Because all the stars in the Universe are in motion, our planet orbits rotatingly in an ever-changing, omni-circus of celestial events.There is no static geometry of omni-interrelationship of Universe events. Some of the stars you are looking at have not been there for a million years— Some no longer exist. As Einstein and Planck discovered, "Universe is a scenario of non-simultaneous and only partially overlapping, transformative events." One frame in the scenario of caterpillar does not foretell the later scenario event of its transformation into butterfly. One frame of butterfly cannot tell you that the butterfly flies; only large time-sequence segments of the scenario can provide meaningful information. Cogitating on the myriads of stars apparently scattered in disorderly spherical array about the heavens, individuals often remark, as may you, "I wonder what is outside outside?"— asking for a one-frame answer, which is as unintelligent as asking, "Which word is the dictionary?" You know the order of the dictionary to be alphabetical, but its words do not read sequentially. Just hearing them read aloud, they make an only apparent, disorderly array. This is typical of the manner in which nature hides her orderliness in only apparent disorder.
Back to little Space Vehicle Earth and that question of property. The most that the individual could be entitled to own would be the inside of an infinitely thin blueprint of his land, because there is no geometry of space outside it and no exclusively occupiable land below. Our planet Earth is the home of all humans, but scientifically speaking it belongs only to Universe. It belongs equally to all humans. This is the natural, geometrical law. Any laws of man which contradict nature are unenforceable and specious.
Without the infinitely-extended lateral plane, the words up and down are meaningless. The airman initiated the correct descriptive terms "coming IN for a landing and going OUT." It is meaningful to say "INSTAIRS and OUTSTAIRS." Say it for a week and your senses will discover and notify that you are living on a planet.
What do you mean, "astronaut?" We are all astronauts. Always have been— but really! Never mind your "Never-mind-that-space-stuff, let's-be-practical, let's-get-down-to-Earth" talk— brain-talk as undisturbed by knowledge as is a parrot's brain-talk by any awareness born of thought. Brain is physical— weighable; thought is metaphysical— weightless. Many creatures have brains. Man alone has mind. Parrots cannot do algebra; only mind can abstract. Brains are physical devices for storing and retrieving special case experience data. Mind alone can discover and employ the generalized scientific principles found holding true in every special case experience.
Universe has disclosed to astrophysics an elegantly orderly inventory of ninety-two regenerative chemical elements, each with its unique behaviors, all of which are essential to the success of Universe. All are in continual interexchange within the total evolutionary process of Universe. Ignorant humans aboard Space Vehicle Earth are now screaming, "Pollution!" There is no such phenomenon. What they call pollution is extraordinarily valuable chemistry essential to Universe and essential to man on Earth. What is happening is that the egocentricity of omni-specialized man makes him ignorant of the value with which his processing is confronting him. The yellow-brown content of fume and smog is mostly sulphur. The amount of sulphur going out of the smokestacks around the world each year is exactly the same as the amount of sulphur being taken from the Earth each year to keep the world ecology going. It would be far less expensive to catch that sulphur while concentrated in the stack, and to distribute it to the original users, than to do the original mining AND to get it out of human lungs, et cetera, when all the costs to society over a deteriorating twenty-five years are taken into account. But humanity insists on holding to this year's profits, crops, and elections. World society is lethally shortsighted.
Subconsciously reflexing to the as yet mistaken concept of an infinite plane, men have felt that they could dispose of annoyingly accruing substances with which they did not know how to deal by dispatching them outward in some cosmic direction, assumedly to be diffused innocuously in infinity. "I spit in the ocean. So what?"
Humans as yet cerebrate secretly and hopefully that— inasmuch as yesterday's exhaustion of customary resources has always been followed by discovery of alternate and better resources— the great infinity is going to keep right on taking care of ignorant carelessness and waste. "So what the hell?" say the "down-to-earth" status-quoers. "Pump all the fossil fuel energy-depositing of billions of years out from the Earth's crust. Burn it up in a century. Fill all your bank accounts with ten-place figures. To hell with the great grandchildren.
Let them burn up our Space Vehicle Earth's oceans with hydrogen fusion. Let them do the worrying about tomorrow."
Just as biological protoplasmic cells are colonized into larger organisms, the most complex and omni-adaptable of which is the human, so too do humans colonize and inventively externalize the same organic tool functions for their mutual metabolic regeneration.
We call this complex mutual tool externalization by the name industrialization, in which each of us can use the telephone or the electric light in our special, unique tasks, all of which require increasing development of worldaround access to the total resources and worldaround distribution of the advantages comprehensively produced in total metabolic regeneration.
The world population which, after the cell-colonizing within its controlled environment, has been emitted from the thin, protoplasmic, tissue-sheathed, human womb into planet Earth's larger biosphere-sheathed, industrial organism womb, goes on colonizing, integrating, and specializing locally as innocently and ignorantly as did the protoplasmic cells within the woman's womb, all the while mistrusting one another as they evolve their utter interdependence around Earth, as do the individual protoplasmic cells of the residents of human Wombland gather together selectively, finally to form a whole child. In due course, we will realize a one world human integrity and with each degree of physical integration a new degree of metaphysical freedom will be attained.
Earthians in their more roomy biosphere are as yet provided-for, despite their utter ignorance of the infinitely-exquisite reliable interactions of cosmic mechanics. Mothers don't have to invent a breast to feed the baby or invent oxygen for it to breathe. Nor do they have to tell the child how to invent its cell growth. Humans are utterly ignorant of what goes on, how, and why.
The Universe is a self-regenerating and transforming organic machine. Human womb graduates now gestating within the biosphere's world industrial organism womb are discovering and employing a few of the principles governing micro-macro cosmic mechanics, all the while ignorantly speaking of their accomplish-ments of the generally-disregarded obvious as "inventions" and "creations." Now humans have become suspicious of their little machines, blaming them for the continual disconnects of the inexorable evolutionary processes of cosmic gestations which— transcendental to their brain detecting— ever and again emit them into a greater, more inclusively exquisite spherical environment of automated mechanical controls that progressively decontrol humanity's thought and action capabilities— ever increasing humanity's options— emancipating it from its former almost total preoccupation with absolute survival factors.
Assuming erroneously that their day-to-day positive experiences should be rendered perpetual and their negative experiences eliminated, humans try to freeze the unfreezable evolution at specific stages. They try to make "plastic flowers" of all momentarily satisfying events and paraphernalia. In the past, they tried to do it with stone. Separated from the familiar, confronted with the unfamiliar, and reflexed only by the brain's mechanical feedback, unthinking humans— not realizing that there are no straight lines, only wavy ones, and not realizing that waves can only be propagated by positive-negative oscillating— find their straight linear strivings forever frustrated by the wave system realities of Universe. Ignorantly they speak of the evolutionary waves' regeneratively oscillating complementaries as "good" and "bad," though the scientist can find no such moral and immoral qualities in the electron or its complementary opposite, the positron.