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The decrease in our public education’s general level and discipline greatly disadvantages all children from working-class backgrounds. Better-off children attend paid private schools whose level is definitely higher than that of our national education system, a situation which differs from the past, when the public sector was superior to the private one.

Egalitarianism and the prevailing anti-selection ideology, both of which surfaced in May 1968, are the smotherers of equality in education, since they foster growing inequalities and obstruct the movement of elites. At the end of the primary cycle, the French national education system — a bastion of the egalitarian Left — generates one of the highest illiteracy rates in the entire world: 20%! In the medium term, this state of affairs will be deadly for our country. Already now, the French baccalaureate is no longer considered a serious diploma on an international level.

In this domain, as well as many other ones, what the Left’s permissive and egalitarian dominant ideology has produced is a two-tier society, with working-class children educated in low-end public institutions characterised by recurring acts of violence and permanent insecurity (essentially brought about by non-native pupils); mediocre teaching staff; and poor teaching methods and programmes. Nowadays, our public schools resemble low-cost supermarkets and our private schools luxury boutiques, although it was the very opposite that once applied. Thanks a lot, leftists![162]

One Single Crime Could Be the Last Straw That Shall Set the Civil War in Motion

A Brief Analysis by the Book’s French Editor

It was on 20th May, 2018 that I met Guillaume Faye for the very first time. We had established contact through his former editor, Jean Robin, who had asked me to talk to Faye about his book entitled Understanding Islam, which, according to him, had attracted too little attention in the dissident and patriotic media. I accepted immediately, because I had long been eager to add this truly legendary and utterly rock’ n’ roll figure — whose mind had created the notion of archeo-futurism — to the list of special guests appearing on my very own show, Vive Europe.[163]

What I did not expect, however, was to get on with him so well. I had been told the worst horrors about his character — he was an old, cantankerous, pretentious, stingy, bad-tempered and obsessed madman, and so on and so forth. You must never pay attention to what people say about someone you do not yet know personally. For none of what I had heard seemed true to me. The only reputation of his that I was able to verify is that he was a man slightly prone to drinking alcohol. No sooner had Guillaume entered the recording studio than he stumbled and almost fell on the glass table in the middle of the living room. Tight-lipped, he smiled and said to me: ‘Oh, I’m sorry, I’ve just had a little drink!’ A little drink… Upon hearing him euphemise reality in such a manner, I burst out laughing. I was captivated.

As you might have noticed while reading this book, Faye was still of sound mind, despite his self-destructive tendencies and bad habits, so characteristic of misunderstood artists. I could talk for hours on end about this meeting of ours and the friendship that was born on that day. In future, I shall put it all on paper, but this is not the subject of the current text.

After the show, enjoying a cigarette or two in the presence of Joffrey Marrot, Robin Le Corre (a friend who allows me to film interviews in his home, which I would now like to thank him for), and a certain Romanian friend who will recognise himself in this description, we mentioned the prospect of a civil war in France, a war that would pit the country’s Whites against the Arab and African populations. That is when Guillaume told me that this was actually the subject of the book he was writing. I had no idea, at the time, that I would be the one to edit it. I listened to him talk without paying special attention. Indeed, my experience had taught me to be wary of all prophets of doom (a doom which never comes to pass), all declinists and anyone overly fond of grandiloquent discourse.

I do not believe in a well-thought-out counterattack launched by the French. Excessive propaganda and personal resignation have softened the valiant hearts of the Gauls. And yet, a recent fact mentioned in the news and pointed out by Faye on that day convinced me to reconsider my position.

On 1st February, 2018, an Italian web medium, Il Giornale, covered the nightmarish story of a young woman killed and hacked to pieces sometime between the 30th and the 31st of January. Here are the details, as mentioned by the web medium:[164]

A 29-year-old Nigerian national, Innocent Oseghale, was arrested by the Carabinieri for the murder of Pamela Mastropietro, an 18-year-old Italian adolescent. The migrant, whose residence permit had already expired, had killed her and chopped her into pieces.

The girl’s dismembered corpse was found yesterday morning by the Carabinieri, in two carts on the edge of Dell’industria Street, in Pollenza (Macerata). The current investigation, testimonies and video images all point to the 29-year-old Nigerian’s guilt.

In addition to being illegally present in the European Union, his criminal record indicates that he had also violated Italian drug trafficking laws.

It is all a terrible thing to write and contemplate, but so far, after reading these few lines, the information included is quite commonplace in a Western Europe that is now undergoing ethnic replacement. Indeed, such events happen on a daily basis, and the most atrocious crimes have become tragically ordinary.

The rest of the case is much more interesting. I came across this article in 20 minutes,[165] on 8th February, 2018, a few days after Pamela Mastropietro’s death.

An Italian man, Luca Traini, sought revenge for Pamela’s mutilation and attempted to assassinate several Blacks, acknowledging his behaviour’s specifically xenophobic character. The paper’s headline is unequivocaclass="underline" A Show of Solidarity with the Perpetrator of the Racist Shooting.

And here is the content:

The solicitor representing Luca Traini, the man who had gone through several neighbourhoods and opened fire on the black migrants he saw from his vehicle, stated he had received a flood of messages in which people expressed their solidarity with his client. “Messages from people of all political stripes continue to arrive. The ones sending them are ordinary people, some belonging to the Left, others to the Right, of course,” solicitor Giancarlo Giulianelli stated.

“Most people say they would like to offer him money,” he added, “but despite being grateful to everyone for their messages, my client does not seek to be offered financial support and asks that the money meant for his defence be sent to Italian families in difficulty.”

This come as no surprise, considering that Luca Traini’s actions had been motivated, as he himself has stated, by Pamela Mastropietro’s despicable murder.

On Saturday, Luca Traini, a 28-year-old security guard, shot a dozen Africans in Macerata, in the centre of the Italian peninsula, before stopping his car and awaiting the arrival of the police, wrapped in an Italian flag. The young man had been on his way to a weights room when he had heard a radio announcement detailing the arrest of a Nigerian in the murder case. Here is what he had to say about it: “I just lost it. All I wanted was to kill blacks and drug dealers.”

There are two elements to remember in this case. The first is the revenge wrought by a native in the face of a foreigner’s violent, abusive or murderous behaviour. When one shifts one’s attention away from the French quagmire, one realises that such events are already happening elsewhere in Europe. For the time being, they are but occasional reactions of pride, yet they do indeed occur and are thus to be pointed out. Let us, furthermore, not forget the politically motivated and spectacular attack carried out by Anders Breivik in Norway on 22nd July, 2011. It would be a mistake to suppose that Whites have completely (and globally) lost all capacity for rebellion.



French Editor’s Note: Despite the fact that this article can be found on Guillaume Faye’s blog, www.gfaye.com, it seemed interesting to include it in the appendices. Although fundamental, this reflection on both the Left and the system did not really have a place of its own in a book focused on the racial issue.



TN: Long Live Europe.



French Editor’s Note: Translated on our site a few days later. The link can be found here — https://news.suavelos.eu/pollenza-un-nigerian-demembre-une-italienne-de-18-ans-et-met-les-morceaux-dans-des-caddies/.



TN: 20 minutes (French: Vingt minutes) is a free, daily newspaper aimed at French commuters.