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7) Because of its very nature, its spreading of humiliation, its relentless aggressiveness, its inherent desire for both conquest and vengeance, its horrendous barbarities, etc., Islam, which has gone hand in hand with the massive immigration we have experienced over the past four decades, acts as the almost certain trigger of a coming civil war.

8) Under the direction of the Arabs (an excessively sanguinary people), the goal of Islam has, for fourteen long centuries now, lain in the conquest of Europe, whether through violence or not. They also feel the need to take revenge for the shame of having been driven out of our continent on two separate occasions and the humiliation of colonisation. As if under a spell, they will simply never cease to blame us. The Muslim countries of the Gulf, as well as Algeria and Turkey, are all discreetly involved in this conquest venture.

9) Just like any situation where one is faced with a water leak, the solution to our current political situation cannot be found in the approximate and temporary plugging of the leak itself. What we must do, instead, is stop the inpouring before sponging it away and draining it all out.

10) In the medium and long term, what is essential for any nation, especially if it has had the imprudence to admit immigrants, is to provide itself with an indigenous population of generational renewal.

The Contradictions of the Prevailing Ideology

When the Left Generates the Very Opposite of What It Would Like To
An Article Dated 10th March, 2017

The dominant ideology, which does not correspond to the majority’s opinions but merely to the thoughts of a ruling minority in whose values left-wing ingredients are very present indeed, is fraught with increasing, insurmountable and oxymoron-like internal contradictions. What follows are the most blatant ones, divided into several fields, namely economy, immigration, Islam, feminism, education, justice, and others.

The Left and the International Finance Sphere — An Objective Alliance

Socialists strive to justify our national indebtedness and fight against a completely imaginary ‘austerity’, disregarding our balance of public accounts, which is allegedly —wait for it! — ‘ultra-liberal’. And yet, the ever-so-hated world of international finance is pleased with the constantly growing indebtedness of its debtor, France, totalling 100% of its GDP. Socialists and international speculators walk the same path.

For ‘social’ reasons, the anti-capitalistic Left is thus in favour of our chronic budget deficit, while simultaneously abhorring international finance. The latter, however, finances our deficit (for the time being, at least) in the hope that these loans will allow it to earn more and more money. The anti-capitalistic Left therefore acts as its opponent’s cash cow. All of this is, however, partly rigged. Why? Because left-wing political borrowers receive creditors’ commissions to indebt our country.

One Battles a Fictional Sort of Ultra-Liberalism While France Succumbs to Collectivism

All over the world, one proceeds to attack ‘ultra-liberalism’ and ‘austerity’, while France experiences a collectivist economy with more than 57% of our GDP absorbed by the world’s strongest public expenditures; in addition to our shouldering a debt that brings us ever closer to bankruptcy and to our having the heaviest and most confiscatory tax regime for middle classes and businesses, especially in the case of SMEs[157] and very small businesses.

France is a collectivist country with an administered, over-regulated and overtaxed economy and an incredible number of civil servants. From this point of view, our land has the worst results of all EU countries (in terms of unemployment, indebtedness, and foreign trade).

The Antiracist Ideology Is Racist

Anti-racists support black and Arab Muslims, who, for their part, are both racist and anti-Semitic. A good example is Mehdi Meklat, a comedian who enjoys great admiration within the mediatic sphere and who went as far as to wish for the advent of a new Hitler to exterminate the Jews (no problem, right?). Or, close to Meklat, there is also Oulaya Amamra, who won the Most Promising Actress César Award. Indeed, she posted several anti-White/racist and homophobic tweets but was forgiven for her actions on account of her ethnic origin, which, as remarked by Ivan Rioufol, is a source of protection against any and all reproach (Le Figaro, 4th February, 2017).

Although widespread, anti-White racism is never prosecuted, simply because it is denied. One only speaks of racism when it impacts the members of our so-called diversity and stems from white authors. Such cases are, incidentally, extremely rare and are generally either falsified or highly exaggerated.

Likewise, anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial are almost never subject to legal punishment when they come from Muslims (which is very common), and are only sanctioned when stemming from native European activists (a rarity by any means).

Defined as an aggravating motive for the commission of a crime or criminal offence, racism only applies to Whites in the standard practice of our courts.

Officially, human races are considered inexistent in France; but, as part of a legal contradiction, racism qualifies as a crime. It is no different from stating that bikes do not exist, but that one is forbidden to cycle.

The CRAN (Representative Council of Black Associations) is not considered racist (although its name clearly is), whereas any potential CRAB (Representative Council of White Associations) would not only be denied the right to administrative registration, but also have its founders hauled into court under charges of racism.

Whereas the term ‘Black Africa’ is both politically correct and tolerated, the expression ‘White Europe’ is strongly frowned upon.

Positive Discrimination and (Anti-White) Statal Racism

Positive discrimination, i.e. the fact of bestowing upon people of colour various benefits, privileges, exemptions and favours so as to compensate for their purported discrimination by society, has not been legalised in France as it has been in American universities (where it is known as ‘affirmative action’), yet it is still implemented in practice — the priority or even systematic hiring of ‘diversity’ members for menial or medium-level jobs in large companies and public offices; higher social welfare and the absence of punishment for fraud; easier access to social housing from which the native French are virtually excluded; etc.

Contrary to the claims of the entire media, the populations of immigrant descent are neither disadvantaged nor excluded, but greatly privileged in every single field, as demonstrated by our urban policy, which entails huge costs but never produces the desired effects.

Even when their asylum application is rejected, third-world illegal migrants (‘invaders’ would be a more appropriate term) are non-expellable and receive more aid than our natives ever could.

The Duplicity and Aberrations of Feminism

Feminist lobbies have had laws passed guaranteeing gender parity in both voters lists and business leadership, all in the name of gender equality. These seemingly egalitarian measures constitute a serious violation of the principle of equal opportunity for all individuals regardless of their sex and origin. They are also contrary to the Declaration of Human Rights, which does not recognise the legitimacy of any quota based on one’s gender and birth conditions.

These measures are, furthermore, particularly harmful to women. With competency-based selection no longer respected, some of the women that end up being elected or recruited on the basis of quotas will not be of the required level. They will thus be said to have benefited from unfair favouritism.



TN: Small to medium-sized enterprises, i.e. companies with a staff of no more than 500 employees.