Another: "Great! We had might as well do it. If we do come out we will be faced with the proliferation of Cold War's guerrillerized killing of babies for psycho-shock demoralization of worldaround innocent communities inadvertently involved in the abstruse ideological warfare waged by diametrically opposed, equally stubborn, would-be do-gooder, bureaucratic leaders and their partisans who control all of the world's means of production and killing, whose numbers (including all the politically preoccupied individuals around the Earth) represent less than one per cent of all humanity, to whose human minds and hearts the politicos and their guns give neither satisfaction nor hope. Like the women in Lysistrata who refused intercourse with their men until they stopped fighting, we Womblanders would win."
Until yesterday, what are now the 150 member nations of our planet's United Nations were tiny groups of humans who for two million years had been regenerating around our globe so remotely from one another that each colony, nation, or tribe was utterly unaware of one another's existence. Only through telepathy, as supposedly operative in the previous paragraphs, could those remote cells of precariously-surviving human beings have been aware of one another throughout those two million years. In the last few split seconds of overall history, there emerged a dozen millennia ago from the womb of tribal remoteness a few sailors and overland explorers who began to discover the presence of other humans scattered around the mysterious world. Finding the tribes to be each unaware of either the surprising resources or the vital needs and desires of the others, they kept the whereabouts of these surprise demands and supplies secret and thus were able, through monopoly of commerce and middle-manning, to exploit to their own special advantage the vital needs, ignorance, and the wealth of life-support to be generated by expediting or slowing the physical resource interactions with humanity's available time to work the resources into higher advantage tools, environment controlling devices, and metabolically regenerative sustainers.
Throughout all the two million years up to the Twentieth Century, the total distance covered by an average man in an average lifetime disclosed to him less than one-millionth of the surface of our spherical planet. So tiny was a human and so relatively large is our planet that it is not surprising that humans as yet cerebrate only in terms of a "wide, wide world—a four-cornered Earth," situated in the middle of an infinite plane, to which all the perpendiculars are parallel to one another and lead only in two directions—UP and DOWN—with sky UP there and earth DOWN here. Don't think it is only an illiterate unemployee who is misoriented and ignorant; even now the senses and brains of all the Ph.D. scientists are so reflexively misoriented that they too see the sun go down, plunging into the infinite plane at a mysterious and never-discovered place called the West, to rise mysteriously from it again next morning at a never-identified place called East—and Astronaut Conrad bursts out spontaneously from his moon advantage talking about being " … up here on the moon..." and the President of the United States congratulates the astronauts on "...going up to the moon and back down to earth." Scientists not only admit but assert that there are no locales in the Universe to be identified as UP and DOWN. None of the perpendiculars to our spherical Earth's surface are parallel to one another; they lead in an infinity of directions.
No matter how you may look upon the matter morally and ideologically, the assumption that humanity could or could not own a piece of land with all the earth vertically below it and all the air vertically above it is not only scientifically invalid— it is scientifically impossible. The scheme is geometrically possible only as an up-and-down make-believe flat world.
To understand the scientific impossibility of such a scheme, let us consider a cube inside of a sphere, with the cube's eight corners congruent with the surface of the sphere. Let the cube's twelve edges consist of steel structurals. A light is at the common center of the cube and sphere and casts a shadow of the twelve structural edges of the cube outwardly upon the surface of the translucent sphere. We will now see that the total spherical surface is divided symmetrically by great circle arcs into six equilateral four-edged areas. Though each of the four-sided symmetrical areas has 120-degree corners instead of 90-degree corners, each is called a spherical square. Altogether they constitute a spherical cube.
We will now suppose the spherical cube to be the planet Earth. We will suppose that war and treaties have resulted in the total Earth's being divided equally amongst six sovereign groups— each empowered by its laws to grant deeds to properties within their respective spherical square surfaces on the planet, regardless of whether covered by water or not. We will suppose that, as at present, each of the world's major sovereign nations assumes the authority to deed or lease the titles to subdivisions of each of their respective lands to corporations, sub-governments, and individuals. All the legally recognized deeds to property anywhere around our Earth date back only to sovereign claims established and maintained exclusively by military might.
Now that we have the model of a cubical subdivision of the sphere, let us color our cube's six faces, respectively, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. Let Russia sovereignly possess the red face of the cube. Consider all the perpendiculars to the red face of the internally positioned cube as being the up and down perpendiculars defining the property claims to all the land below the surface and all the air above the surface. Under these conditions, it will be seen that the red square owns all the interior of the cube which occurs perpendicularly below that red surface square. Therefore, each of the six countries would be claiming exclusive possession of the same "whole" cube, which obviously invalidates each and all of their claims to only one-sixth of the cube. This realization is mildly reminiscent of Portia's admonition to Shylock that he must be able to cut loose his pound of flesh without letting a drop of blood.
"Alright," you say, "I will concede it is impossible to demonstrate the validity of the claims to the lands lying perpendicularly below my surface map without invalidating all other land owners of the world. Therefore, I will try to live on the surface of my land and just claim it and the air space vertically above me." "Alright," we say to you, "what air are you talking about, because it just blew away." You retort testily, "I don't mean that nonsense... just the air geometrically above me. That is what I refer to when I say you are violating my air space— you are violating my overhead geometry." "Alright," we say to you, "which stars were you looking at when you said, '...that space above me'? Our Earth has been revolved away from those stars. Other stars are now above us. Not only are we revolving, but we are simultaneously orbiting around the sun, while all the planets and stars are always in swift motion, but are so far away from us and our lives so short that we are unable to perceive those motions. The distances involved are so great that the light from the next star to the sun takes four and one-half years to come to our solar system while traveling 700 million miles per hour and the distance across our galaxy is more than 300,000 light years, while the next nearest of the millions of galaxies are multi-millions of light years away from our galactic nebula. With those kinds of distances in the heavens, the amount of star motion that you and I can detect in our lifetime is humanly unrecognizable. Most of the star speeds within their galaxies are in the order of only 100,000 miles per hour, which is a negligible speed beside light's speed of 700 million miles per hour."