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“I want the peashooter.”


“That’s the way we do it. It’s quiet.”

“I’ll look into it.”

“You do that.”

“I said I would.”

Pedote clicked on the television with the remote. He leaned back on the sofa, his legs spread apart. “Mark Rossi says you breed greyhounds,” he said.

“I have a few dogs. No pups right now.”

“I like the track once in a while.”

“It’s one of my sidelines. Just keep my hand in.”

They watched TV for a few minutes without talking. It was the afternoon and the only things on were soap operas and game shows and Pedote settled on a game show. Eventually Adamson realized that Pedote was waiting for him to leave.

A few days later, he and his wife, Mary, were over at the Rossis’ trailer in a suburb called Chandler. They were having drinks with Mark and his wife, when Mark said he wanted to show Adamson something out in the yard.

“They don’t want the gun,” he said. “They want to bomb the car. They want to make it big, send a message.”

Adamson moved his feet in the gravel. There was a row of blue agave cactuses, their spines torn off at the ends like broken swords. “That’s fine,” he said.

Rossi nodded. He was tall and wide, like a strong man from an old circus, with a workman’s battered hands. “You want to do it now?”

Adamson shrugged. “Fine. Sure.”

“I’ve got some things in the camper. Some dynamite.”

“How much dynamite do you have?”

“I’ve got six sticks of dynamite. I’ve got primer cord. Caps.”

“You have magnets?”


“We’ll need to go get magnets.”

They told the girls they were doing an errand. Adamson stood on the porch, his back turned, while Rossi spoke through the bare aluminum screen door. They drove over to the GEMCO on McClintock and Baseline and bought some magnets and some tape. When they got back to Rossi’s, Adamson just waited for him in the driveway, pretending to look over Mary’s car, seeing that the tires all had pressure. Mark came back out, breathing heavily with a canvas duffel bag, frowning, and they went into Mark’s camper. It was dark and hot inside, all metal and oil and dust. Mark unzipped the bag and Adamson pulled out the sticks of dynamite and set them out on the top of a strongbox. He laced them together with the primer cord, working it around and around, until he could draw the six sticks together into a loose cylinder. It was not easy and he made sure he used plenty of cord. He was just taping the ends together when Mary opened up the door of the camper and asked him what they were doing.

“Mary, go back in the trailer,” he said.

She wore glasses with wide brown frames and a flannel shirt. “I see you two are up to no good.”

“Go back in the trailer, all right?”

“We were going to order some pizzas. Unless you or Mark wants to go pick up a bucket of chicken.”

“Pizza sounds fine. Get one. One’s plenty.”

“What do you want on your pizza, Mark?”

Mark was staring down into the flat of his upturned hand.

They put the bomb in a briefcase and he and Rossi drove up to the Sun King Apartments in Mary’s car. The briefcase had belonged to Mary’s father, a family heirloom, a brown leather contraption that opened from the top. Adamson waited in the car beneath the metal overhang while Rossi went in to make sure that Pedote was alone. Rossi’s solid figure came back down the pathway of concrete disks, out of the tropical foliage, and he gave Adamson a curt, irritated wave.

Pedote was in the kitchen in a powder blue shirt over a sleeveless undershirt. He stood with his hands locked in front of his waist. On the counter was a large, iced vodka and orange juice. There was a skillet on the stove with the last shreds of some scrambled eggs stuck to its surface.

“That was quick service,” Pedote said. “You want to show me how the thing works?”

Adamson let his head fall a little to one side, affronted by the tone. He was going to assert himself — tinted glasses, silver-and-turquoise jewelry — and Freddy Pedote was going to have to take it or leave it.

“Let’s go outside,” he said. “I’ll show you how the thing works.”

There were too many people around the Sun King parking lot, so Adamson said they should go over to his house across town on Minnezona. It was a one-story brick house with asphalt shingles on the roof and small square windows that had aged into a dim green. You could hardly notice the house amid the clutter of outbuildings — a toolshed, two chain-link pens for the dogs, a rusting camper shell. Around it all ran a dead lawn where Adamson parked the car beside his van. He opened up the car’s hood and showed Pedote where the coil was. He was surprised that Pedote didn’t know this. Mark Rossi had a light meter in his pocket and they ran a wire from the ignition coil to the light meter and Adamson turned the key from the driver’s seat, the door open, and he watched Pedote watch the light meter register the charge.

“Boom,” said Adamson.

Pedote stood looking at the meter in his hand, a meaningless gadget with a plastic needle that moved.

“Forget it,” Adamson said. He got out of the car, more annoyed than ever now, and walked over to the house. There was an old mop bucket on the porch and he dumped the water and refilled it with clean water from the hose. Then he went inside the house and got one of the blasting caps from his closet.

“I’m going to show you what we’re talking about,” he said to Pedote. “You watch.”

He put the cap on the wire that was still attached to the coil of the car. Then he dropped the cap into the bucket of water. He got back in the car and turned the key.

There was a sound you could hear for blocks, a dull boom flared at the edges with the fling and plash of water. The bucket lay on its side, its bottom blown out, the whole thing a different shape now. Pedote turned to Adamson, his eyes a pale, unnatural blue. He hadn’t expected the power of it.

“There’s people across the street,” he said.

“You’re right,” Adamson said.

“So what the fuck are you doing?”

Adamson just stared at him. It was a stupid thing to have done. But that wasn’t what had caused Pedote to look so enraged.

You couldn’t see the explosion without imagining the car. The hood torn off, the windshield shattered, the doors puckered and bent. The body inside, twisted and burnt black.

A few weeks later, Adamson got a call from Pedote asking him to come back out to the Sun King Apartments. Pedote stood in the kitchen and told him they had changed plans, they weren’t going to use the bomb after all, they were going to do it a different way. He wanted Adamson to take it away. He had been storing it in his refrigerator, still in the leather briefcase that had belonged to Mary’s father, and the leather was cold in Adamson’s hand as he walked it back out to Mary’s car.

Warren’s perjury indictment was thrown out on October 29, 1974. The grounds were that state and federal testimonies were mutually inadmissible. Two days before Christmas, he was finally indicted for bribery — not of Talley, as everyone expected, but of George Brooks. On November 3, Talley had died of a heart attack.


Phoenix Gazette, July 30, 1976

Former Investigator Is Convinced Talley Death Was Murder

James Kieffer, former chief investigator and deputy Arizona real estate commissioner, said today he believes that Commissioner J. Fred Talley was “murdered” in his St. Joseph’s Hospital bed because he knew the identity of Arizona’s big land fraud operators.