country but also that of our neighbours, and can only be described as obvious signs of war aggression on our own soil — has been to light candles and shed tears. This staggering sociological fact seems to testify to the mental emasculation of both French natives and other Western Europeans as part of a unique and globally unprecedented historical development.

There are, however, subliminal signs indicating that a change of mentality is now slowly but surely taking place. What follows is a message broadcast by the Caridad Catholic association, an organisation whose position is far removed from the official ideology of the Church of France: ‘Do not let them stand alone in the face of Islamist barbarism and the war that threatens them! Sponsor a soldier by offering him a rosary and inviting him to pray with you. A rosary for our each of our soldiers!’ The implicit message is clear.

Our intelligence services are nevertheless very worried about the possible outbreak of an inter-ethnic war against the gloomy backdrop of Muslim protests and the revolt of French natives against their forced and literally unbearable coexistence with these immigrant populations. Their main challenge lies in the identification of French ‘extremists’ who could rebel and retaliate in answer to the constant attacks perpetrated by those they define as their internal or domestic enemy. What our intelligence services fear above all is the following novel phenomenon — the secret armament of our French natives. The state is additionally considering the possibility of disarming hunters. This seems more important to our authorities than the confiscation of the entire arsenals of war that abound in all our suburbs and that will act as the spark which shall, in the not too distant future, trigger the conflagration of civil war.

Speaking to RTL, Jean-Pierre Chevènement,[25] who had been tasked with reorganising Islam in France (an impossible mission by any means), made the following acknowledgement on 17th October, 2016: ‘We are now under threat of war’. The fact that this emblematic figure of the Left, a former Minister of the Interior and a well-informed man could set aside all ideological prudence and make such a statement says a great deal about the reality of our situation.

A Forbidden and Explosive Truth

The origin of those responsible for assaulting police officers and firefighters and causing the greatest trouble in schools etc. is neither clearly specified in the media nor by politicians, even the rightists amongst them. At least not in the traditional media (the Internet, by contrast, allows greater freedom). And it is this very denial of reality that prevents us from resolving the problem. Through their everyday experiences, however, people are now aware of the fact that the perpetrators of these constant acts of aggression, rioting, various trafficking, and all the subversive criminality that has left our French morale in a state of decay are, in 90% of all cases, of immigrant origin. But a collective cowardice, both political and journalistic, prevents us from raising the issue openly. Nothing is more destructive than a forbidden truth, and yet the state resorts to ever more severe repression to silence those who dare mention this insecurity’s allogeneic face.

The racial dimension characterising our security issue is concealed because it is too obvious, and therefore too dangerous. The ethnic, racist, yet also subversive and invasive aspect of this enduring spate of crime and violence is as important as its heinous motives; since its aim is to give rise to a war of conquest, it thus comprises a central political dimension.

Nowadays, the prospect of an ethnic war that will initially erupt in France before spreading contagiously to other parts of Europe, particularly the United Kingdom, Belgium, and Germany, bearing within it a major dimension of confrontation with Islam (as I predicted back in 2000 in my book entitled The Colonisation of Europe,[26] for which I was subjected to legal sanctions), is being increasingly debated. In essays (Éric Zemmour, Ivan Rioufol, Philippe de Villiers), hard-hitting novels (Laurent Obertone, Daniel Conversano, Jean-Louis Costes) and a growing number of press articles, the possibility of a civil war is now being incessantly mentioned. These are all warning signs, since authors generally only speak of what is likely, of what will necessarily happen. Of course, the intellectuals belonging to the system (including Régis Debray who, just like Bernard-Henri Lévy, believes himself to be a genius although has always been mistaken about everything) dismiss the evidence pointing to such a threat, all in an effort to be in vogue. Indeed, to be original is to deny reality. Yet they are all as bad as Sartre, their spiritual father, who thought that the world would inevitably embrace Marxism.

The French Authorities’ Lies and Betrayal

When a French native defends himself against an act of aggression committed by immigrants, he often ends up being condemned. Generally speaking, they are the ones who enjoy a privilege of leniency when it comes to justice. Anti-White racism, which is now becoming increasingly widespread, only triggers a tepid and half-hearted legal response, as does the anti-Semitism displayed by the Muslim-Arab populations. The extreme Right, on the other hand, is systematically punished whenever it indulges in anti-Semitism. Whatever one thinks of these individuals (and I, for one, state my position clearly — I do not like them and think that these people have chosen the wrong path), the numerous convictions handed down against Alain Soral and Hervé Ryssen show that French judges are uncompromising with regard to ‘white people’s anti-Semitism’, which has not been punishable in France for decades. By contrast, it seems that any Muslim rapper can spit on Israel and the Jews without being threatened by the courts. Everything is clearly at sixes and sevens here. The French state — i.e. its administration and justice system — implements what can only be described as a foreign preference, while simultaneously devaluing the situation of indigenous citizens in all areas of life. Its actions are not only due to its fear and cowardice, but are also the result of its perverse decision to fight against and deconstruct our country’s First Nation.

The leniency shown towards thugs of immigrant origin reinforces their feeling of impunity and incites them to commit ever more violent acts. Instead of using the word ‘murderers’ to describe the thugs that had burned some of our police officers alive, our former Minister of the Interior, Bernard Cazeneuve, whose resignation numerous MPs demanded, chose to label them ‘savages’. Mr. Cazeneuve is a shameful and immoral man. As for the then Minister of Justice, Jean-Jacques Urvoas, he proved to be a rather inconsistent character, assuring our people that ‘there are no areas of lawlessness in France’. And there are no craters on the moon either — everyone knows that… These two former ministers are textbook cases embodying the state’s deceitfulness and complicity with the invaders.



TN: A President Should Not Be Saying This…



TN: Born on 9th March, 1939, Jean-Pierre Chevènement is a French politician who served as a minister in the 1980s and 1990s and is famous for his candidacy in the 2002 French presidential elections.



TN: Published by Arktos Media Ltd on 6th April, 2016.