Humanity as a whole is indeed being emitted from a two-million-year gestation within the womb of permitted ignorance, for which infantile period cosmic mechanics have been making ample provision not only to offset ignorance and waste but also to permit humanity's gradual trial-and-error experimental discovery of the relatively negligible effectiveness of its muscle— which it had at first employed not only exclusively but savagely— and the concomitant discovery of the infinite apprehending and comprehending effectiveness of the human mind, which alone can discover and employ the Universal verities— and thereby realize comprehensively the potential, progressive, non-wasteful, competent, considerate mastery of the physical environment by the metaphysical intellect.
The metaphysical integrities manifest throughout the everywhere inter-transforming Universe's omni-inter-accommodative cosmic organic system apparently are from time-to-time emulated in meager degree by the intellect of the human passengers who are gestating within the spherical womb sheath of planet Earth's watery, gaseous, and electro-magnetic biosphere.
Humanity's most recent sorties to the moon from within Space Vehicle Earth's womb-like biosphere sheath have been tantamount to a premature, temporary surgical removal of a baby from its human mother's womb, skillfully enclosed within a scientifically-controlled environment, still attached to the mother, and after successful surgery being returned into the human mother's womb to loll-out its remaining gestation days to the successful detached-action launching outwards in Universe which we ignorantly identify as "birth."
Sovereign nation "landing cards" require answers to ridiculous questions: "When were you born?" "Where do you live?" Answer: "I am immortal. I check in here and there from celestial-time-to-celestial-time. Right now I am a passenger on Space Vehicle Earth zooming about the Sun at 60,000 miles per hour somewhere in the solar system, which is God-only-knows where in the scenario Universe. Why do you ask?"
Humanity's sorties to the moon have been accomplished only through instrumental guidance of their controlled-environment capsules and mechanical-enclosure clothing by utterly invisible electromagnetic wave phenomena referenced to instrument-aligned star bearings, with the invisible mathematical integrations accomplished by computers, uncorrupted and incorruptible by ignorantly opinionated humans. Thus has man been advantaged by the few who have thought and acted to produce the instruments, as yet relieving the vast majority of humans from the necessity of having to think and coordinate their sensings with the realities of cosmic mechanics.
Humans still think in terms of an entirely superficial game of static things— solids, surfaces, or straight lines— despite that no things— no continuums— only discontinuous, energy quanta— separate event packages— operate as remotely from one another as the stars of the Milky Way. Science has found no "things"; only events. Universe has no nouns; only verbs. Don't say self-comfortingly to yourself or to me that you have found the old way of getting along with false notions to be quite adequate and satisfactory. So was the old umbilical cord to your mother. But you can't re-attach it and your mother is no longer physically present. You can't go back. You can't stay put. You can only grow and, if you comprehend what is going on, you will find it ever more satisfactory and fascinating, for that is what evolution is doing, whether you think, ignorantly, that you don't like it or do.
To each human being, environment is "all of Universe that isn't me." Our macrocosmic and microcosmic "isn't me-ness" consists entirely of widely dissynchronous frequencies of repetitions of angular changes and complex inter-actions of waves of different lengths and frequencies of repetition. Physics has found a Universe consisting only of frequency and angle modulations.
Our environment is a complex of frequencies and angles. Our environment is a complex of different frequencies of impingement— from within and without— upon the individual "me-nesses." We are in a womb of complex frequencies. Some of those frequencies man identifies ignorantly with such words as "sight, sound, touch, and smell." Others he calls "tornadoes, earthquakes, novae." Some he ignorantly looks upon as static things: houses, rocks, and human-like manikins.
Very, very slow changes humans identify as inanimate. Slow change of pattern they call animate and natural. Fast changes they call explosive, and faster events than that humans cannot sense directly. They can see the rocket blasted off at 7,000 miles per hour.
They cannot see the hundred-thousand times faster radar pulse moving 700 million miles per hour. Humans can sense only the position of pointers on instrument dials. What they call "radio"—electro-magnetics— they learn of through scientific instrumentation. Of the total electro-mechanical spectrum range of the now known realities of Universe, man has the sensory equipment to tune in directly with but one-millionth of the thus far discovered physical Universe events. Awareness of all the rest of the million-fold greater-than-human-sense reality can only be relayed to human ken through instruments, devised by a handful of thought-employing individuals anticipating thoughtfully the looming needs of others.
The almost totally invisible, nonsensorial, electro-magnetic womb-sheath of environmental evolution's reality-phase into which humanity is now being born— after two million years of ignorant, innocent gestation— is as yet almost entirely uncomprehended by humanity. 99.9 per cent of all that is now transpiring in human activity and interaction with nature is taking place within the realms of reality which are utterly invisible, inaudible, unsmellable, untouchable by human senses. But the invisible reality has its own behavioral rules which are entirely transcendental to man-made laws and evaluation limitations. The invisible reality's integrities are infinitely reliable. It can only be comprehended by metaphysical mind, guided by bearings toward something sensed as truth. Only metaphysical mind can communicate. Brain is only an information storing and retrieving instrument. Telephones cannot communicate; only the humans who use the instruments. Man is metaphysical mind. No mind— no communication— no man. Physical transactions without mind— YES. Communication— NO. Man is a self-contained, micro-communicating system. Humanity is a macro-communicating system. Universe is a serial communicating system; a scenario of only partially overlapping, nonsimultaneous, irreversible, transformative events.
As yet preoccupied only with visible, static, newspicture views of superficial surfaces of people and things— with a one-millionth fraction of reality which it has cartooned in utter falsehood— society fails to realize that several hundred thousand radio or TV communications are at all times invisibly present everywhere around our planet. They permeate every room in every building— passing right through walls and human tissue. This is to say that the stone walls and human tissue are invisible and nonexistent to the electromagnetic wave reality. We only deceived ourselves into reflexing that the walls are solid. How do you see through your solid eyeglasses? They are not full of holes. They are aggregates of atoms as remote from one another as are the stars. There's plenty of space for the waves of light to penetrate.