Старые фотографии
Религиозные сооружения
Каменные здания
Деревянные дома
Окрестности города
Еврейские захоронения
Старое еврейское кладбище
Место расстрела евреев
1. М. Рольникайте „Я пришла к тебе, мама“. „Нева“ №4 2007 г.
2. Г. Дудкина „О прошлом для настоящего“. „Мишпоха“ №20 2007 г.
Рассылка книги
Часть 1
Владимир Цыпин
Евреи в Мстиславле
Материалы к истории города
Израиль 2006
© Все права принадлежат автору
Фото на обложке: А. Литин
Книга издана на средства автора
Vladimir Tsypin. JEWS IN MSTISLAVL
This monograph compiles and analyzes all available materials concerning the history and the fate of the Jews in a small shtetl (settlement) of Mstislavl in Belarus — from the first known Jewish presence in the shtetl a few hundreds years ago to the tragic days of Holocaust. The history of the Mstislavl Jewish community is described not in isolation from the broad Mstislavl history, but as a part of the Gentile history of this town. The monograph is describing the lives and achievements of an amazingly large number of famous Mstislavian Jews who have made great improvements in scientific and social theories in many fields of human endeavor. Special attention has been paid to the tragic days of 1941, when almost all Jewish population, including children, women and elderly, were exterminated by the Nazis. In the monograph, a complete list of the Jews killed by the Nazis during the WWII is given. In essence, the history of the Mstislavian Jews described in this monograph is a typical history of many Jewish shtetls of Eastern Europe.
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E-maiclass="underline" tsypin@rambler.ru
ISBN 965-555-228-4
Printed in Israel