4. The Cambridge Mediaeval History, ed. J. B. Bury, H. M. Gwatlin et. ai. (8 тома, Cambridge, 1936-39).
5. Handbuch der europäischen Geschichte, ed. T. Schieder (7 тома, Stuttgart, 1968-79).
6. Periods of European History, ed. Arthur Hassall (9 тома, London, 1897-1936).
7. e. g. The Fontana History of Europe (400-1945), General Editor J. H. Plumb (15 тома, London, 1963-); The Library of European Civilisation, General Editor Geoffrey Barraclough (London, 1965-); A General History of Europe, from the Decline of the Ancient World to 1945, General Editor Denys Hay (11 тома, London, 1968-).
8. John Bowie, A History of Europe: A Cultural and Political Sunrey (London, 1979), 589.
9. Виж Anthony Seldon, Contemporary History: Practice and Method (Oxford, 1988).
10. Walter Raleigh, A Historie of the World, в неговите Works (London, 1829). Ралий благоразумно ограничава своята история до древните гърци и римляни.
11. H. A L. Fisher, A History of Europe (London, 1936).
12. Eugen Weber, A Modem History of Europe: Men, Cultures, and Societies from the Renaissance to the Present (New York, 1971 ).
13. Kenneth Clark, Civilisation: A Personal View (London, 1969); на български: Кенет Кларк, “Цивилизацията: едно лично гледище”, изд. “Български художник” (София, 1977); превод от английски Нели Доспевска.
14. Jacob Bronowski, The Ascent of Man (London, 1973).
15. Michael Andrews, The Birth of Europe: Colliding Continents and the Destiny of Nations (London, 1991).
16. Fernand Paul Braudel, La Méditerranée et le monde méditerranéen à l’époque de Philippe II (Paris,
1949), прев. като The Mediteranean and the Mediteranean World (London, 1973) ; виж също William McNeil, The Rise of the West: A History of the Human Community (Chicago, 1963); и Immanuel Wallerstein, The Modem World System (New York, 1974).
17. A. Low-Beer, “Empathy in History”, Teaching History, 55 (Apr. 1989), 8 ff.; J. Cairns, ibid. 13 ff.; също така K. Jenkins and P. Brickley, “Reflections on the Empathy Debate”, ibid. 18 ff.
18. Виж David Lehman, Signsofthe Times: Deconstruction and the Fall of Paul de Man (New York, 1991); рецензирана от Louis Menand, “The Politics of Deconstruction”, New York Review of Books, 21 Nov. 1991.
19. Apocryphal. On my mischievous master, виж Adam Sisman, A. J. P. Taylor (London, 1994).
20. Claude Delmas, Histoire de la civilisation europpéene (Paris, 1969), 127, “il n’y a pas une Vérité, mais autant de vérités que de consciences.”
21. Norman Davies, Предговор към God’s Playground: A History of Poland (Oxford, 1981), том i, стр. vii.
22. Lord Acton, цитиран от Geoffrey Parker, The Thirty Years’ War (New York, 1984) p. xv.
23. “Част от моето убеждение е, че единствената поезия е историята, стига да можем да я предадем правилно”; Thomas Carlyle, писмо до Ralph Waldo Emerson, 12 Aug. 1834, в The Correspondence of Emerson and Carlyle, ed. J. Slater (New York, 1964), 105.
24. Виж Gertrude Himmelfarb, “Telling It as You Like It: Post-modernist History and the Right from Fact”, TLS, 16 Oct. 1992,12-15.
25. Ibid. 15.
26. Voltaire, Le Siècle de Louis XIV, цитиран от Denys Hay, Europe: The Emergence of an Idea (Edinburgh, 1957), 123.
27. Edmund Burke, от Letters on a Regicide Peace (1796), цитиран от Hay, Europe, 123.
28. William Blake, “The Ancient of Days” (Urizen Creating the Finite Universe), илюстрация в началото на Europe a Prophecy (1794), Британски музей; репродуцирана в William Blake, ed. Vivian de Sola Pinto (London, 1965), ил. 4.
29. John of Trevisa, translating Bartholomew the Englishman’s Latin Encyclopaedia; цитиран от R. Barber, The Penguin Guide to Mediaeval Europe (London, 1984), 30.
30. George F. Kennan, Siberia and the Exile System (New York, 1891), i. 420-2; цитиран от Benson Bobrick, Easf of the Sun: The Epic Conquest and Tragic History of Siberia (New York, 1992), 267-8.
31. Виж Hay, Europe, 125; също Egbert Jahn, “Wo befindet sich Osteuropa?” в Osteuropa, 5 (May, 1990), 267-8.
32. Виж W. H. Parker, “Is Russia in Europe? The Geographical Viewpoint”, в An Historical Geography of Russia (London, 1968), 27-9.
33. T. S. Eliot, Die Einheit der Europaeischen Kultur (Berlin, 1946)] публикувано и като “The Unity of European Culture” в приложение към Notes towards the Definition of Culture (London, 1948), особ. 122-4.
34. Henri Janne, Europe’s Cultural Identity (Strasburg, 1981).
35. Цитирано от Margaret Shennan, Teaching about Europe (London, 1991 ), 241.
36. Jean Monne, цитирана от Anthony Sampson, The New Europeans (London, 1968), 6; виж също Mia Rodriguez-Saldago, “In Search of Europe”, History Today, 42(Feb.1992), 11-16.
37. Виж J. Tazbir, Myélpolska w nowoiytnejkutturze europejskiej (Warsaw, 1986), 101-5.
38. L.-P. Ségur, Tableau historique et politique de l’Europe de 1786 a 1806, цитиран от J. Fabre, Stanislas-Auguste Poniatowski et l’Europe des lumières (Paris, 1952), 8.
39. Dostoevsky, 8 June 1880. За пълната дискусия виж Milan Hauner, What is Asia to Us? Russia’s Asian Heartland Yesterday and Today (New York, 1990) особ. pt. i, “Russian Ideology and Asia: Historians and Geographers”.
40. Alexander Blok, “The Scythians” в Cecil Kisch, Alexander Blok: Prophet of Revolution (London, 1960) 152-3. (Българският превод е на Кирил Кадийски от Александър Блок - “Избрани творби”; НК1980; библ. “Световна класика”.
41. René Albrecht-Carrié, “Two Special Cases: England and Russia”, в The Unity of Europe: An Historical Survey (London, 1966), 24-7.
42. Timothy Garton Ash, The Uses of Adversity: Essays on the Fate of Central Europe (New York, 1989; 2-po ревизирано издание London, 1991); също G. Schopflin and Nancy Wood (редактори), The Search for Central Europe (Oxford, 1989)] and Le Rider, La Mitteleuropa (Paris, 1994).
43. Heart of Europe е заглавие на апел за съдбата на окупираната Белгия (London, 1915); of a short history of Poland by Norman Davis (Oxford, 1984); of a guidebook to Prague by Bohomir Mraz (London, 1988); of a Hungarian art exhibition at the National Gallery of Scotland (Edinburgh, 1992)] and of J. P. Stern’s collected essays on German literature and ideology (London, 1992).
44. Hugh Seton-Watson, “What Is Europe, Where Is Europe? From Mystique to Politique”, 11th Martin Wight Lecture, delivered at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 23 Apr. 1985; Encounter, 65/2 (July-Aug. 1985), 9-17.
45. Ibid. 14.
46. Ibid. 16.
47. Ibid. 17.
48. Dimitri Obolenski, “Hugh Seton-Watson, FBA”, Proceedings of the British Academy, 78 (1987), 631-41.
49. Douglas Johnson, “What is European History?”, UCL History Newsletter, 8 (University College London) (Dec. 1991), 9-10.
50. F. Guizot, The History of Civilisation in Europe (London, n. d.), 32.
51. George Burton Adams, European History: An Outline of Its Development (London and New York, 1899),
52. Terne L. Plunkett and R. B. Mowat, A History of Europe (Oxford, 1927), предговор, p. vii.
53. Rudyard Kipling, “The Ballad of East and West”, в The Definitive Edition of Kipling’s Verse (London, 1949), 234-8. Българският превод е от “Ръдиард Киплинг - Избрано”, Прев. Стоян Медника-ров, Изд. “Елпис” (Велико Търново, 1992).