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"Looks like it."

"And I take it the Culture would like to be able to do what it can do."

"Oh, yes. Yes, very much so. Or, even if it couldn't partake of the technology, at least it would like to use the implied opportunity the excession may represent."

"To do what?"

"Wehhll," Churt Lyne said, drawing the word out while its aura-field coloured with embarrassment and its body wobbled in the air, "technically — maybe — the ability to travel — easily — to other universes." The machine paused again, looking at the human and waiting for her sarcastic reply. When she didn't say anything, it continued. "It should be possible to step outside the time-strand of our universe as easily as a ship steps outside the space-time fabric. It might then become feasible to travel through superior hyperspace upwards to universes older than ours, or through inferior hyperspace downwards to universes younger than our own."

'Time travel?"

"No, but affording the opportunity to become time proof. Age proof. In theory, one might become able to step down consecutively through earlier universes… well, forever."


"Real forever, as far as we understand it. You could choose the size and therefore age of the universe you wanted to remain within, and/or visit as many as you wanted. You could, for example, head on up through older universes and attempt to access technologies perhaps beyond even this one. But just as interesting is the point that because you wouldn't be tied to one universe, one time stream, you need be involved in no heat death when the time came in your original universe; or no evaporation, or no big crunch, depending.

"It's like being on an escalator. At the moment, confined to this universe, we're stuck to this stair, this level; the possibility this artifact appears to offer is that of being able to step from one stair to another, so that before your stair on the escalator comes to the end of its travel — heat-death, big crunch, whatever — you just step off one level down to another. You could, in effect, live for ever… well, unless it's discovered that cosmic fireball engines themselves have a life-cycle; as I understand it the metamath on that implies but does not guarantee perpetuity."

Seich looked at the drone for a while, her brows furrowed. "Haven't we ever found anything like this before?"

"Not really. There are ambiguous reports of vaguely similar entities turning up in the past — though they tend to disappear before anybody can fully investigate — but as far as we know, nobody has ever found anything quite like this before."

The human was silent for a while. Then she said, "If you could access any universe, and go back to one universe at a very early, pre-sentience stage with an already highly developed civilisation…"

"You could take over the whole thing," the drone confirmed. "An entire universe would be yours alone. In fact, go back far enough — that is, to a small enough, early enough, just-post-singularity universe — and you could, conceivably, customise it; mould it, shape it, influence its primary characteristics. Admittedly, that sort of control may well remain in the realm of the fantastic, but it might be possible."

Ulver Seich drew a deep breath, and, looking at the floor, nodded slowly. … And of course," she said, "if this thing is what it appears to be, it could be an exit, as well as an entrance."

"Entirely so; it is almost certainly both at once. As you imply; never mind us getting into it, we don't know what might come out of it."

Ulver Seich nodded slowly. "… Holy shit," she said.

"Let's call up the comments," Churt Lyne suggested.

"Can we miss out the preparatory junk at the start?"

"Allow me. There."

Read previous comments? [1]

"… And skip all the detailology crap, too. Just who said what."

"As you wish."

(Comments section:)

x Wisdom Like Silence (GSV, Continent class):

1.0 As agreed within the informal SC Extraordinary Events Core Group (Crisis Preparatory Foresight Sub-Committee, Occasional), we (in multiple mode) have assumed the management of this situation as of n.

1.1 The following constitute our introductory remarks.

2.0 Might we first beg to record that it goes without saying that we are not only extremely flattered but also deeply humbled to be placed in a position of such importance on the occasion of this grave, profound and indeed one might even say momentous circumstance.

"Po-faced bastard. Are all Continents this up themselves?"

"Want me to ask somebody?"

"Yeah, I'm sure we'd get a straight answer to that one."

"Just so."

"Hmm. Meanwhile the bullshit rolls on."

3.0 Clearly, this is a matter of the utmost consequence. It follows that the manner in which it is presented beyond ourselves must be considered with regard to all the possible ramifications and repercussions such a pan-developmentally crucial subject might reasonably be expected to entail.

"Sit on it, in other words," Seich said tartly. "What exactly is a Continent class's multiple mode, anyway?"

"Three-Mind grouping, usually."

"That's why it's saying everything in triplicate…"

3.1 The Excession under consideration is without precedent, but it is also — it would appear — static, and (presently, and again apparently) to all intents and purposes inactive. Thus, caution (born of import, situational stability and imprecedence) would appear to be the order of the moment. We have — as a temporary measure, and with the approval of those comprising the above Group and Sub-Committee who are within reasonable consultative range — deemed the matter to be secrecy-rated such that all discussions and communications regarding it are carried out according to M32 standard.

3.2 Under the terms of the Temporary Emergencies (Allowed Subterfuges) Post-Debacle Steering Committee report following the Azadian Matter, the maximum length of the M32 secrecy interval has been set at 128 days standard from n, with a Mean Envisaged Duration of 96 days and a full-sub-committee review period of 32 hours.

3.3 The nearest star to this Excession is called Esperi (under Standard Adopted Nomenclature); however, in accordance with M32 procedure we propose the code-term Taussig (from the Primary Random Event-Naming List) be used regarding this matter henceforth.

3.4 This concludes our introductory remarks.

4.0 The following comments will be arranged in sorted-relevance order; actual receive-times and context-schedules are available in the usual appendices.

4.1 We hereby open the discussion on the Taussig Matter.


x Anticipation Of A New Lover's Arrival, The (GSV, Plate class):

Right. First, this should not be kept secret, even for a limited time. I object in the strongest possible terms to the fact that the instant we stumble over possibly the most important thing anybody's ever found anywhere ever, the first thing SC does is snap into Full-Scale Raving Paranoia mode and apply this M32 total-secrecy-or-we'll-pull-your-plugs-out-baby shit. I've given my word and I'm not going to leak this, but for the record, I believe we should be telling everybody. (Let's face it, we'll probably have to well before this unrealistic time-limit of 128 days, anyway.)

That said, if we are going to keep this to ourselves for the time being, might I anticipate SC's all-too-predictable reaction and draw everyone's attention to a study by the Added Value [text and details attached] which basically says if you surround something like this with a mega-fleet and it isn't quite omnipotent, just staggeringly powerful and fully invasive, you're basically giving it an immense, ready-made war-fleet to play with, if it is hostile. Just a thought.