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The decline of good judgment and obscurantist regression afflicting intellectuals of such calibre are very worrying indeed.

Islamo-Leftism, a World of Madmen

Just like Todd, the (small calibre yet well mediatised) leftist historian Jean Baubérot believes that ‘secularism stigmatises Muslims, a thought that was imported from the American Left and has become a burning issue from the Islamophilic perspective. This topic is also very dear to Trotskyist Edwy Plenel, who has found his life work’s key idea in it.

Somehow managing to keep a straight face, others such as Islamo-leftist ideologist Geoffroy de Lagasnerie justify Muslim-Arab and Afro-Muslim delinquency in the name of ‘the struggle against Islamophobia’. By doing so, they acknowledge the fact that crimes are mainly committed by Muslims. They thus abide by a completely ridiculous and delusional sort of logic in which one’s desire to stop and punish such thugs is allegedly Islamophobic. Seriously? Certain Muslim authorities and their networks must be rubbing their hands in delight at the sight of such mental derangement, one which, nonetheless, influences the decisions of several French courts. Disseminated across the Internet, these insane ideas only exacerbate tensions, which act as preludes to the coming great flare-up.

Although only a very small minority in society, Islamo-leftists enjoy considerable influence. Driven by a fierce hatred of France, its culture, its traditions, its deep-rooted provincial population, its ethnic people and ‘little white folk’, described as a bunch of racist hicks, they have extensively infiltrated our associations, our national education system (a very serious development indeed) and the media. They have thus joined the pro-immigrational cause of Islamisation not from rational reflection, but due to an emotional and irrational surge of hatred for their native France.

The example of Mediapart, the online medium, is blatant when it comes to militant Islamo-leftism. Founded and run by former Trotskyite journalist, informant and attention-seeking camera fan Edwy Plenel, who has authored an absolutely worthless but emblematic book pervaded by brown-nosing and fashionable Islamolatry[92] (Pour les Musulmans,[93] La Découverte, 2015), this high-performance treason tool exerts a great deal of influence within the collaborationist Islamosphere. Another example worth mentioning is that of Libération, the ‘Pravda’ of our left-wing bourgeoisie, managed by the characterless and Islamophilic Laurent Joffrin, a progressivist idiot whose very presence is but the residue of the now-dying Marxism of the 1970s, with his twisted and poorly written editorials and inability to resolve the following problem: ‘I am a leftist and a progressive bobo, but my Muslim friends are all anti-Semitic, homophobic and misogynistic. What shall I do about it? Never mind, I think I’ll just have a nap’.

Among our major media, let us not forget, of course, Le Monde and France Culture, both of which flirt with Islamo-leftism. When you attend classy receptions and soirées in Paris, embracing Islamophobia is very unfashionable indeed. All it does is generate a malaise.

According to Nasser Ramdane Ferradj, the former vice-president of SOS Racism and the founder of the Collective of Progressive and Secular Muslims,[94] ‘Edwy Plenel has shaped a younger generation of journalists by imprinting upon them the notion that any criticism targeting Islam and Muslim extremists constitutes a racist attack against all Muslims’. The former Trotskyist, pro-independence Breton militant, and self-victimising extremist Plenel has always hated historical France, accusing it of oppressing minorities. Under the pretext of advocating equality and diversity, Plenel acts as an objective agent of the establishment of radical and political Islam at the head of our government. A Muslim, Arabised, Africanised, de-Christianised and White-free France is the dream of Plenel and his friends. They all, of course, regard ‘secularism’ as a discriminatory ideology that targets Muslims and, beyond Muslims, all immigrants of colour, who are necessarily attracted to Islam. Incredible, considering that the very same thought current was once in favour of secularism, in contrast with the Catholic Church. Now, however, it has turned against it when it comes to containing Islam. Did you say ‘biased’?

Psychotic Islamo-Leftism: The Hamon Case

Owing to his cowardice and opportunism, socialist politician Benoît Hamon (who feels that ‘there are too many Whites in Brest’) has converted to Islamo-leftism, despite participating a few years ago, alongside Caroline Fourest,[95] in a campaign to support Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Somali-born and Muslim Dutch MP who was being targeted with death threats for having authored the short film entitled Submission, whose director, Theo van Gogh, had been cold-bloodedly murdered by Moroccan jihadists. Hamon has changed a lot. Today, it is unlikely that he would ever dare support anyone whose life is threatened by a fatwa.

Benoît Hamon, who, let us not forget, actually won the French Socialist Party’s (PS) primary elections, is a living caricature of Islamo-leftism. He was, at the time, labelled the ‘mixed-race republic’ candidate. As is the case with many other people, this Breton man’s mind now borders on pathological psychosis. Having lived in Africa, he deplored the following fact: ‘When I returned to Brest, I found the city to be very white indeed. To be honest, I even thought there were too many Whites’. He had previously confessed that ‘being insulted by racists is a source of great pride’. Is he not aware of his own, explicit anti-White racism? Not at all, for he is too narrow-minded to realise it. At any rate, if any right-wing person were to state that he felt ‘there are too many Blacks and Arabs in Paris’, he would most certainly be sued by our courts for inciting racial hatred. Talk about double standards. Mélenchon, Hamon’s rival and a man just as fanatical and stubborn as Hamon himself, had declared at the time: ‘I would not want to live in a neighbourhood whose inhabitants are all blue-eyed and blonde’. Understandably so — for he would risk being robbed…

Once the inter-racial civil war breaks out, with its insurrectional riots, its destruction and its fatal casualties, Benoît Hamon will be one of the leading figures of the collaborationist movement, negotiating a truce with the Muslim authorities and representatives at the cost of making concessions that advantage the rioters and Muslim housing estates, in addition to showing dealers leniency… We have all borne witness to the mayor of Trappes courting Islam, which he considers to be very sympathetic. Let us not forget the role played by cynical electioneering in all of this. As pointed out by Malek Boutih, the Socialist Party’s Essonne MP and an old friend of mine, ‘Benoît Hamon has aligned himself with an Islamo-leftist fringe group and issued a discreet election-related invitation. It is a catch-all strategy — anything is acceptable as long as it attracts votes. This is the worst possible discourse, a discourse of weakness. … Not only does it justify sexist behaviour, but also a rise of radicalism. In Hamon’s eyes and those of his friends, one can criticise the Catholic Church but never Muslims’.



TN: The suffix -latry is synonymous with ‘worship of’.



TN: For Muslims.



AN: This association’s very name is an oxymoron.



TN: Born on 19th September, 1975, Caroline Fourest is a French feminist writer, film director, journalist, radio presenter at France Culture, and editor of ProChoix magazine. She has authored a book entitled Frère Tariq (‘Brother Tariq’), in which she criticises the works of Muslim intellectual Tariq Ramadan.