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In addition to their cultural dispossession and the transformation of their living environment in a manner preventing them from feeling at home in their own country, our lower-class French natives have been suffering greatly from the polymorphous delinquency of immigrants, who are corrupting their lives and reinforcing their nostalgia for the 1950s and 1960s, when life was pleasant quite simply because those immigrants were not yet here. My fellow citizens must reclaim their own destiny — they no longer have any other choice. WE no longer have any other choice.

Statal Racism? Absolutely, but One That Advantages Foreigners

The incessant anti-racist propaganda that advocates our living-together both on TV and elsewhere is entirely worthless in the face of our daily experiences of robberies, rape, street or home invasion assaults, rioting, excessive noise levels, insults, school and hospital violence, vehicle arson, etc. And somehow, those responsible for such behaviour always happen to be of the same origin. By contrast, the latter are never aggressed by their usual victims. Isn’t thug life cool?

Indeed, what our indigenous Frenchmen have been subjected to at the hands of third-world immigrants (including their descendants, who are often minors and already violent) and are presently being made to endure by those sacrosanct migrants has not been a two-way street. The Whites have been the only ones aggressed and excluded. No one else has. The often-unpunished, self-victimising and privileged foreign criminals and troublemakers are never aggressed, nor even challenged by our natives, i.e. by those ‘petty Whites’ whose lives they have been corrupting and whose territory they henceforth proudly occupy.

On the contrary, those foreigners are not only the state’s very own darlings, but also those of our administrations and large groups (those active in the field of market distribution, for instance), all of whom are under civic obligation to hire such people before anyone else, all in the name of diversity. The very same conditions apply when it comes to the allocation of social housing: regardless of whether it is a matter of offering discounts on household services or free transport, ethno-racially allogeneic people always enjoy blatant favouritism when compared to indigenous Europeans, due to allegedly social reasons. All of this is, in fact, done in the name of one’s race, without, of course, anyone ever daring to utter this explosive word. The state is clearly imposing social diversity upon the working class (how commendably well-intentioned!) — a diversity that should instead be understood as racial diversity.

This situation, which is very demanding for our exasperated natives to experience, may turn out to be a source of provocation and drive them to take sudden and violent action. This, in my opinion, shall indeed be the case in many of our republic’s lost territories.

The Psycho-Pathology of Anti-Racism

‘Anti-racism has become our century’s own civil religion’, says Pascal Bruckner, who authored a scandalous and exhilarating book entitled An Imaginary Racism. Because of this opinion (among other things), Bruckner has found himself ostracised, just like Finkielkraut, and is now on bad terms with our right-thinking intelligentsia, since he too now stands accused of Islamophobia, obviously.

For the dominant ideology, criticising anti-racism is immediately synonymous with being racist — a supreme abomination, as previously stated. This anti-racist ideology, which is completely contradictory as a result of its bias and tendency to overvalue ‘coloured people’ to the detriment of Whites, contributes to the profound racialisation of our society and will certainly prove to be an aggravating factor in an ethnic civil war characterised by its racial and racist dimensions.

Although Islam is a religion with a universal sort of mission, the fact remains that it relates, as already stated, to the ‘Arab’ race, because the majority of its followers are coloured, which explains why Islamophobia and racism are correlated, or sometimes even confused, and why Pascal Bruckner has immediately been labelled Islamophobic for simply criticising anti-racism! Anti-racism is a doctrinal creation stemming from both Whites and left-wing Jews that define themselves as Westerners but have all surrendered to self-loathing, i.e. to ethno-masochism. The harshest censorship or prosecution is thus directed against any Whites accused of racism. Why does this happen to Whites in particular, and much less to other races?

Because nowadays, racism is, I would say, regarded as an almost metaphysical curse that can only originate from Whites, with others considered exempt from it by nature. This is why anti-White racism is never — or hardly ever — prosecuted, and neither is the anti-Semitism of Muslims. Non-Europeans, and especially Muslims, are seen as intrinsic victims and are therefore blameless and untouchable.

In the French Constitution, all references to the notion of race have been abolished, with the word itself having suddenly been removed, as if by some sort of exorcism, and the very notion apparently declared scientifically inexistent (despite the fact that all current scientific tendencies espouse the opposite interpretation, but never mind). This does not, of course, prevent them from punishing the ‘racism’ of writers and speakers ever more severely, on the basis of an object which, both officially and legally, does not even exist. We have thus reached a point where although the very inexistence of fish has been decreed, one is still forbidden to indulge in fishing…

In actual fact, this anti-racist obsession is but a racial one which, by means of a heterotelic effect, spreads throughout society and impacts everyone, regardless of their origin.

The Increased Obviousness of Racial Antagonism

Which is precisely why, in the event of an outbreak of civil war, the ethnic (i.e. religious, cultural, linguistic, traditional, etc.) dimension will be combined with another, much more serious aspect — that of a racial conflict. In this regard, it would seem that the vindictive and militant organisation known as CRAN (Representative Council of Black Associations) will play a very significant role. Indeed, CRAN is the very first overtly racial and racist association tolerated by the authorities and will take charge of various activities targeting both our native French population and law enforcement forces the moment obvious hostilities break out.

This racialisation of conflicts is already encountered at the discreet level of sociological observation and can, likewise, be conclusively perceived through the simple use of one’s common sense: a simple enumeration of all irregularities, riots, arsons, assaults, daily incidents, and individual and collective Muslim attacks clearly reveals the presence of two distinct populations: on the one hand, the Afro-Maghrebian one and, on the other, our own natives, who, it must be said, are not all French but often include integrated and peaceful European immigrants and mixed-raced individuals who suffer as much as the others. None of this has evaded our genuine population’s attention, and, despite its rather high sophistication, the official anti-racist, deracialising and propagandic discourse is no longer accepted. The latter will not be able to defuse the bomb of an acknowledged and experienced logic, namely that of a brewing racial conflict! There can be no mistake on either side: our jerseys are truly not of the same colour.[135]



AN: This is the case of all propaganda, even the sophisticated kind: in the face of repeated events, it gradually grows weaker, and the unhealthy and unsustainable regime collapses, either willingly or by force.