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That decision made, I grabbed my purse, hollered a goodbye to my parents, and we made our way out to the taxi already waiting at the curb.

Harper and I were dropped off in front of Abby’s Bar, a popular place not too far from the center of town. It was a tall brick building that had apparently gone through some renovations since I was last in town. It used to be a little bit more run down but from the looks of it now, I would say the owner must have put some serious money into it. The cement sidewalk in front looked repaved and no longer had old tree roots tearing it up. The sign outside was definitely new; a white billboard with the bar’s name written in a trendy font, proudly fixed to the refaced brick. It was certainly a step up from the flashing neon sign it had replaced. The music inside was clearly pumping and the place was packed.

After paying the cover at the front door, Harper and I made our way in and headed straight for the bar. Bodies were moving and rubbing together out on the dance floor while Calvin Harris’ ‘Sweet Nothing’ blared from the speakers. When we got to the bar, Harper got the attention of the bartender and leaned over, yelling over the music that we wanted four shots of Lemon Drops. Oh god, I was going to be wasted by the end of the night. When they were lined up in front of us, we threw back two shots each. I made a sour face after each one.

“Bleh! Those are horrible!” I said around my scrunched up nose and puckered mouth.

“Eh, you’ll love them after about the fifth one! What do you want to drink?”

“Umm how about a Midori Sour”, I told her with an unsure tone. I didn’t drink much and tended to be a pretty cheap drunk. I was quite certain I’d be feeling those Lemon Drops in about ten minutes. Harper handed me my drink, and I watched as she sucked down some sort of martini-looking thing.

Turning around to look out on the dance floor, I watched as people moved to the beat of the music. It was a Friday night and male bodies were holding females close to them as they swayed and grinded against each other. The minutes passed and I started to warm up as I felt the alcohol move through my system. I was loosening up and I felt my body wanting to go out and move with them. I stood up on my tip toes and yelled into Harper’s ear that I was ready to dance. She practically screamed with excitement, and grabbed my hand to lead me out onto the floor.

I closed my eyes and let myself drift to the music and move however my body wanted too. I felt free and loose. Harper and I were dancing close and a few times guys approached us, putting their hands on our hips to dance. We turned our backs on most of them and just held on to each other. She and I were practically sisters so we didn’t mind being that close. The guys that surrounded us were apparently liking it too, and I heard several cat calls and looks of appreciation. The music had shifted to ‘She Wolf’ by David Guetta ft. Sia. I loved this song. Suddenly I heard a very loud—and very familiar—laugh in my ear. “Oh my god, if it isn’t the Scissor Sisters!”

My eyes popped open and I stared into the face of Kyler Lewis. I’d known him for as long as I’d known Finley. He was Finn’s best friend and—if it were possible—the two of them had been even more inseparable than Harper and I. He looked exactly the same. I hadn’t seen him for so long, yet he was one of the best looking men I’d ever seen; but not the best looking. Standing tall at six foot two, he had longer brown hair that was perpetually messy but I knew he styled it to be that way. He’d clearly bulked up and even I could see the definition in his arms from where I was standing. Kyler had the most gorgeous chocolate brown eyes I’d ever seen. My heart kicked into overdrive. If Kyler was here, Finley was definitely not too far away.

“What the fuck, rat bastard?!” I didn’t see your name on the list for the class reunion. What the hell are you doing here?” Harper asked looking Ky up and down with equal amounts of irritation and something else I couldn’t put my finger on.

“Well Finn and I didn’t see the email until earlier today and we thought it would be a good time to take a last minute trip to see my parents. We missed the deadline to register but what were they going to do, turn us away at the door? No fucking way! We were the star football players. You know they’ll kiss our feet when we grace them with our presence.”

“You’re a cocky bastard.” Harper curled her lip at Kyler.

She looked down at me and recognized the look on my face, realizing that hearing Finn’s name was about to send me into a massive panic attack. “Oh shit,” she said clearing her throat, “is Finn here right now?”

“I’m pretty sure I just said we were the star football players that will be welcomed with open arms and dropping panties, so yes, he is here. He’s over by the bar getting us some beers.”

“Just fucking great! He has no business being here!” Harper started ranting.

“What do you mean he ‘has no business being here’? He did go to high school here didn’t he?”

Harper looked like she could spit nails she was so mad. “That’s not what I mean asshat. I mean he has no business being here after he up and left Emilyn high and dry on grad night.”

Kyler looked over at me but I’d been rendered speechless, so Harper spoke up instead. “Listen Kyler,” she lowered her voice. “You guys have no idea what she went through when he left. It wasn’t pretty and it took her a long time to get her life back together. Seeing Finn again could set her back.”

Ky looked somewhat confused, “I thought you were married Em?”

Still unable to speak Harper said, “She is.”




This couldn’t be happening. My eyes darted around in an attempt to catch a glimpse of Finley. But it was no use, because I was too short to see around the wall of bodies. I started to feel dizzy from the shots and two Midori Sour’s I’d already had.





I needed to get out of there, fast. Trying to spot the exit, Harper grabbed my hand and held me in place. She must have sensed that I was about to bolt.

I looked up and she was staring at me shaking her head back and forth, silently telling me ‘you’re not bailing’. God damn it, what was she doing? I felt like I couldn’t breathe and I needed to get out of there! Even if she didn’t let me leave, the least she could do was allow me the courtesy of going to the bathroom to collect myself. Kyler must have really looked at me then because he stepped up to me and grabbed my elbow, leaning down to my ear. “Hey Em, you okay? You’re as white as a ghost.”

I looked straight into his brown eyes and instantly he knew. He looked over to Harper and said, “I’m going to walk her to the bathroom. Do you mind standing here and waiting for Finn?” Harper looked concerned, but must have thought better than to insist on taking me herself. She held her hand straight up and gestured for him to go ahead. I sighed, knowing she was more than likely going to give Finn and earful when she found him, but not having the energy to care.

Kyler gently took my hand and led me back to the bathrooms. Surprisingly, there wasn’t a line for the ladies room and without a second thought Ky marched me inside and locked the door. I walked straight over to the sink and braced my hands on the counter with two hands and looked at myself in the mirror. I was pale and my eyes were huge like a scared animal. I wasn’t sure how long I watched myself taking deep breaths, but I know it was long enough to forget Kyler was in the room with me. I glanced over my shoulder through the mirror and saw he was leaning up against the door, watching me. He face held a look of concern and curiosity.