But I imagined—my second BIG MISTAKE—that he was feeling the way I was… that Mark and Holly are the cutest couple EVER and totally belong together and it’s a CRIME what their families are doing to them, being so unreasonable about the differing faiths thing.
So I went, in a soft voice so Mark and Holly wouldn’t overhear, “Do you STILL think those two shouldn’t get married?”
And the Modelizer went, “I give it a year. Two, tops.”
I couldn’t believe it! I mean, where could he POSSIBLY be getting that?
So I went, “Are you crazy? They’re totally in love. Look at them.”
Caclass="underline" “You know love is just a chemical reaction in the brain caused by surges of phenylethylamine, don’t you?”
Me: (confused) “You’re saying Holly and Mark don’t really love each other? That it’s all in their heads?”
Caclass="underline" “I’m saying no one loves anyone. People are attracted to one another and pair up to breed due to our natural mating instinct. But that attraction doesn’t last. As with all drugs, the body develops a tolerance for the phenylethylamine, and eventually, the attraction you once felt for your partner fades. It’s all perfectly natural. You can get the same amount of phenylethylamine, a stimulant the mind craves, by ingesting vast amounts of chocolate as you can by, quote, falling in love, end quote.”
Me: “So… you don’t believe in romantic love?”
Caclass="underline" “I believe I just said that.”
Me: “Because of the vast amount of time you’ve spent studying the subject?”
Caclass="underline" “From my own personal experience, yes. And from the relationships I’ve observed around me.”
Me: “So Holly and Mark are going to break up because there’s no such thing as love?”
Caclass="underline" “Oh, no. Well, yes, eventually. But well before that happens, they’re going to break up because their backgrounds are too different.”
I really don’t think I can be blamed for saying, “At least they’re both human, unlike the skank I saw leaving your hotel room earlier.”
I had the satisfaction of seeing him, for the first time since we’ve met, completely speechless.
Sadly the effect was ruined when one of my stiletto heels got caught between the cobblestones outside the restaurant. It gouged away all the silver lame. I don’t think it can be fixed, either.
I’ll admit the cobblestones are charming, but have these people never heard of asphalt? It was totally humiliating too, the Modelizer had to help me pry it loose. My heel, I mean.
His hand fit all the way around my ankle. You know, his fingers met his thumb on the other side.
Thank God I remembered to shave my legs in the shower before dinner.
God, I’m so jazzed from all that good food, I don’t think I’ll ever fall asleep. Plus, I keep thinking about The Dude. He has to be all right, doesn’t he? I mean, Julio would have called if there was anything wrong. I left my cell number by the phone, so Julio could call from my phone, and not wrack up a bill on his parents’ line.
And I just checked it, and he hasn’t called. So The Dude is good. No news is good news, right? The Dude HAS to be good.
It’s just that we’ve spent maybe only five nights, total, away from each other since he was a kitten. Who is going to get up during The Dude’s 4-AM windowsill yowl at the moon and comfort him if I’m not there? That yowl used to drive me insane. But now I sort of miss it. I’d give anything to hear that yowl right now. In fact, I don’t think I’ll be able to go to sleep without it—
To: Customer Service New York Journal Travel Privileges <TravelPrivcustser@thenyjournal.com >
Fr: Mark Levine <mark.levine@thenyjournal.com >
Re: Car Rental
I realize it’s Sunday, and that your offices are closed. However, when I made the reservation for a rental car in Rome, I specified that I needed a four-door sedan with trunk room for four VERY LARGE bags. I asked for a Jaguar or Mercedes, NOT a Toyota. Now I have to cram one of the bags in the backseat with two passengers, and we’re going to be driving through MOUNTAINS. Do you really think it’s safe to drive through a mountain range with a large, overstuffed suitcase between passengers in the backseat?
I didn’t think so. I’ll expect to hear from you on Monday.
Mark Levine, MD
To: Julio Chasez <julio@streetsmart.com>
Fr: Jane Harris <jane@wondercat.com>
Re: The Dude
Hi, Julio! I have to admit, I’m getting kind of worried. Is everything OK? I mean, you haven’t written back to me, and I just want to know if everything is going all right. I know you’re busy with school and hockey and all, but if you could just send me a tiny message, letting me know The Dude’s all right, I’d really appreciate it.
I think I’ll try your pager.
To: Jane Harris <jane@wondercat.com>
Fr: Holly Caputo <holly.caputo@thenyjournal.com>
Re: Where are you?
To: Holly Caputo <holly.caputo@thenyjournal.com>
Fr: Jane Harris <jane@wondercat.com>
Re: Where are you?
I’m still in the dining room, finishing breakfast. Where are YOU?
To: Jane Harris <jane@wondercat.com>
Fr: Holly Caputo <holly.caputo@thenyjournal.com>
Re: Where are you?
Outside. Hurry up and finish and get out here. You’ve got to see this. Mark and Cal are trying to cram all of our bags into the trunk, only they won’t fit. So they’re doing physics. All serious, like it’s a puzzle or something. Something actually IMPORTANT. Get out here, or you’ll miss it.
To: Holly Caputo <holly.caputo@thenyjournal.com>
Fr: Jane Harris <jane@wondercat.com>
Re: Where are you?
I’m not done with my yogurt yet.
To: Jane Harris <jane@wondercat.com>
Fr: Holly Caputo <holly.caputo@thenyjournal.com>
Re: Where are you?
Oh my God, it’s just YOGURT. Get out here. You can have yogurt anytime.
To: Holly Caputo <holly.caputo@thenyjournal.com>
Fr: Jane Harris <jane@wondercat.com>
Re: Where are you?
Not like this. This is the best yogurt I’ve ever had.
What does Fett-Grassi 3.7g mean anyway?
To: Jane Harris <jane@wondercat.com>
Fr: Holly Caputo <holly.caputo@thenyjournal.com>
Re: Where are you?
Fat grams.