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I call a spade a spade and a racial war a racial war; for that is exactly what we are heading for. It has already begun, even if it remains at ‘low’ intensity for the time being. Peoples of different and antithetical races coexist in the same country, hating each other throughout. There will be no improvement, and it will all end very badly. There cannot be any other outcome, and the purpose of this book is to prove this — which is why I have entitled it A Racial Civil War.

A Racial Civil War — A Novelty in the West

History is unpredictable and holds many surprises; and yet in 1913 and 1938, it was perfectly possible to predict the outbreak of a war. Most people were, in fact, preparing for one. Today, the same kind of tension is felt everywhere, the same intuition pointing to a future disaster. Several books and innumerable articles in the written press or on the web mention the prospect of a very imminent war in Europe, and especially in France — a war of a new type that would upset all our ways of life, a civil war that would no longer involve states. It would, instead, be a civil war of unprecedented nature: a racial civil war.

It is a type of confrontation that Europe has never really experienced, and which the United States has only faced to a limited extent, almost imperceptibly, with the eruption of community riots.

Europe and the United States have already experienced civil wars of their own: the religious wars in France between Catholics and Protestants, the clashes of the French Revolution, the American Civil War, the Thirty Years’ War in Germanic countries, the English Civil War of the Glorious Revolution in the seventeenth century, the civil war of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the Irish Civil War (Catholics versus Protestants), the Spanish Civil War of 1936, the Greek Civil War following World War II, the Yugoslav Civil War of 1999, etc.

All these wars were between partisans belonging to a single people and were waged in the name of ideological, political or religious differences, within the same cultural sphere. The coming civil war, on the other hand, will not be a clash between members of the same people, as was the case in the past, but a deadly conflict between populations that remain at odds with one another on all levels, whether ethnically, culturally or religiously. For the first time ever, what is brewing on European soil is a civil war with a racial dimension — or, more specifically, an ethno-racial one, to use the straightforward and realistic language of the Anglo-Saxons, a language that is ever so despised in France, the country of ideologico-dogmatic abstraction where one is afraid to call things by their actual name.

Some will object, saying that during the period stretching from the eighth century in France to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Spain and the Balkans (and all the way to Vienna, even), Europeans were faced with the presence of Arab and Turkish-Muslim invaders and occupiers, whom they eventually managed to drive back as part of a Reconquista movement that ended with the liberation of Greece in the early nineteenth century. True enough, but at the time, the invaders did not enjoy such demographic superiority, and they were perceived as foreign occupiers with their own army — just like the Germans in France during the last war. They were not, as is the case today, increasingly hostile and Islamised populations that have oftentimes been granted the nationality of European countries (a supremely horrific development) and have embedded themselves in the fabric of our societies. The above-mentioned wars were all wars of liberation waged against foreign armies in order to expel the invaders, and not, in fact, civil wars.

High-Intensity Hatred

The most fascinating type of war — the one that mobilises the greatest amount of hatred — is actually civil war, and not war between foreign nations. This is due to the fact that we are no longer fighting against soldiers from a distant country but face, instead, enemies living on the same territory, who are both nearby (often fellow citizens) and completely different from us: violence, fear and cruelty thus find themselves multiplied as a result of this proximity.

Today, the civil war that threatens us, especially in France, is bound to be much worse than the religious wars of the sixteenth century. But why is that? Because it will combine the characteristics of a classical civil war with those of a foreign conflict. Indeed, the clash will involve the inhabitants of the same territory, with the sides supporting conflicting ideologies and/or religions (as is the case with all civil wars); but at the same time, they will be foreign to each other by blood, with our rival protagonists having come from elsewhere, through immigration, and remaining dissimilar to us on the ethnic, cultural, religious and, to use the taboo word, racial level.

This war will therefore be characterised by a very high intensity resulting from the multiplication of its explosive causes, since the conflict will simultaneously be a civil and internal one, an ethnic one, a religious one and a racial one. An unheard-of event in Europe.

In addition to this, the level of barbarity and violence displayed by young rioters and delinquents of immigrant origin continues to grow. The following remark was made by a prison administration officer whom I am fortunate enough to call a friend and who happens to know these people very well. He told me:

The criminal profiles we have in front of us are often those of increasingly younger people who are completely uninhibited when it comes to violence and authority.

We had better brace ourselves for a lot of fun…

Europe — and perhaps, but to a lesser extent, North America, because of the weak presence of Islam — is likely to experience the situation afflicting the Middle East or Africa, where civil wars between different ethnic groups (and almost always involving Islam) are endemic in their frequency, violence and cruelty. By importing these populations into Europe, immigration has brought along with them their disorder, their general mediocrity, their psychoses, and their fanaticisms, which they perpetuate in an atavistic way.

The problem is neither ideological nor even religious in nature, but, in fact, anthropological. And so is the solution. The coming war will involve people who have nothing to say to one another and who should never have been made to live together.

A Probably Inevitable Confrontation

Indeed, a huge and constantly accelerating wave of colonising immigration is underway, unlike any other in the entire history of Europe. This invasion, which is both ethnic (one of population replacement) and cultural, and paired with accelerating Islamisation, has only encountered sluggish opposition at the hands of European states and the authorities in Brussels and has sometimes even been perversely fostered… Contrary to what is constantly repeated by the dominant ideology, this population-swelling immigration is not only disastrous in all areas, causing economic impoverishment, social disorders, and multiple regressions (particularly in the field of education and teaching), but is also essentially hostile! It turns out to be increasingly aggressive, demanding, intolerant, and bloodthirsty…

According to a study conducted by the Institut Montaigne in 2016, ‘ever larger and younger populations are seceding from French civilisation’. These are obviously young Arabs and African immigrants — a fact that everyone is aware of but which is never stated clearly by the media in this country, where freedom of expression is on the wane. Despite being protected, favoured and assisted in all spheres, they are driven by growing hatred and resentment. The same remark can be applied to all countries of Western and Northern Europe, all of which have fallen prey to the predominantly Islamic immigrational invasion. If the newcomers are not initially Muslim when leaving their homes, they become so upon settling here because of the conversions that take place in the neighbourhoods which they inhabit and where they participate in illegal trafficking of all kinds.