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The next aspect, which is the most interesting one, is embodied by the very information comprised in the title — the population agrees with the avenger and approves of his actions! It welcomes this behaviour and supports it with messages of friendship and proposed donations. On this level, a step has been taken towards the outbreak of ethnic war. One thus understands that, in the event of large-scale conflicts, and despite the unrelenting efforts of the media, which always side with non-indigenous populations, the crowds will support their heroes. The Italians who have applauded Luca Traini’s actions have certainly made it clear to anyone who would follow a similar course of action that they would stand by all those who act against the invaders. I am unsure whether one can label this development pleasant, but it is definitely noticeable.

Guillaume Faye believes in the theory of an outburst of public anger, and informed me of it on the day we met. His understanding is that if scenarios such as the one I have just detailed become a daily occurrence in France, with acts of revenge and counter-revenge on both sides, a racial civil war shall break out and spread its black wings across the entire country.

Italy is, of course, not France, and we have yet to experience our own Breivik.

The current Yellow Vest revolt, which is in full swing as I pen these words, indicates that our people are not entirely dead yet and may have a surprise or two up their sleeve — they may indeed surprise us with their panache, their swift brutality, and their collective intelligence, infusing life into our dream of a better tomorrow.

I would not, however, venture as far as to expect a 16th or 20th protest phase[166] during which one would ‘hold a dialogue with the suburbs’, a revolutionary Saturday during which one would witness Yellow Vests launch an attack on the local scum and unleash their just fury upon the latter’s territory. It is Guillaume Faye who has ventured that far in my stead, longing for a civil war that would save this country.

I will not take the needless risk of embracing such a position, but I do hope that should such a war come to pass, it is we who shall emerge victorious. And I do believe we shall!

Daniel Conversano, 26th December, 2018
Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

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TN: This is a reference to Yellow Vest protests and activities.