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In the eyes of those irredeemable masturbators of cosmopolitan thought, if Arabs and Whites cannot stand one another, it is not because they are too culturally or genetically different, but only because they are poor. Always the same ridiculous utopia. Thomas Guénolé and all those who hold a similar discourse really expect us to believe that if Mokhtar labels your daughter a ‘whore’ and tries to rape her behind a dustbin, it is merely because this kind-hearted Momo is poor and a little frustrated, definitely not because he is a Muslim; and especially not because he is Maghrebian…

If such Sunday Times analysts spoke with simpler words, without jargon and without systematically saying one thing instead another, most viewers would realise that their words are almost always utter nonsense. I am now convinced that these braggarts of the anti-racist Left deliberately resort to Marxist phrasing and convoluted structures so as to give their speech an illusory veneer of intelligence and impose their conclusions upon a public that remains necessarily respectful of all famous writers and columnists appearing on TV!

In order to be victorious, it shall be necessary to prove, over and over again, that people such as Guénolé are enemies of France. Imagine yourself at a table in a restaurant: you order fish, only to be brought a rotten fish that stinks from several meters’ distance. Well, there would always be a Guénolé waiting in the corner, explaining to you that the situation is perfectly normal and that there is no reason to be alarmed since things have always been like this, throughout the ages. Knowing perfectly well that something is wrong, you resign yourself to the situation and simply eat your fish. Well, the very same process is taking place with regard to immigrational invasion. Two-thirds of our French people question this development but unplug their brains the moment neo-Marxist celebrities tell them that their existence within this multicultural jungle is actually fabulous. It is allegedly enough to say it in order to be convinced: our lives in occupied France are simply wonderful! Tell me then, what are you complaining about?

And yet a glimmer of hope is still rekindled in me when I consider the path that some leftist figures have taken towards us. I’m thinking of Franck Lepage in particular, a man who offers people treatment for their ‘political cant afflictions’ in the form of sketches. Driven mad by the inconsistency of his own side’s political leaders, Lepage embraced dissent several years ago, in the primary sense of the word. In a rather hilarious performance, this humourist has shown that some catchall phrases can be used, linked and combined in any direction, to say absolutely anything and the very opposite.[140] Such words are what our rotten politicians constantly use, and some leftists have taken a step towards this salutary cause of ours.

Although I have already talked about her, YouTuber Tatiana Ventôse has also come a long way since her first videos. She now expresses, ever more often, her annoyance at the very high level of insecurity characterising the Parisian region. On her YouTube channel, one can watch many videos dealing with Islam, of which she speaks in not very laudatory terms. Last but not least, it is not uncommon for one to see her virulently criticise the thinkers of our most despicable anti-French Left, including Moroccan-born scum Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Of course, I can only deplore the fact that these people lack the courage — or, due to their genuine convictions, the actual desire — to cross the racialist Rubicon so as to finally understand and state that if certain populations behave one way or another, it is because that is what they are like deep inside. Race does indeed account for everything.

Before the coming civil war (or perhaps even during it), different groups will clash within the Left itself, a Left that will undergo gradual disintegration, especially because of Islam. Some men and women openly committed to the Left will no longer be able to bear the presence of Islamo-leftist traitors among them. In his recent book entitled Et la gauche devint la putain de l’islam,[141] Pierre Cassen has successfully highlighted the schism that is now taking place between collaborationist leftism and the real patriotic Left. We sincerely hope that our dear old opponents, who once idolised Trotsky, Lenin or Marx and have now understood that the path of identitarian struggle is the only one worth taking (in addition to realising that what their peers are preaching is the abolishment of our borders and the unrestrained welcoming of immigrants), will fight alongside us when the time is right.

For we shall require all of our brothers and sisters if we are to emerge victorious from the coming war. Every single one of them.


How the War Shall Unfold — Possibilities and Predictions

The coming racial civil war is likely to be triggered in accordance with the model of the 2005 riots, meaning that it shall no longer be restricted to a single area of our territory but, in harmony with an accretion of ethnic solidarity, involve riots scattered synchronically across France, making the latter difficult to control. In comparison with the events of 2005, however, the intensity will be much higher this time round, with much more coordination between the different hotbeds.

Just like in 2005, everything will be set in motion using a self-victimising pretext — the accidental death of young Afro-Maghrebian Muslims implicated, as always, in various acts of delinquency, as a result of a mistake or any other doing that could serve as a motive and involve the police, if possible. It is never those poor people’s fault; they are simply always dragged into the worst situations by chance.

Although a less likely development, the flare-up could also come about following the death of some black African scum. Just think back to the tumult that France experienced at the time of the Theo affair, which had already set suburbs ablaze all over France. And now that we mention it, let us not forget the outcome of this minor news event: the amiable, wide-arsed Theo had, in fact, provoked the police first (the CCTV cameras have since enabled their vindication), not to mention the fact that he and his entire family had also committed fraud offences amounting to tens of thousands of euros. One would be inclined to believe that these people only enjoy life by violating the laws of the Western states that welcome them. Gratitude is clearly not part of their vocabulary.

The Architects of the Civil War Are Now Ready


AN: The Power of Words, an excerpt from a show by Franck Lepage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MMwGKyIF-U. Available on Amazon. Éditions Riposte Laïque, 2018.



TN: As pointed out by Guillaume Faye in the French footnote, the book was published by Éditions Riposte Laïque in 2018 and is available for purchase on Amazon (.fr). And the Left Became the Whore of Islam would be its corresponding English title.