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As in my previous book, which was entirely devoted to it, I have once again placed great emphasis on the role of Islam in A Racial Civil War. I would especially like to avoid giving the impression that I am somehow minimising the gravity of the excessive birth rates in black Africa, which embody a genuine danger for our future. I am simply trying to be pragmatic and focus on the greatest threat in the next ten to fifteen years, which I think will continue to be epitomised by the Islamic radicalisation, through Salafism, of millions of Maghrebians and Arabs already present on French soil.

Bernard Lugan[152] has brilliantly analysed African psychology and these populations’ desire for unlimited births. If you wish to delve deeper into the subject and know what to expect, it is advised that you read a recently published book written by Jean-Claude Rolinat and entitled La bombe africaine et ses fragmentations.[153] I highly recommend reading it. The insane increase in the number of people inhabiting the great continent located to the south of the civilised world shall be exponential and terrifying. According to a UN report, in 2050, Nigeria alone will have a population of approximately 400 million ‘souls’ — if one can actually call them that. There will thus be as many Nigerians as there are Americans, but they will be concentrated in a much smaller country.

I am quite unsure whether people genuinely understand the gravity of the situation. Even if the problem were only numerical, there would already be enough cause for concern. The issue, however, reaches much further than that. In a chart released in 2014, the INSEE[154] states that 44% of all immigrants come from Africa (i.e. from both the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa), a figure that will only grow, since their birth rates are much higher than ours. There is an old idea that drives all those who specialise in both everything and nothing to claim that the integration of extra-Europeans has failed because our French society has mismanaged their establishment in mainland France. I would honestly love to believe this, but nothing could be further from the truth.

The three black African countries whose greatest number of nationals we currently welcome are Mali, Senegal and Congo. They are countries whose average IQ level is 74, 76 and 76 respectively. Let us say 75, then, if we average all three figures. In comparison to this, the IQ in France is STILL 98 points,[155] despite five decades of intensive immigration. One must be very naïve to believe that this difference — or this chasm, should I say — of 23 points is only due to the ever-thrilling ‘cultural diversity’. The reality is that young black schoolchildren are unable to integrate, not because the teachers of our national education system are mean and racist towards them (the opposite is true, rather), but because they do not have the intellectual capacity to do so. Let the facts be stated, once and for all! I say that African immigration to France, and more generally to Europe, is an ABOMINATION and must be brought to an end as soon as possible.

As for the court Jews often mentioned in this book, including Morin, Todd, Minc, Kouchner and the like, they are all fools who think they are smarter than their own rabbis and, unlike a major part of their community, have chosen to court the invaders, thus neglecting the lessons of history. Let them heed the words of their own prophets, then: after the good wheat, they shall be left with tares.[156]

Rightly considered traitors by their own people, but also (and especially) by the French, these anti-racist and anti-White leftist Jews will have to watch their backs when the wind turns. Even though, for the time being, they allow themselves to be critical of Israel (a land which these laughable cosmopolites see from a distance as a fascist and conservative country), they will have to consider the option of retreating to the land of their ancestors once the just anger of European identitarians allows the latter to cleanse not only France, but also every other part of the West.

This is not a threat, but a piece of advice.


My Own Human Rights Principles

1) What an ideology states and professes must not be judged in accordance with a moral criterion (‘Is it right or wrong?’), but rather with the experimental criterion of effectiveness (‘Is it functional or not?’).

2) Regardless of whether they bear any connection to religion or not, most ideologies fail due to their methodology, since they move from theory to practice, whereas one should proceed from practice to theory.

3) Judeocentrism is a hollow obsession whose causes, meaning and goals cannot be clearly defined. There are some who will claim that the reason I say this lies in my fear of the Jewish lobby, but I am not afraid of anything and am going to die soon. Over the years, I have come to understand that the anti-Semitic reduction of all our current problems to the Jewish question is the most striking form of contemporary conspiracy theories.

4) One never fights against a mere religion, ideology or doctrine: instead, what one battles is, above all, a group of men whose gathering acts as the collective embodiment of such a state of mind.

5) Ethnic homogeneity is the condition for civil peace and prosperity to prevail. As rightly noted by Aristotle, the peaceful and economically viable coexistence of ethnically different populations (cultures and origins) on a single territory is generally impossible. Most of the time, it leads to incessant conflicts, followed by a civil war during which the invaders attempt to replace the natives.

6) In any society or country, it is only a very small allogeneic minority that can successfully integrate through imitation and the renunciation of its original identity. Beyond a given numerical threshold (more than 2% of the population, generally speaking), one is guaranteed to face disorders and conflicts, with the inevitable and gradual creation of ghettos, as each group of people seeks to gather among their own. Assimilation and integration are impossible when it comes to two different cultures, especially when a strong racial ingredient is added to pickle the mixture.



TN: Bernard Lugan is a contemporary French historian and Associate Professor of African history at Jean Moulin University Lyon 3, in France. He is also active as a teacher at the French Institute of Defence Studies.



TN: The African Bomb and Its Fragmentations, published, according to Faye’s own footnote, on 27th August, 2018 through Dualpha edtions.



TN: The French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Research.



TN: Guillaume Faye seems to have given the Parable of the Tares a new angle here. In the original version mentioned in Matthew 13:24–13:30, the basic premise is that during the final judgment, the angels shall separate the ‘sons of the evil one’ (i.e. the tares or weeds) from the ‘sons of the kingdom’ (i.e. the wheat). Metaphorically speaking, Faye’s logic follows a different direction, in which court Jews will be punished for their wickedness when they are left with nothing but the tares that they have helped to sow.