Within the finest troops of the French army, the idea of an ethno-religious civil war between our French natives and the masses of hostile and vindictive populations of Arab-Afro-Muslim origin is rather widespread. Indeed, the scenario of a civil war seems not only consistent with what we have been witnessing but also with basic common sense; the very same common sense that 90% of our French elites and intellectuals are completely devoid of.
I have discussed this prospect with a young non-commissioned officer serving in an elite regiment of a prestigious army. What he told me is quite frightening and does not bode well. In his view, there will undoubtedly be a major, far-reaching and highly violent confrontation with those Afro-Maghrebian Muslim populations, and by extension, within the army itself, many incidents involving the already numerous recruits from both Africa and the Near/Middle East, who will choose to side against France. The same dramatic development shall take place in the law enforcement sphere, our police forces and our gendarmerie, whose use shall thus find itself severely limited. Have our brilliant intelligence services given the matter proper consideration? Do they even have the right to mention it internally?
Race and Racism — At the Heart of the Coming Clashes
In a most reluctant fashion, sociologist and polemologist Thibault de Montbrial speaks of a ‘racialisation of tensions’, using the taboo and explosive term ‘race’ precisely because of its censored relevance (for if there is a word-bomb, RACE would definitely be the one).
It is not an anecdotal or peripheral element, but a central dimension of what is now brewing. Characterised by its anti-racist ideology and repression (despite the fact that our constitutional law, ever imbued with schizophrenia, officially denies the existence of human races), our appalling multiracial society has actually become a multi-racist society. What this indicates, unfortunately, is that the civil war which may break out in France and Western Europe will not only have an ethnic, cultural and religious dimension, but also a racial one, which, throughout history, has always been a factor contributing to the greatest possible conflict between two sides.
It must be understood that the vast majority of young Black-African Muslims, and even those that are not born Muslim at all (especially if they happen to be black), consider Islam to be the natural religion and identity of non-Whites.[134]
This fact is completely at odds with all the memorised thought patterns permeating our official, well-meaning catechism. What a painful realisation this must be for the Left’s thinkers, despite their constant propaganda in the opposite direction. Ideological and moral antiracism has not stupefied people’s conscience and racial passions, but has, on the contrary, only succeeded in exacerbating them. The more one attempts to eradicate people’s natural state of being, the more pronounced it becomes. In the minds of young immigrants, being French is only a matter of documentation and administrative facilities, and it seems obvious to them that since they are neither white nor Muslim, they could never be genuinely French. It is out of the question for them to integrate into our society, much less to assimilate. Their attitude epitomises the utter failure of the abstract and republicanist conception of France, one that has been prevalent since the Revolution and the days of Renan and embodied a default value in the absence of mass immigration within the French hexagon’s comfortable ethnic homogeneity. What has thus failed is a basically utopian and rather stupid conception which de Gaulle did not share, one which perceives France as an alleged spiritual coalescence, a philosophico-political project consolidated by a common history and language, instead of actually being cemented by a carnal unity fraught with a twofold cultural and biological dimension — i.e. the presence of a people, of course!
And here is the paradox: just like those young immigrants that act as their enemies, European identitarian movements also espouse a racialist conception of both nations and the world. They perceive those immigrants just as the latter perceive themselves, namely as aliens with a radical ethnic consciousness (not to mention the cultural and biological aspect), and not at all as individuals or ‘French citizens’, thus completely contradicting the republican, anti-racist, egalitarian and cosmopolitan prevailing ideology. There can be no alliance between these two worlds. Those we are facing have managed to understand this well before us and do not hesitate to inflict pain on our people in a display of innovative horror!
We are currently experiencing a phase of explosive tensions and localised dress rehearsals that herald the great conflagration — that of a racial ethnic civil war. The latter will assume an extremely violent form, particularly through the involvement of ever-aggressive and ruthless Islam, in combination with various biological identification markers. The warning signs of a coming ethno-racial civil war are many, but the prospect of its outbreak has been removed from our leaders’ minds and the work records of our ENA graduates to such an extent that the governing authorities do not wish to see these signs nor to envisage the possibility that official hostilities could actually be initiated by our native French population.
In all areas of our everyday social life — as part of a process that is now increasingly impacting our once preserved small towns and rural areas — the tremendous migrational pressure and its corollary, Islamisation, are creating a very tense and highly charged atmosphere pervaded by constant conflict. Although implicit and generally unmentioned, the racial factor is ubiquitous and heightens religious tensions (among other things). On both sides, people state and repeat to themselves a fact that they all experience in their lives — there is us and there is them.
Indeed, throughout France, a phenomenon never experienced or, worse still, unsuspected by the Parisian elites has imposed its presence: that of ethnic division amidst endless conflict, hostility and permanent insecurity (with the latter only affecting one of the two sides). In certain regions, particularly in the south and the north, as well as the suburbs of our major conurbations, the situation of our French natives — and definitely not that of immigrants — has reached dramatic and utterly unmanageable proportions for everyone.
Maliciously targeted by Le Monde, Libération, Mediapart, Télérama, and France Culture, these ‘petty Whites’, i.e. our people and indigenous lower classes, have been forced to embrace ethnic coexistence, an artificial living-together that our leaders themselves do not even practice. This fool’s bargain also implies a blatant disregard for democracy at the hands of this shitty republic’s governments — a republic that has, since 1974, been resorting to decrees to impose an immigrational invasion upon the French people (through family reunification, mass naturalisation, regularisation, various subsidies, foreign preference, the impossibility to expel newcomers), going against the latter’s wishes and corrupting their dreams of tranquillity.
AN: In the 1960s, the partisans and militants of the African-American cause, which had emancipated itself from the Whites, embraced mass conversion to Islam, which they regarded as