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Winkler L. L., Frenkel R. The Boat and the Sea of Galilee. Jerusalem, 2010.

Winter P. On the Trial ofJesus. 2nd edition. Berlin, 1974.

Witherington B. Women in the Ministry ofJesus. A Study ofJesus’ Attitudes to Women and Their Roles as Reflected in His Earthly Life. Cambridge, 1987.

Wright S. I. Jesus the Storyteller. London, 2014.

Yamazaki-Ransom K. The Roman Empire in Luke’s Narrative. London; New York, 2010.

Young B. H. Jesus and His Jewish Parables. Rediscovering the Roots ofJesus’ Teaching. New York, 1989.

Young B. H. Jesus the Jewish Theologian. Baker Academic, 1993.

Young B. H. The Parables. Jewish Tradition and Christian Interpretation. Grand Rapids, 2012.

Zugibe F. T. Forensic and Clinical Knowledge of the Practice of Crucifixion: A Forensic Way of the Cross // The Turin Shroud: Past, Present and Future. International Scientific Symposium. Torino, 2–5 March 2000 / Ed. S. Scannerini, P. Savarino. Torino, 2000. P. 235–258.

Список сокращений

CCSL = Corpus Christianorum, series latina. Turnhout.

CSEL = Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum. Louvain.

GCS = Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte. Leipzig; Berlin.

GNO = Gregorii Nysseni Opera. Ed. W. Jaeger, H. Langerbeck. 10 vols. Leiden, 1960–1996.

PG = Patrologiae cursus completus, series graeca. Ed. J.-P. Migne. Paris.

PL = Patrologiae cursus completus, series latina. Ed. J.-P. Migne. Paris.

PTS = Patristische Texte und Studien. Berlin.

SC = Sources Chretiennes. Paris.

TU = Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altc