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David Crane Every guest was good


The storm struck with a sudden and savage fury.

It was a freak storm, unpredicted and unexpected, and it was going to have a profound effect on the lives of several people who had been strangers before the storm, but who would be thrown into intimate circumstances by it.

Anna and Richard Wellington were in their car, driving home from an evening at the Riverview Inn.

Claire and Jason Curtis were still at the Riverview Inn, slow-dancing to the jukebox.

Their sexy teenaged daughter, Barbara, was entertaining her boyfriend, Nick Hannible, at home, taking advantage of her parents' absence.

The links between these various people were only circumstantial up until the moment when the storm began to rage with an abrupt fury.

But those links were going to become far more concrete in a very short time.

Anna and Richard were going home to fuck.

They had been watching Claire and Jason grinding together on the dance floor and it made them both horny. They didn't know the other couple, but that made no difference to their arousal.

Richard was turned on by the voluptuous blonde woman in the tight sheath dress as she pressed her lithe loins to her partner's groin. Anna was excited by the well-hung bulge in Jason's pants and she, too, was fascinated by his curvaceous wife – because Anna, although she was a happily married woman, swung both ways – with her husband's approval.

If they had been introduced to the other couple, they might have tossed out a few hints about doing some spouse-swapping, but it was hardly the sort of thing one could suggest to total strangers, so they decided to go home and fuck each other while each enjoyed some lurid fantasies about the couple who had inspired their passion by dancing so provocatively.

Richard was at the wheel and raven-haired Anna was snuggled up to him, her head on his shoulder and her hand rubbing his groin.

They had gone some distance and were driving through a quiet residential district when the rain began to fall, not in drops, but coming down in solid sheets, as if they had motored into a waterfall.

The windshield wipers couldn't cope with the sudden deluge and visibility was nil. It was impossible to drive on.

Richard pulled over to the curb and stopped, grumbling in annoyance.

By sheer coincidence, he had pulled up outside the house where the couple who had made them horny lived – and where their daughter and her boyfriend were ardently making out on the couch.

Intimacies were impending.

"Shit – I wonder how long this fucking storm is gonna last?" Richard muttered.

His cock was as hard as a rock and his cumbags were full, and he was eager to get home and sink the one into his wife and empty the other up her cunt.

Anna was just as eager to get stuffed and pumped full of hot, thick spunk.

But it would have been fool-hearty to have attempted to drive on under the circumstances, no matter how horny they were. They were hoping that the rainstorm would abate as quickly as it had begun and allow them to proceed with their plans. But it showed no signs of letting up in the slightest, pelting the car like hail-stones and turning the windshield opaque.

Anna was still stroking his big cock through the material of his trousers, but that loving caress was only making Richard's frustration greater.

"This reminds me of when we were dating, darling – how we used to park," she sighed.

That, in turn, reminded her of the things that they had done in their courting days.

She gave him an impish look. "Want a blowjob while we wait?" she offered.

Richard most certainly did…

Claire and Jason were the last customers at the Riverview Inn and were just about to leave when the storm began to pummel the windows savagely.

"Jeez – we can't go home in this," Jason said.

He had a hard-on, and her pussy was steaming from the dance-floor action. They stood by the door, as frustrated as Richard and Anna, who just happened to be parked outside their suburban home.

John Knight, the tall, handsome guy who owned the Riverview Inn, wandered over.

He had a bulge in his pants, too.

Knight, like Richard and Anna, had been watching the slow dancing and getting turned on.

He smiled diffidently.

"I got a room upstairs. You're welcome to spend the night here. Only, uh, only there's just one bed."

They looked at him and he shrugged.

"It's a big bed, though," he added. "Plenty of room for the three of us."

"That will be okay, won't it, darling?" Claire asked her husband.

"Sure – it'll be a ball," Jason replied. John Knight had struck it lucky.

Barbara Curtis had her tongue down Nick Hannible's throat when the telephone rang.

She broke off the embrace with a sigh and went over to answer it. If she had looked out the window, she would have seen a strange car parked in front of the house, but it would have meant nothing to her – yet.

She picked up the phone and spoke briefly.

When she returned to the couch, she was smiling with delight.

"That was my mom," Barbara said. Nick arched his eyebrows. "They aren't coming home tonight, darling," she added significantly.

"Oh, wow!" Nick cried. "Can I stay?"

"Oh, yeah!"

And so the cast was assembled and the stage was set.

The storm had created a drama of desire…


If they couldn't see out of the car, conversely no one could see in and so, although they were parked in a residential neighborhood, the Wellingtons were safe from prying eyes, and Anna had no qualms at all about sucking her husband's prick as they sat in the car.

It would be a great way to kill time and relieve his frustrations – and her own, as well, because the raven-haired woman adored taking it in her mouth, and she always got her rocks off when she was drinking her husband's cum – or any other guy's, for that matter.

"Yeah – go down on me, baby!" he gasped.

She unbuckled his belt and unfastened his waistband, then pulled the zipper down with teasing pauses. She reached into his fly and hauled out his huge cock and swollen balls in one meaty handful.

She gazed down hungrily at the tasty feast.

He had a hammer-headed cock, the knob of his prick seemed to glow a dull red, like a smoldering ember. His cockshaft was long and thick, as hard as iron and seamed up the underside by a pulsing ventral vein as thick as her little finger.

His balls were as big as melons, making her drool at the prospect of drinking what they held.

He heaved his cock up toward her face. Anna leaned over and started working on his balls. She purred as the nutty goodness of the gamey ball-bag hit her tastebuds.

She licked all over the bloated bag, then sucked on his balls greedily, as if she were trying to suck his cum right through the flesh – to drink his fizz straight from the swollen source.

"Ahhhhh!" she moaned.

"Yeah, kid – tongue my nuts!" he grunted as she worked on his meaty prick.

She groveled on his groin, her tongue sliding back to the crack of his ass. But it was too awkward to rim his asshole as they sat in the car, although she always loved a snack of shit-ring, and she worked her mouth back up to his balls and sucked them some more.

His prick was vibrating like a struck tuning fork and gooey pre-cum was oozing from his pisshole.

Anna began to lick up the underside of his cockshaft, running her tongue up along the ridge of the throbbing vein and lapping up to his cock-knob.

Goo gushed down his cock-shaft, and she gathered it up and savored it, then she swallowed it, whetting her appetite. "Yummy!" she moaned.

Her parted lips ringed the base of his cock, and she pulled her mouth up and down the long shaft as if she were playing a flute.