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The famous Manif pour tous[114] and all the movements which, despite their lack of political orientation, have voiced the same concerns alongside their hostility to homosexual marriage, assisted reproductive technology and surrogacy, have come up against the hostility of the entire dominant ideology, whose hidden motives are as ethnic as they are political. This is because the protesters represent our native France, which is admittedly largely Catholic, endowed with substantial human resources and hated by the intellectual and mediatic bourgeoisie.

For the first time in centuries, we are witnessing Muslim threats against the Christians in France…

Father Hamel was an old priest butchered during Mass, in his own church in Normandy, by two young Arabs in the name of Islam (allahu akbar! is the hate-spewing cry that accompanies all these gratuitous assassinations, whose numbers are on the increase in Europe).[115] It is an extremely potent symbol of the ruthless war of aggression now being waged against us, a war to which we should respond with equal brutality. The most abject barbarism is now seeping into our lands. Within the circles of the Catholic hierarchy, the assassination of Father Hamel was compared to the execution of Father Jerzy Popiełuszko, a Polish priest who was tortured and killed by the communists in 1984. It is a mockery to even suggest this, for the two events are completely dissimilar. Father Popiełuszko was an active anti-Communistic and militant member of Solidarność[116] and was not executed as a Catholic priest but as a pivotal political adversary of the local regime.

The assassination of Father Hamel is fraught with enormous symbolic significance. Never since the dawn of French history, since Clovis’ baptism, in fact, had Muslims murdered a priest on our soil, in a church, and in the name of their god. Our mostly idiotic and brainless Frenchmen, lulled to sleep and anaesthetised by the system, failed to comprehend what was happening, that the gratuitous murder of Father Hamel marked the beginning of what is, at the very least, a war of religion declared by Islam in its usual sanguinary manner, especially when we know perfectly well that Muslim invaders consider France and Catholic Christianity to be intimately linked. Just like the Jews, Catholics are a primary target to them.

As expected, neither the Muslim authorities and associations nor the self-righteously naïve Left — let alone the corrupt supporters of Islamo-leftism — were willing to clearly and vigorously condemn the assassination. Ever so timid, the hierarchy of the Church did everything not to have to step into the breach and stand up to Islam. Islam is innocent of all such acts, everyone knows that! Islam has nothing to do with Islam!

The assassination of Father Hamel, which followed other failed attempts at attacking churches, is but a pre-civil war episode, an unprecedented wake-up call. In April 2015, Muslim-Arab Sid Ahmed Ghlam was stopped mere moments before committing total carnage in some churches of Villejuif. What has been happening on a daily basis to oriental Christians, who are falling victim to Muslim persecution, is logically being imported here, to a France that tolerates its own Islamisation and remains gravely unaware of what awaits it in future.

Since the 2015 Muslim-Arab attacks, armed soldiers have been deployed in front of our main churches every Christmas and Easter. In 2015, for example, 1,236 churches were protected against Muslim murderers, a number that rose to 2,391 in 2016. The peaceful days experienced by Christians in Europe seem to have come to an end. In Lourdes, the perimeter surrounding the areas where ceremonies are held on the occasion of religious festivals is secured by our police forces and soldiers; an identical deployment of our security forces takes place whenever the Rocamadour pilgrimage and the like are organised. Who would have thought this possible some twenty years ago? Who are those who clearly designate the enemy and the threat? Who dares to connect the latter with the overflow of allogeneous Muslims resulting from our open borders and their excessive birth rates? And who shall have the courage to brutally interrupt this invasive process and defend us?

To French Catholics, the fact that places of worship and pilgrimage have been placed under armed protection is an unprecedented development since the Muslim-Arab raids that originated from conquered Spain during the eighth and ninth centuries. However, the reactions of the Catholic hierarchy have been weak and are bound to be a source of joy for the jihadists themselves. In accordance with the Gospels (a fact that is important to bear in mind), the Church of France has been calling for mercy and forgiveness. By contrast, the religious authorities of persecuted oriental Christians have neither been taking such linguistic precautions nor abiding by any theological modesty in the face of their Islamic aggressors.

A survey conducted by the IFOP[117] in 2017 revealed that the slaughter of Father Hamel at the hands of those two Muslims had traumatised French Christians, who had finally become aware of the Islamic and jihadist threat. Our Christian public opinion and Christian believers both disapprove of the fact that the Church of France has put the murder of Father Hamel by Muslims and the execution of Father Popiełuszko by Polish Communists (1984) on an equal footing. Communism, an ephemeral opponent of the Church and Christian faith, has nowadays disappeared from Europe. Archaic Islam, however, whose hatred of Christianity first emerged fourteen centuries ago, has been settling here and quietly establishing its presence. The prelates of the Orient, who are lucid and experienced in this regard, have never ceased to warn us: ‘They shall do to you what they have been doing to us.’ The implied message is the following — eradicate them from Europe before it is too late.

Weakness, Cowardice, Denial and Gullibility — The Four Pillars of Our Disappearance

In December 2016, the Berlin Christmas market — a strong Christian symbol in its own right — was targeted by a jihadist who, similarly to what we witnessed in Nice in July 2014, used a truck to ram into people. The death toll totalled twelve infidels offered to allah-the-most-merciful as a sacrifice. In his anti-racist desire to avoid potential ‘amalgamations’ and the ‘stigmatisation’ of Muslims, a certain Green MP (an Islamophilic leftist, which constitutes an almost pleonasmic combination of words) refused to allow the assassin’s wanted notice to be published. One is thus plunged into the very depths of collaboration and complicity with those criminal invaders.

Angela Merkel, who, as part of a theatrical and fake sort of humanitarianism, has organised the Syrian migrant invasion, is also objectively co-responsible for the situation. Although the migrants are mostly Muslims, their exclusively Syrian origin has yet to be proven.

As for Ivan Rioufol, he believes that, through its elites, Europe is digging its own grave. Here is what he wrote in Le Figaro: ‘German society is devastated by its own self-blame. Thus do emasculated civilisations perish. The greatest fear of Western European leaders, of those frightened collaborators, is that a reaction on the part of our indigenous populations against the constant terrorist acts will soon give birth to violent resistance. Their motto is: smooth and subtle collaboration, no resistance, no provocation! In addition, of course, to hollow slogans of the Macronian type (‘Let us open up to the world!’ — what a splendid idea to open up to Islam, since it itself is also so very open!). The submersion of France in the flood-like migrational backwaters and its forced Islamisation are the results of a humanitarian utopia mixed with an aversion for one’s traditional country and a bullet-proof bad conscience. These degenerate elites are completely indifferent to, and sometimes even revel in, the dramatic situation experienced by their indigenous people, who are despised, mocked and constantly insulted.



TN: La Manif Pour Tous, literally ‘Manifestation for All’ and correctly ‘Demonstration for All’, was initially launched to protest against the French bill on same-sex marriage, but soon began to advocate further values such as the defence of the traditional family and the rejection of a fictitious ‘gender theory’.



AN: To speak, as all Muslims do, of a ‘merciful god’ when invoking allah is to laugh in the world’s face, is it not? Not at all. Indeed, ‘merciful’ does not mean ‘full of goodness’, but ‘one that willingly forgives’ his obedient and faithful followers’ wrongdoings, even when his commandments are cruel. Just like many ancient pagan deities, allah is a sacrificial god that demands that one immolates and kills in his name. All the murders committed by Muslims, which involve the use of knives, assault rifles, vehicle-ramming or explosives and are always accompanied by cries of ‘allahu akbar!’, are nothing but acts of human sacrifice.



TN: In the Poland of the 1980s, Solidarność (Solidarity) was a broad anti-bureaucratic social movement that resorted to the methods of civil resistance in an effort to advance the causes of workers’ rights and social change. The response of the Polish communist regime to these activities was often both brutal and uncompromising.



TN: Institut français d’opinion publique, or French Public Opinion Institute.