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The feministic and anti-racist Left is Islamophilic (as dictated by anti-racism), whereas Islam is essentially misogynistic. Leftist feminists, in fact, support invasive immigration and Islamisation. As for Femen[158] members, they attack churches under the pretext that Catholicism is allegedly misogynous (which is both idiotic and false), but are too cowardly to target mosques, although misogyny is one of Islam’s pillars.

Influenced by Islamo-leftism, feminist movements speak of women’s freedom when defending the wearing of the burkini, although we all know perfectly well that it is worn as a means of provocation and that this ridiculous and infamous garment is imposed upon women through threats. Interviewed by Le Figaro (on 7th March, 2017), French-Tunisian journalist Sonia Mabrouk explained that just like the Muslims themselves, these perverted feminists ‘have turned a symbol of domination into an expression of freedom’!

Ecologism vs. Ecology

Leftist ecologists strive to abolish nuclear energy, even though it is actually the least polluting energy source of all.

Dependent on the wind and the sun, and therefore of low efficiency, their famed intermittent ‘renewable energies’ would have to be supported through the presence of coal and gas power plants, as is currently the case in Germany, which declares itself opposed to nuclear power. What this state of affairs does is significantly increase pollutant emissions.

Supposedly less polluting in the long-term, the electric car will, owing to the use of thermal power plants, actually embody a major factor in the prior increase of the consumption (the recharging of batteries), and therefore also the production, of polluting electricity. The electric car is thus a completely wrong choice to make.

In Paris, the restriction of car traffic and the closure of riverbank roads by the green lobby of Mrs Hidalgo do not cause delays in public transport but, on the contrary, monster traffic jams that exacerbate air pollution.

The rejection of the large-scale Rhine-Rhône canal by the members of our green lobby has led to a proliferation of highly polluting lorries on our motorway routes.

Democracy, Populism and Oligarchy — Confusion and Lies

Countries that have the word ‘democracy’ in their names, especially when the latter is associated with the term ‘republic’, are often tyrannies. I would even describe this as a constant.

From the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the former German Democratic Republic, leaders once sought to defend themselves against all accusations of dictatorship by resorting to the following trump card: ‘Come on now, we are a democracy!’ This state of affairs has now fizzled out…

By targeting racism, the dominant ideology is actually castigating another major enemy: populism. To be a democrat and praise democracy — as if it were a secular idol — while simultaneously labelling oneself ‘anti-populist’ is, however, contradictory and absurd. Indeed, the words democracy (Greek etymology) and populism (Latin etymology) have the very same meaning, referring to the sovereignty of a people in the face of an oligarchy.

Imposing its subtle, discreet yet extremely effective tyranny upon France, the oligarchy is afraid of our real people. By means of semantic manipulation, it describes its own domination as being ‘democratic’ and labels the genuine democracy it dreads as ‘populistic’, implicitly assimilating the latter with fascism. It is all a very cynical lie that awakens one’s lust for revolution and blood.

Our Justice System vs. True Justice — A Caste’s Partiality, Politicisation and Abuse of Power

The principle of legal impartiality is no longer credible in France, for a major part of our judicial system is now politicised and biased. Many magistrates do not deliver justice in the name of the French people but in accordance with their own ideological commitments. The education which our National School of Magistracy thus provides is, politically speaking, of a far-leftist nature, perhaps even verging on Islamo-leftism.

The magistracy longs to be both untouchable and sacred, as if it were a kind of secular church erected above our own people. Espousing a totalitarian kind of approach, it prosecutes those who criticise it.

As seen during the Fillon affair,[159] for instance, the separation of powers is no longer respected by our courts, which allow themselves to directly intervene in presidential elections.

Draped in its false dignity and feigned impartiality, a part of our justice system submits to the dominant ideology of the hysterical Left, and in a militant manner at that. This fact came to light during the French Judicial Union’s scandalous delinquent slip-ups (‘The Wall of the Morons’ affair,[160] etc.).

Many magistrates are impartial only in matters of common law, from which all political or ethnic implications are absent. The dictatorship of unelected judges (especially European ones, who impose their rulings upon our national parliaments); their professional impunity; and their activist partiality are among the main dangers threatening genuine democracy.

As was the case under the Old Regime, our justice system has redefined itself as an autonomous corporation, one that remains independent of the will of the people, of its elected representatives and of our sovereignty. The very notion of a judicial system independent of democratically elected political powers is absurd. This is a false interpretation of Montesquieu’s conception of the separation of powers. Indeed, this charming undemocratic principle results in having an unelected judicial institution become independent of our very laws (which it shamelessly violates), encouraging it to form an autonomous sort of corporation. On the contrary, however, our magistrates should remain completely dependent on our parliamentary and executive legislative power, which stems from our people’s sovereignty, since they are expected to deliver justice ‘in the name of the people’. The actual independence of any justice system is an idea whose essence is tyrannical.

The European Union is Anti-European

Pro-European individuals (i.e. those that defend the current European Union), EU institutions and the European Court of Strasbourg are all in favour of the invasive immigration originating from other continents.

The Schengen Area of border abolition and the maritime military rescue operations in the Mediterranean have led to an immigrational explosion afflicting Europe. Instead of repelling such invaders, what European navies do, in actual fact, is help them invade us.

European institutions have, furthermore, adopted trade and international exchange rules that are systematically unfavourable to European companies.

It is therefore necessary to completely transform the various aspects of the current European Union, without, however, abolishing its very principle. What we must do is return to the notion of a union comprised of sovereign nations, i.e. reconnect with the supreme and ancient principle which the union of Greek city-states[161] abided by in relation to the absolute sovereignty of each city. What we need is a homogeneous people united with different yet kindred nations and devoid of ethnic diversity, since diversity automatically acts as a factor contributing to an outbreak of civil war. We thus need a Europe comprising one people, but many nations.

National Education — Egalitarianism vs. Equality


TN: Originally founded in the Ukraine but now based in Paris, Femen (Ukrainian: Фемен) is a radical feminist activist organisation that has achieved international notoriety through its staging of controversial topless protests against sex tourism, the Church, sexism, ‘homophobia’, and other social, national and international issues and targets. At no point have its members ever attacked Islam for being blatantly misogynistic.



TN: The Fillon affair was a politico-financial scandal during which family members of French politician François Fillon were alleged to have been given paid jobs entailing little to no work at all. These claims were made amidst the 2017 French presidential election campaign which Fillon, the Republican candidate, was strongly favoured to win.



TN: Back in 2013, French journalist Clément Weill-Raynal filmed and revealed the so-called ‘Wall of the Morons’. This collage of photos depicting various political, artistic, mediatic and judicial personalities was displayed on the premises of the French Judicial Union (French: Syndicat de la magistrature)! Alongside the photos lay a note urging people to only add morons if they were not already on display. The controversy was huge and initially led to Weill-Raynal’s dismissal by his France3 employer. At a later point, this brave journalist chose to recount this unpleasant episode of his professional life in Le fusillé du mur des cons (whose title can be rendered as ‘Executed on Account of the Wall of the Morons’).



TN: This seems to be a reference to the League of Corinth, also known as the Hellenic League, a federation of Greek polities and city-states created by Philip II.