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Consider the quite marked state of insanity and stupidity betrayed by Macron when he declared, shortly after Mutti Merkel had opened the doors to welcoming approximately one million migrants (fake refugees and genuine invaders whose ranks, incidentally, happened to comprise only men): ‘She has saved our collective dignity by welcoming refugees in distress and avoiding amalgamations’.[118] It is by allowing others to invade us that we are to reclaim our honour. Christian charity, you say? The hyped propaganda of cosmopolitan ideology, which is surreptitiously anti-White and hostile to indigenous Frenchmen that declare themselves as such and watch Jean-Pierre Pernaut’s[119] broadcasts on TV, rages all around us, especially in the media with close ties to the powers-that-be. This ideology is protected by a politicised and biased justice system that has surrendered to the same reflexes of submission and collaboration that others once embraced in communist regimes or during the Vichy period (whatever one may think of it). Choosing not to mince words, Ivan Rioufol writes:

The West will only avoid a debacle if it readopts its lost principles of authority, strength, and war. Obama’s Islamophilia has accentuated the vulnerability of the free world, a world which Merkel has betrayed in the name of “diversity” by opening the door to more than one million Muslims. (Le Figaro, 6th January, 2017)

Stimulated by unlimited immigration and superior birth rates and driven by an aggressive, pathological, conquering and proselytising sort of virility, Islam is gaining power all over Western Europe, and especially here, in France. This contrasts with the sluggishness, carelessness and hollowness charactering our leaders, the future vanquished ones who are always content with themselves and their own failures. Boualem Sansal, an Algerian anti-Islamist writer whose perceptiveness is equal to that of all those who find themselves in such an uncomfortable situation, made the following statement on 13th December, 2010: ‘France has already ventured far on its path of Islamisation and is now prepared to give everything away’. Our media and elected officials strive to minimise this large-scale phenomenon and refer to other matters so as to divert attention, just like a tubercular that clings to the idea that he is only suffering from angina.

The Beginning of a Religious War that Heralds a Racial One

Although the everyday warning signs that point to an ethnic and religious civil war are unmistakeable, one voluntarily chooses to conceal its symptoms. On a global scale, a religious war has indeed begun with the sustained aggression of Islam against other communities, especially Christian ones (in Central Africa, the Middle East, and Catholic Asia), amidst a deafening silence on the part of the Vatican and European bishops, who are too busy rescuing Arabs and Blacks from misery all around the world.

From the assassination of Father Hamel and the persecutions, murders, spoliations and expulsions targeting Christians in the Middle East, to the above-mentioned carnage at the Berlin Christmas market and the January 2017 Istanbul attack against a discotheque frequented by Western Christians (which left thirty-nine fatal casualties in its wake and attracted some attention), Islam’s bloody pace has clearly not slackened. Those Catholics who do not understand the extent of the danger that now threatens them are either stupid or blinded by a rather convenient sort of faith — for to preach love in all circumstances and forgiveness of the most atrocious crimes is the best excuse for cowards to constantly justify their own inaction.

The numerous attacks on churches that were foiled in both France and other countries and the aggressions perpetrated against Christians in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Philippines and all of Oceania prove that Christianity and its symbols have become the targets of an Islam that is now openly moving on to warlike jihad on a global scale, as if by some kind of contagion. To increase its atavistic aggressiveness, it has proceeded to take advantage of its prey’s own weaknesses. Regardless of the presence of emasculated European states, never have Islam’s ambitions come up against such a weak and unresponsive Christianity as the one symbolised by Pope Francis, who is both a traitor and a madman.

A predator, however, is always excited by its prey’s good-naturedness. When we deny the threat and try to hide the fact that it has now entered an active phase, we rob ourselves of our ability to respond to it. Donald Trump is, to my knowledge, the only head of state ever to have stated anything like this:

The Islamic State and other terrorists are constantly attacking Christians in their communities and places of worship. The situation is only getting worse, and the civilised world must change its way of thinking.

And he is absolutely right.

The Real Reasons for Anti-Catholic Hostility

These reasons are neither of a religious nor of an ideological nature, but are, above all, sociological — trapped in a state of mental torpor and always in denial of reality, the pacifistic, blinded, Islamophilic and hopelessly anti-racist dominant ideology pretends not to have seen or detected our inner enemy. One must not forget the example of Vincent Peillon, our (socialist) former Minister of Education, who acted as the licensed parrot of the official vulgate of political correctness and is also a notorious Islamo-collaborationist. In January 2017, Peillon had the gall to liken the fate of Muslims to that of Jews under Vichy, accusing our French secularism of discriminating against them.

Obsessed with the olden days of the mouldering French Revolution and Third Republic, the Islamophilic Left has not ceased to espouse anti-clerical attitudes and has been wallowing in Pavlovian anti-Catholicism, as seen during the occasionally brutal and disproportionate repression targeting the Manif Pour Tous, the anti-homosexual marriage movement organised by Catholic networks (excluding the clerical hierarchy).

In actual fact, the purpose is not so much for the Left — and the hegemonic ideology it imposes on our entire political spectrum — to attack our currently defenceless priesthood and Catholicism, whose priests and believers are steadily decreasing, as to express its animosity towards this sociologically Catholic and indigenous France, with its generally large families and heterosexual members who marry their own kind, remaining respectful of our traditions, attached to our French identity and rooted in their age-old homeland. In short, WHITE PEOPLE are the ones targeted. Despite the fact that it never displays any aggression nor harms anyone, this class of culturally Catholic Whites irritates these insane leftists, who consider its presence to be completely unacceptable and a source of disorder in our new-found national landscape.



AN: Portraying migrants as harmless refugees under the pretext of rejecting ‘amalgamations’, Merkel and Macron have seen their self-righteousness and deceit denied by the facts. Indeed, crime figures have skyrocketed in all areas where the rate of migrants has exceeded a certain threshold. Checkmate!



TN: Jean-Pierre Pernaut is a news reader and broadcaster on French television.