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Last but not least, there is a very special case within the Islamosphere, one that is more interesting than that of the collaborationists, yet much more disturbing — the Indigenous People of the Republic (PIR), which, although a mere groupuscule, is extremely effective, influential and vindictive. Its members are neither Islamophilic native Frenchmen nor collaborationists, but descendants of immigrants who, afflicted by a contagious sort of delirium, feel that they are being treated as inferior populations in France, as were allegedly the natives in our former colonies.

A major figure of the PIR is Muslim-Arab pasionaria Houria Bouteldja, an unsightly and loose-lipped provocateur accustomed to spewing out constant anti-French diatribes and displaying an anti-White racism that betrays her untreated mental complexes. She was the one who, as part of a pathetic play on words worthy of the school-yard racism of French ghettos, labelled our French natives ‘souchiens[111] (i.e. less-than-dogs, how subversive!). Her tiny little brain comes up with a great deal of nonsense, of which the following is a good example: ‘If a black woman is raped by a black man, it is completely understandable for her not to complain in order to protect the black community’. I can only wonder: if Houria Bouteldja herself were raped by one of her co-religionists, would she file a complaint against him?

In a display of utter and perfectly conscious bad faith, she accuses the French state of being neo-colonialist, racist and Islamophobic, yet still manages to get everyone riled up and coaxes both the members of our low-end mediatic intelligentsia and the frustrated Black-Browns. She has the necessary audacity to state such things, yet lacks the skill to conceal her role of accomplice when it comes to murderers: indeed, in November 2011, she co-signed a manifesto denouncing the French public’s support of Charlie Hebdo following the punitive and blasphemy-motivated arson that destroyed the establishment. Just like the CCIF, the PIR does the bidding of an entire nebula of radical Muslim associations that indulge in entryism and agitation within our French society, often under the pretext of organising social actions, sport events, etc. and for the sole purpose of a medium-term assumption of power.

In the Val d’Oise department, Salafist networks have attempted to infiltrate several important municipalities and public schools.

Why Embrace Islamophilia and Islamo-Leftism?

What accounts for the fascination exerted by Islam upon all these people, these deep thinkers or often hateful anonymous activists who were shaped and breastfed by atheistic Marxism, as is the case with the viscerally anti-clerical Mélenchon, a great admirer of the Spanish Republic that slaughtered priests and nuns (with religion admittedly ‘the opium of the people’, yet no better than post-modernism)? Why are these eternally communistic dinosaurs and leftists that advocate libertarian or anarchist ideas so fascinated by Islam? Why do they all throw themselves into its arms and submit to it, especially when one considers how superstitious, obscurantist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, inegalitarian and pro-slavery Islam is?

Is it because this entire left-wing Islamosphere, with all its politicians and journalists, seeks to protect itself and secure some positions of its own in the event that the oh-so intimidating Muslims end up claiming more and more power in France, in accordance with a previously observed logic dating back to the era of collaboration and the Vichy regime? In part, yes, but this is not the only factor.

Is it due to ideological reasons, as is often said? Is it the result of the fact that Muslim immigrants are perceived as the new oppressed proletarians and have, in this regard, replaced our poor native working-class Frenchmen, who are considered to have betrayed the Left by supporting populistic, identitarian and therefore racist parties and movements? Once again, this is only partly the case, for it remains quite difficult for anyone to drive politicians and journalists — even the left-oriented ones amongst them — to acknowledge Muslim immigrants as the new wretched of the earth when the authorities have been granting them privileges, rights, aid and subsidies that others, namely our natives, have been deprived of.

Is it because, in the eyes of this priest-hating Left that harbours a particular abhorrence for our deep-rooted Catholic tradition and its festivals, calvaries, bells, and nativity scenes (all of which are in full recession these days), Islam comes across as a destructive force whose countless followers shall proceed to replace the despised Whites on both an ethnic and religious level? Partly, but not completely; for this fact alone can definitely not account for the entire state of affairs.

No, what particularly fascinates these dumbstruck Islamo-leftists, these defrocked Trotskyists, these intellectuals nursed in the lap of cultural Marxism, these old communists or crypto-communists that still hold Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin in high regard and venerate Mao, Pol Pot, the violence of the Reign of Terror (1792–1793), the Paris Commune of 1871 and the crimes committed by the Spanish Republicans, is something consubstantial with Islam, something that they have in common with the latter and that is the focus of their deference and adoration — the tropism of fanatical violence and totalitarianism, which remain correlated and inseparable. That is what they have been missing since the disappearance of ‘genuine’ communism! And what Islam is now offering them is a similar dish, served bloody and on a silver platter.[112]


As the Catholics Lose Their Footing

The Catholic Divide

A majority of practising French Catholics no longer identify with this obstinate pro-immigration attitude, which avails itself of both Christian charity and the parable of the Good Samaritan and is advocated by the hierarchy of bishops and priests upon whom such discourse (the greasy anti-racism of the France culture trend) is imposed. It is especially supported by the ideology of the Jesuit Pope Francis, the ferocious enemy of the ethnic identity of white Europe and the objective accomplice of the migrational invasion conducted under the banner of Islam.[113] All in the name of Christ, whose word is universalistic and breaks with a Judaism theologically considered to be of a ‘national’ essence.

An important ideological conflict has established itself on the subjects of immigration and Islam, with practising or, alternatively, non-churchgoing Catholics attached to a certain ingrained cultural tradition on one side and the Church, its institutions, its hierarchy, and its ideology on the other. Theological and societal Catholicism are experiencing a state of difficult cohabitation and thus find themselves on the brink of divorce.

The Church and its lobby groups have been very influential in encouraging immigration and tolerance towards Muslims, who have always been enemies of the Cross. Judeo-centric circles furiously denounce the fact that Jewish lobbies have allegedly fostered or even organised the entire migrational invasion single-handedly, when it was, in fact, the lobbies linked to the Catholic Church that were the first to manoeuvre. This is easy to demonstrate when one decrypts the hierarchy’s texts and positions since the 1970s.

The Catholic world in France is now deeply divided. On the one hand, we have the practising population, whose members finance the institution, are rather traditionalistic, identitarian and right-oriented, and include many large and provincial families devoid of any ‘diversity’ (hence the fierce hostility that the left-wing and possibly Catholic bourgeoisie targets them with). On the other, there is the Church and its prelates, who have become increasingly and more openly xenophilic since the Second Vatican Council, as part of a situation of growing disconnection with Catholic people. The dramatic crisis afflicting the ordainment of new priests and the increase of traditionalist movements involving priests in cassocks are proof of this. Similarly, the arrival of priests from Black Africa has not been without issues, either…



TN: This inexistent word is a combination of ‘(de) souche’, meaning ‘indigenous’ or ‘native’, and ‘chiens’, i.e. ‘dogs’, sounding like ‘sous-chiens’ (another invented term that can be rendered in English as ‘less-than-dogs’).



AN: Much less influential than these Islamo-leftists are the Islamo-fascists. One could say that their sympathy for Islam is due to the very same reason — a fascination with dictatorial totalitarianism and violence, regarded as the sole proof of one’s manhood. Centred around a handful of gurus, this movement represents a modest yet profitable market.



AN: On 23rd September, 2018, Bergoglio made the following insane and unforgivable statement when speaking to the faithful in Lithuania: ‘You, as Lithuanians, have an original message to bring — that of welcoming differences, … and becoming a bridge that unites the East and the West’. Source: lemonde.fr.