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After the targeted massacre at Charlie Hebdo, pro-Islamic collaborator Emmanuel Todd, always predictable in his fads, exclaimed: ‘What worries me is not so much the handful of unbalanced individuals [jihadists are, in fact, not unbalanced at all, but purpose-conscious and motivated criminal warriors] as the reasons why our society has become totally hysterical’. What he was referring to were the massive demonstrations in favour of the victims of the Charlie Hebdo killings. In other words, in Todd’s twisted mind, it is not such bloody attacks that are a cause for concern, but the defensive reactions and protests of the ‘hysterical’ (and therefore racist, basically?) French people. Poor sod…

As the chief of staff in the realm of the self-righteous, Bernard-Henri Levy also displays great naivety and faltering perceptiveness. In one of his chronicles for Point,[104] he was scandalised by people’s attempts to justify the nihilism of ‘Daesh bastards’. He thus explained that ‘to ascribe an ideal to the jihadists is to do them a favour’ — but of course they have an ideal! Even if it is brutal and barbaric in its ends and means, as ceaselessly revealed by centuries of Islamisation, it is still an ideal, i.e. a glorified idea that they long to implement.

BHL would like to turn these jihadists, all of whom allegedly lack any Muslim ideals, into simple gangs of cruel and criminal gangsters, a bunch of ‘bastards’ similar to the mafias and cartels of Latin America and using similar methods. What a grave mistake. To slaughter us (beginning with BHL himself) and terrorise us in order to complete the conquest of our lands, in strict application of Qur’anic guidelines — such is their ideal, their governing principle, and their war plan, whose primary targets we ourselves embody. This has nothing to do with cartels nor with any mafia’s heinous ambitions.

Jihadism is not a madness afflicting unbalanced individuals or an expression of nihilist despair, nor is it the violence spread by simplistic gangster ‘bastards’ — even if the perpetrators, contemptible thugs that they are, do indeed resort to methods of criminality. It is all a brutal strategy of aggression that surfaced among the Arabs during the seventh century. The fact that it leads to bloodshed and destroys civilisations has never bothered Muslims, especially those who chant belligerent Qur’anic suras in Salafist mosques.

And there is also Pierre Manent, whose significance in the field of philosophy is equal to that of François Bayrou[105] in politics and whose capitulatory ideas are bound to delight the Muslim strategists plotting the future Islamic assumption of power in France. To him, anti-Islamists are the ‘new Matamoros’,[106] i.e. those who long to drive out Islam, just as they once did in Spain. A seemingly wise old man, Manent is actually a prominent member of the Islamosphere, a dyed-in-the-wool rightist who attracted public attention by proposing a compromise with Islam in the process of immigrational colonisation — a compromise proposal which he outlined in his essay entitled Situation de la France,[107] in a display of false realism and advance submission. Pierre Manent is one of the mentors behind the intellectual periodical Élements, one of the last surviving relics of the now defunct ‘New Right’.[108]

Let us, furthermore, briefly mention Libération, which has long been complicit in the Islamisation of our country, perhaps also even in a carefree form of jihadist terrorism, by systematically playing down its impact on our country. Following the large-scale sanguinary attacks of November 2015, the above-mentioned daily published a very shady opinion column fraught with hazy and convoluted ideas and entitled ‘We Stand United’, whose co-signatories included the leaders of the rather unclearly defined CCIF (the Collective Against Islamophobia in France mentioned earlier, whose activists maintain close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood) and the ever-committed useful idiot Jean-Louis Bianco, the president of the Islamophilic pressure group Observatoire de la laïcité.[109] Their opinion column thus proceeded to minimise the killings’ Islamic inspiration.

Other Dangerous Figures of the Islamosphere

One must not forget the presence of Bondy Blog, a widely broadcast online medium that flirts with both provocative video violence and verbal vulgarity and will play a major role in the coming racial civil war. It was founded during the ethnic riots of 2005 — a dress rehearsal for what we will most probably soon experience — to give a voice to the young people that inhabit our problem estates. As if they could ever have anything intelligent to say! It is a logorrhoeic and obviously Islamophilic tool with anti-White, anti-French, and often anti-Semitic stances; one that remains homophobic, misogynistic, and highly complacent about Daesh, jihad and terrorism, advocating the Great Replacement on our soil. It is one of the ideological agitprop instruments paving the way for the violence of the coming war, as the French state simply turns a blind eye, preferring, instead, to pursue the Islamophobia of its own compatriots and its imaginary dangers.

Macron’s party, La République En Marche, whose position on immigrational issues and Islam is, just like his own, anything but clear, was infiltrated by pro-jihadist radical Muslims who were then discreetly exfiltrated following various incidents and criminal offences. As for ex-Trotskyite Mélenchon’s ‘unsubmissive’ France, it does not mind bowing to Islam as a prelude to future political action. It is a source of great joy for triumphant Islamo-leftism. This collusion with the Islamosphere is implemented on a large scale. A professional liar and an old yet seasoned veteran, Mélenchon, who happens to be both an admirer of the Spanish Republicans that persecuted the clergy and a convinced anticlerical (just like the Left in the days of our great-grandparents), is nonetheless very reverential towards imams. Despite being a loudmouth and a braggart who advocates factitious republicanism, he has all the characteristics of a submissive individual, a classic psychological trait among those that have been shaped by Marxist totalitarianism. French MP Danièle Obono, one of the elected flagships of the La France Insoumise, has been indulging in ever-increasing gestures of sympathy and signs of submission to Islam, by kind permission of her boss and mentor.

As for Le Nouveau parti anticapitaliste (NPA),[110] it is just as paleo-Marxist and has slipped into the same straightforward Islamo-leftism as the alter-globalists of the ATTAC association and a myriad of leftist groups that are often violent (Black Blocs, Zadistes, Antifas etc.), all of whom are passionate supporters of immigration and look at Islam with puppy-dog eyes. What these people want is a civil war against our white nationalists! A war in which they intend to participate as collaborationists and complementary auxiliary forces, which, judging by their writings and comments in all of our media, will also be true of the camarilla of intellectuals and journalists who frolic around the Islamosphere. By espousing the belief that the Muslims will be grateful to them and reward them handsomely in the event of a partial or more consistent assumption of power, they have all surrendered to sheer delusion. For that is definitely not how things are done around here. They had better jump off the ship as soon as they have harvested the meagre fruits of their despicable treason.



TN: Le Point is a French political and news magazine published on a weekly basis in Paris, France.



TN: François Bayrou is a centrist politician and the president of the Democratic Movement (MoDem). He was appointed Minister of National Education under three different governments and supported Macron during the latest presidential elections.



TN: Saint James the Moor-slayer (Spanish: Santiago Matamoros) is the name given to various representations of the apostle James, a mythical and miraculous figure who appeared at the equally mythical Battle of Clavijo and enabled the Christians to defeat the Muslim Moors.



TN: The French Situation.



AN: Underhandedly run by Alain de Benoist, a discreetly Islamophilic figure who is always careful not to protest against our country’s immigrational invasion and Islamisation, nor even mention it, Élements avoids tackling any issues that might upset people, of course. One would think one was reading one of Le Monde des livres’ own publications. The periodical thus steers a course between Scylla and Charybdis, between two imperatives, namely that of preserving its very right-oriented readership and that of looking at the dominant ideology with puppy-dog eyes, while simultaneously indulging in the criticism of ‘ultra-liberalism’, the commodification of the world, and, depending on the circumstances, the United States of America (the eternal safety valve of idiotic thinkers). Its criticism is therefore always risk-free and rewarding in the editorial marketing world. When I myself worked as the Secretary of Studies and Research — and Pierre Vial as the Secretary General — of GRECE, whose principal organ was none other than Élements itself, the tone adopted by the journal was considered incorrect and, most importantly, it actually developed its own doctrine.



TN: Observatory of Secularism.



TN: The New Anticapitalist Party.