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The Belgian Case — the Salafists at the Forefront of War

Through its Islamisation, uncontrolled immigration, and the risk of an impending civil war, no other case resembles that of France as much as Belgium’s. An official report presented in February 2017 by the Belgian Federal Security Service remarked that the country’s mosques were plagued by Islamic fundamentalism and that an increasing number of places of worship and cultural/associative centres were being funded by Saudi Arabia and other Arab Gulf States, all of which are in the grip of Salafists that proliferate throughout the kingdom. The Great Mosque of Brussels, with its minaret provocatively located on the edge of the European quarter, is a flagship of radicalisation and Salafism on European soil. The deadly attacks perpetrated in the name of Islam in Brussels have not been the focus of particular compassion on the part of the Muslim authorities and have never been clearly and explicitly condemned.

Indeed, a Salafist that remains consistent in his beliefs could never condemn a jihadist Muslim terrorist.

The Salafist Conquest Plan

In the United States, the Trump-hating and clearly left-oriented intelligentsia, which invented the notion of the ‘politically correct’ in the 1980s, is not afraid of a clash of civilisations, especially in the form of a clash with Islam, the very same Islam that it cherishes without admitting it; which is precisely why the book penned by American Muslim Shadi Hamid and entitled Islamic Exceptionalism: How the Struggle Over Islam Is Reshaping the World (St Martin’s Press, 2016) has been a cold shower for the members of these gullibly self-righteous circles.

Speaking of Salafists and radicalised jihadists who, on the basis of the DAESH model, are currently preparing a conquering insurgency in Western Europe that must be taken very seriously, Shadi Hamid strikes out at them with words that must have sent the world’s BHLs into a temper tantrum: ‘The people of the Islamic State of Daesh are not mere criminals. They genuinely believe in something’. When applied to the jihadists of France, the Salafists, and the radicalised Muslims who shall stand behind the thugs and rioters of the coming civil war, this reflection implies that, to them, it is not only a matter of being thugs and delinquents, but of playing an active role in a politico-religious project, a project which, in this specific case, focuses on the conquest of France and Europe through criminal violence (among other means), regardless of the very basic spiritual dimension that characterises them and reflects the contents of the Qur’an — that ‘wicked book’, as Schopenhauer[79] once said.

Islam in France Is Pervaded by Combative Salafism

Throughout our country, Islam is pervaded by Salafism, which radicalises it, i.e. allows it to return to its roots (it does not render it ‘extremist’, to use the widespread and stupid expression — indeed, this sect has absolutely no need of that), driving it to confront not only the authorities but also French society, which is be destroyed and replaced. Salafism is a powerful driving force in the process of transition to a civil war of conquest. It is no longer a matter of protesting, demonstrating, and issuing demands, but of taking a transgressive step and claiming both territory and power following the outbreak of a decisive war. As soon as they consider their own numbers sufficient, they shall launch the offensive.

Salafism is spreading everywhere and local officials are helpless. Manuel Valls, who has changed sides since leaving Matignon, where he showed flagrant laxity towards Islam, has even proposed banning it. Such a step could, however, in combination with a prohibition of the Islamic veil, have the very opposite effect and lead to the swelling of Salafist ranks. Unless, as part of a very unlikely development in a country weakened by the human rights obsession, this prohibition were coupled with brutal sanctions, i.e. with the only language that these people understand. Let us, however, not dream too much.

In 2017, the Salafists considered active and militant were estimated by the French Ministry of the Interior to comprise between 30,000 and 40,000 militants, which is a huge figure. If the extreme Right ever managed to assemble such a number of active militants, panic would spread from the highest governmental levels to the lowest. According to our intelligence services,[80] the total population of those who identify with Salafism is reported to include up to about 50,000 Muslims (as estimated in 2017). The presence of such massive numbers makes it possible for them to venture very far indeed when it comes to infiltrating and permeating all sectors of our civil society, administrations, justice system, law enforcement, army, etc.

As is always the case with the Muslim taqiya (duty of concealment), a large part of the Salafists, especially those who claim to be quietists, denounce violence while simultaneously pushing for radicalisation, and thus for conflict. The movement of the Muslim Brothers and their friends in the highly suspicious UOIF (which later became the MDF, i.e. the Muslims of France) is both close to the Salafists and under their influence. What remains unsaid, but is heard increasingly more often from the lips of some Salafist imams sprouting up everywhere, is that their ultimate goal is to completely Islamise French society and cast its culture and the republican political regime into oblivion.

The number of Salafist mosques and prayer halls, all of which are places of subversion, exceeds 100 out of the 2,300 to 2,500 on French soil. Despite a 2017 law that targets all places of worship advocating ideas deemed contrary to ‘republican values’ (anti-Semitism, misogyny, homophobia, etc.), only three Salafist mosques have officially been shut down; this did not prevent them from being secretly re-established almost immediately, and it allowed these simpletons to depict themselves as martyrs. Let us also add that, right under the very nose of our republican state, fourteen Salafist schools — officially declared as such — were still active at the end of 2017. What is taught there is not very far from what is preached in Daesh camps. Allow me to rephrase this, without resorting to any sort of political cant: it is the exact same thing. SALAFISM IS DAESH.

And here is another noteworthy and distressing fact: whenever Salafists decide to build a mosque, they immediately have huge sums of money at their disposal. This funding comes from the highly motivated Muslim believers, but especially from foreign Muslim countries which, in a display of typical atavistic hypocrisy, act as catalysts for the radicalisation and Salafisation of Muslim immigrants. Indeed, they are always most dependable when it comes to supporting the vengeful Islamisation of France and the population-swelling immigration of their own nationals, while also providing discreet stewardship for a racial and religious civil war that is already brewing on our soil.

Salafist Ideology, the Quintessence of Genuine Islam

Salafism is all the more dangerous because it is discreet and never raises its voice. More rigorous than Wahhabism[81] itself, it is of Saudi origin. It advocates a literal reading of the Qur’an and Sunna (the Muslim legal prescriptions), which takes us back to the eighth century. Being part of Sunni Islam, it excludes any and all moderation from its teachings and remains radical in the etymological sense of the word, meaning that it reaches deep into the authentic roots of Islam, which are as authoritarian as they are psycho-rigid, obscurantist and superstitious.



TN: Arthur Schopenhauer (22nd February, 1788–21st September, 1860) was a German philosopher. He is most famous for his work entitled The World as Will and Representation (penned in 1818 and expanded in 1844), in which he defines the phenomenal world as the product of a blind and insatiable metaphysical will.



TN: Wahhabism is a Muslim doctrine and religious movement founded by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab during the eighth century. It has been labelled ‘ultraconservative’, ‘austere’, ‘fundamentalist’ and ‘puritan(ical)’. It is an Islamic ‘reform movement’ whose purpose is to restore ‘pure monotheistic worship’ (Arabic: tawhid). In actual fact, the term Wahhabi(ism) is often used polemically and those that abide by such precepts ordinarily reject its use, preferring to be called Salafi(un) or muwahhid(un) instead.