THEORY: Evolution can take place by acquired characteristics.
FACT: There is no evidence to support such odd theories like that of Darwin who suggested that giraffes acquired their long legs and necks by needing to stretch for higher leaves to avoid starvation. If so, why are female giraffes shorter than male giraffes? And how did baby giraffes survive? If giraffes could elongate their necks, how come they couldn’t change their diet? The fact is that giraffes can be kept in zoos all over the world because they are so easy to feed.
CHALLENGE: Explain how and why any creature, in an effort to survive, could possible bring about incredibly complex physical changes and programme its descendants to inherit these same characteristics and pass them on to future generations yet not be able do such a simple thing as change its diet?
THEORY: A polar bear is an example of how an animal can adapt its colour to its environment.
FACT: It is impossible to change the colour of hair at will. Dark bears standout against the white backgrounds of icy regions and are therefore more likely to be killed off for meat than the white ones, which don’t. This is why the white ones have survived in the icy regions.
THEORY: It has been suggested that at one time, a reptile gave birth to a bird and that all major gaps in the fossil record are accounted for in this way.
FACT: Billions of eggs are hatched under human observance each year. There is no record of any new or partly evolved bird ever having been hatched.
THEORY: The evolution of the horse goes back as far as 65 million years.
FACT: This evolution exists on paper only, by arranging drawings of animals, including some that are now extinct, side-by-side. There are no facts to support it.
THEORY: Land creatures evolved from sea inhabiting creatures.
FACT: All living sea creatures die quickly out of water because they cannot breath air. Billions of fish are caught each year. None have ever been observed to be evolving. Not only would a fish need to develop perfectly completed lungs instantly, it would need to change practically every organ in its body to survive out of water. To survive such a change, at least two of the same fish (a male and female) would have to undergo the same miracles at precisely the same place and time frame for the fish to reproduce.
CHALLENGE: Champion swimmers practice attempting to increase the length of time they can survive underwater without breathing day after day for years, yet none have been able to survive for longer than a few minutes. How many attempts can a fish have at surviving out of water?
THEORY: Mammals such as whales and dolphins have done the full circle of evolution making the transition from land inhabiting creatures back to being sea inhabitants. Concerning this, the following was written in the December 1976 edition of the National Geographic Magazine:
“The whale’s ascendancy to sovereign size apparently began sixty million years ago when hairy four-legged animals, in search of food and sanctuary ventured into the water. As eons passed changes slowly occurred. Hind legs disappeared, front legs changed to flippers, hair gave way to a thick blanket of blubber, nostrils moved to the top of the head, the tail broadened, and in the buoyant world the body became enormous.”
FACT: There is not one shred of evidence to support any one of these extraordinary theories. If a shortage of food was the motivation for venturing into the sea, how did these animals sustain themselves over the sixty million years it took to evolve? Venturing into the sea, even if it were possible, would have meant that they would have to have a complete change of diet. Wouldn’t it have been easier for the ‘hairy four-legged animals’ to have done this in their natural habitat on land?
THEORY: Human beings evolved from ape-like creatures such as Java man, Nebraska, man, Neandertha1 man, etc.
FACT: All drawings and models of these supposed ‘missing-links’ are figments of mankind's imagination. All fossil bones on which evidence for such so-called creatures are based belonged to apes, monkeys or humans. Some were deliberate hoaxes such as the famous Piltdown man, which had scientists fooled for decades. What is more, something that evolutionists like to keep quiet about is the fact that in every case where these questionable fossils have been found there have also been found fossils that were unquestionably human. This fact puts the case of ‘Ape-man’ in total conflict. The Nebraska man, who has been drawn, reconstructed and exhibited in museums throughout the world, was based on a single tooth, which later transpired to have belonged to an extinct pig!
THEORY: Human skulls have been found that are over two million years old.
FACT: By starting with a population of just two people and doubling the population 32 times, you arrive at over eight billion. This number is well in excess of the current world population. If man was on the earth two million years ago. This would suggest that it has taken an average of about 63,000 years for each time the population has doubled. However, if the story of Noah and the Ark is true and the great flood took place about 4,500 years ago as Bible chronology indicates, then the world's population has doubled 29½ times since Noah and his family of eight people survived it. That is an average of once every 155 years. This rate of population increase is very close to the estimated population growth over the last millennium, but much, much slower than the current rate.
CHALLENGE: Get out a calculator and check out how many times you have to double the figure ‘two’ to arrive at the estimated currant world population of six-and-a-half-billion.
THEORY: The Leakey family have found skulls belonging to humans or their ancestors, which are millions of years old.
FACT: All these skulls resemble apes and were found in areas where monkeys are prominent. It is interesting to note that whenever a fossil is found it is inevitably considered to be millions of years old. Seldom, if ever, does one hear of a human fossil that is only a few thousand years old. If man has inhabited the earth for millions of years, then the number of people to have lived and died during that period would have been astronomical. That these supposedly millions-of-years-old skulls typical of what the Leakey’s found were preserved while countless billions of younger skulls didn’t remains inexplicable. Also, if human beings lived millions of years ago, how come there are no traces of civilizations that are more than a few thousand years old?
THEORY: The age of fossils can be dated by the age of the sedimentary rocks in which they are found.
FACT: According to the World Book Encyclopaedia, “The age of rocks is determined by the fossils found in them.” (Vol. 15. Page 85). On the other hand the same World Book Encyclopaedia states, "Scientists determine when fossil were formed by finding out the age of the rocks in which they lie. (Vol. 7, page 364). In other words, scientists date the age of the earth’s sedimentary rocks by the type of fossils found in them, and they date the fossils by the age of the rocks in which they are found. This is circular thinking, not scientific thinking.