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This Judeophobic murder, which followed many others, marked a symbolic turning point in the rise of this new anti-Semitism, one that is bound to play a major role in the event of an outbreak of civil war. In the wake of the mostly Muslim mass immigration (or at least one that is becoming increasingly Muslim in our country — for the more people rub shoulders with the bearded men inhabiting the housing estates, the more some convert in order to survive), what one notices, according to Georges Bensoussan, is the clear emergence of a new anti-Semitism that has broken with the previous one. It has nothing to do with that of our contemporary far Right, which, incidentally, is in a state of complete decrepitude, nor with that of the old Catholic circles and their hunger for conspiracy theories (Pierre Hillard,[121] for instance, is completely out of his mind).

Unlike the one experienced after the war, which was both very theoretical and literary, this new anti-Semitism kills and leads to daily violence. Fifteen Jews were murdered between 2006 and 2018, not to mention the approximately fifty others that were wounded, the spread of aggressiveness and constant threats on the part of you know who, and the targeting of middle-class and working-class Jews, whose children can no longer even attend public school. Nowadays, their situation in France is more distressing — much more, even — than that of their parents who once fled from the Maghreb, which is completely unacceptable. A domestic Jewish exodus (with 80% of all Jewish residents having left the Seine-Saint-Denis area within a period of fifteen years) has gone hand in hand with an Aliya towards Israel (totalling 52,000 departures between 2003 and 2016), not to mention the Jewish emigrations that have not been accounted for to other countries of the world. Fleeing France has become their priority! It is as if the Jews had understood well before us natives that the country is going to be torn apart by the horrors of a civil war.

In an interview with Le Figaro (24th April, 2018), it was once again Georges Bensoussan who remarked:

The forces of denial remain powerful. … While denouncing anti-Semitism (“Never again!”, they say), one continues to make sure that the source of danger is no longer named.

Indeed, what matters more than anything else is for one not to be suspected of the capital, blasphemous and ruthlessly punishable sin of Islamophobia. Alluding to ethnic partition, which acts as a preliminary condition for the outbreak of a future civil war, Georges Bensoussan goes on to add:

One is all the more intent on mentioning the notion of our “living together” because it is not actually together that we live, but side by side.

In his eyes, this new anti-Semitism, which is mainly of Muslim-Arab origin, ‘no longer speaks the language of racism but, on the contrary, that of a self-victimising and communitarian ideology that adorns itself with anti-racist rags. Yet it is a perverted sort of anti-racism.’ In this regard, one cannot help but think of Les Indigènes de la République.

He then predicts the following:

In spite of the increasing and probably sincere proclamations, there is little doubt that French Jews, and above all, or perhaps even exclusively, those that stem from working-class Judaism, will be left to their fate, just like the “Peripheral France” of Christophe Guilluy, which is subject to the same logic of abandonment.

Here, the parallel drawn is truly a very appropriate one. Yes indeed, they shall be abandoned by our crooked politicians and intellectual-mediatic elites and condemned to suffer their ordeal in the face of the insane immigration, intrusive Islamisation and increasing barbaric criminality of Muslim-Arabs. This is where Georges Bensoussan’s analysis becomes most interesting: in the event of a racial war, and especially because Jews are seen by such scum as a people in their own right (and therefore a race), the fate of the ‘petty Jews’ that find themselves on the front line would not be enviable at all. They would become the primary targets of the violence unleashed by those who claim to be their hereditary enemies. And the state, followed by its cowardly justice system, would never come to their defence…

For it is neither the CRIF nor the pretentious ministers that commemorate the Vel’ d’Hiv Roundup[122] that will rush to their aid and protect them. As for the despicable clique of court Jews belonging to the upper intellectual-mediatic classes, all of whom are very well-represented and active in the Islamosphere and remain indifferent to the fate of their modest co-religionists (who are considered poor before they are considered Jewish), they are mistaken when they believe themselves to be safe. The eye of Islam is upon them and will not let them out of sight. To a Muslim, all Jews are equally vile.

Trivialised Anti-Semitic Sermons

The Algerian Mohamed Tataï, the imam of Toulouse, where Mohamed Merah killed both children and adults in the Jewish school of Ozar Hatorah, once maintained very good relations with local community leaders (there are now 40,000 Muslims in this city, totalling 10% of the population — ouch!). This, however, was only meant to pull the wool over their eyes. In December 2017, he undertook to preach an openly anti-Semitic sermon in Arabic which began with a passage taken from the hadiths and attributed to Sahih Muslim (821–875), a venerable and knowledgeable imam globally regarded as one of the masters of Islam, whose teachings are sacred and cannot be called into question: ‘Shortly before a decisive battle, a deadly battle, the Prophet said onto us: “The Day of Judgment shall not come until Muslims have fought against the Jews, and there shall not be a single Jew hiding behind a tree or a stone without that tree or stone saying, “O Muslim, O servant of God, a Jew hides behind me, come forth and slay him”’.

Having read this remarkably childish excerpt from the hadiths, which are considered as sacred as the Qur’an itself, the Imam Tataï embarked on an anti-Israeli and, by extension, anti-Semitic diatribe. He was subsequently reprimanded by the ever-prudent and cunning Dalil Boubakeur, the rector of the Great Mosque of Paris, and a complaint was filed against him not only by the Union of Jewish Students of France but also by the LICRA,[123] whose members accused him of inciting racial hatred. In harmony with the Arab manner of displaying impudent bad faith and taking one’s interlocutors for imbeciles, the Imam Tataï explained that his preaching was, on the contrary, philo-Semitic and urged Muslims to respect Jews. Is there a point to such cavilling? In its sacred texts, which have now been taught everywhere for tens of generations and include both the Qur’an and the hadiths, Islam is consubstantially anti-Semitic and hostile to Jews in any shape or form. Both Islamic teachings and Muslim culture sustain and transmit this permanent feature.

Have the Jews Been Entrapped by Their Own Doublespeak?[124]

The truth is that the Jewish ethnicity is in a state of permanent contradiction, one that is encountered, above all, at the level of its very definition. Are they an ethnic entity, a nation, a race, or a religious community? The Jews themselves are often ill at ease when asked to answer such queries. ‘Who are we?’ is a question whose answer seems to evade them. They would rather answer the opposite question and say: ‘Consider rather what we are not’. Whatever the case, the feeling of belonging to a Judaic or Israeli entity is much more pronounced among the middle and lower classes — which comprise a Sephardic[125] majority — than among the upper classes of Jewish origin. This situation is currently becoming increasingly conspicuous.



TN: Pierre Hillard is a French essayist, editorialist and a Doctor of political sciences.



TN: Organised on 16th–17th July, 1942, the Vel’ d’Hiv Roundup (French: Rafle du Vélodrome d’Hiver, commonly known as Rafle du Vel’ d’Hiv’) was a Nazi-led raid that involved the mass arrest of Jews by the French police in Paris.



TN: The International League Against Racism and Antisemitism.



AN: The following comments are taken from an interview with Guillaume Faye conducted by a young journalist with liberal right-wing views, Grégoire Canlorbe, and posted on his blog at the following address: https://leblogalupus.com/2018/10/25/interview-de-guillaume-faye-par-gregoire-canlorbe/.



TN: Originally from Sepharad, Spain, Sephardic Jews are a Jewish ethnic group.