As Holton wrote in the American Journal of Physics and as reported on the "Science" page of Time magazine, January 26, 1970:
To fully recognize the extraordinary intellectual daring of Einstein's equations, we note the great scientist’s own explanation of their origin: "There is no logical way to the discovery of these elementary laws. There is only the way of intuition."
Because humans consist of a myriad of atoms and because atoms are themselves electro-magnetic frequency event phenomena— not things— it is theoretically possible that the complex frequencies of which humans are constituted, together with their angular inter-positioning, could be scanningly unraveled and transmitted beam-wise into the celestial void to be received some time, somewhere in Universe, having traveled at 700 million miles per hour, which is approximately 100 thousand times faster than the speed of our moon rockets a minute after blast-off. It is not theoretically impossible in terms of the total physical data that humans may have been transmitted to Earth in the past from vast distances.
Retreating from such a speculative mood, we come now to consider closer-range possibilities and probabilities. We recall that humans, who to our knowledge arrived on Earth at least two million years ago, have been regenerating aboard that small, 8000-mile diameter, Space Vehicle Earth throughout all those years without even knowing that they were aboard a space vehicle. They are now< emerging, however, from the womb of permitted ignorance of their early, subjective, taken-care-of phase and are now beginning to become comprehensively aware of all the matters we have discussed so far. They are beginning to understand that they are within a limited biosphere life-support system whose original excessively-abundant living supply was provided only to permit humanity's initial trial-and-error discovery of its anti-entropic function in Universe. Humans are coming swiftly to understand they must now consciously begin to operate their Space Vehicle Earth with total planetary cooperation, competence, and integrity. Humans are swiftly sensing that the cushioning tolerance for their initial error has become approximately exhausted.
Each child emerging from its mother's womb is entering a larger womb of total human consciousness which is continually modified and expanded by subjective experiences and objective experiments.
As each successive child is born, it comes into a cosmic consciousness in which it is confronted with less misinformation than yesterday and with more reliable information than yesterday. Each child is born into a much larger womb of more intellectually competent consciousness.
I was seven years old before I saw an automobile, though living in the ambience of a large American city. Not until I was nine was the airplane invented. As a child I thought spontaneously only in terms of walking, bicycling, horse-drawn capability. Trips on railroads and steamships were dream-provokers learned of through a few older people who traveled. My daughter was born with cloth-covered-wing bi-planes in her sky and the talkie radio in her hearing. My granddaughter was born in a house with several jet transports going over every minute. She saw a thousand airplanes before she saw a bird; a thousand automobiles before a horse. To children born in 1970, trips to the moon will be as everyday an event as were trips into the big city to me when a boy. There was no radio when I was born. Television came when I was what is called "retiring age." The first Berkeley dissident students were born the year commercial television started. They have seen around the world on the hour ever since being born— they think world. The total distance covered by an average human being in a total lifetime up to the time I was born was 30,000 miles. Because of the great changes since my birth, I have now gone well over one hundred times that distance. The astronauts knock off three million miles in a week. The average airline hostess is out-mileaging my hundred-fold greater mileage than all the people before me. All this has happened in my lifetime. My lifetime has been one of emerging from the womb of human-being remoteness from one another to comprehensive integration of worldaround humanity.
But all the customs, all the languages, all laws, all accounting systems, viewpoints, cliches, and axioms are of the old, divided, ignorant days. The corollary of "divide and conquer" is "to be divided is to be conquered." To be specialized is to be divided. The specialization which humanity perseveres in was invented by yesterday's armed conqueror illiterates. The separation of humans into more countries made them easy to manage. Nations may unite, as at present, without success. Strife is proliferating. Not until specialization and nations are dispensed with will humanity have a chance of survival. It is to be all or none.
In my first jobs before World War I, I found all the working men to have vocabularies of no more than one hundred words, more than 50 percent of which were profane or obscene. Because I worked with them, I know that their intellects were there, but dulled and deprived of the information of visionary conceptioning. They had no way of expressing themselves other than by inflection and shock.
Conquerors invented gladiatorial wrestling, self-brutalizing games, slapstick and illusionary drama to keep their illiterate masses preoccupied when not at work. This was not changed by any scheduled system of education— it was changed by the radio. The radio broadcasting employees were hired for their vocabularies and diction. The eyes and ears of human beings were able to coordinate the words of the radio and the graphic words of the newspaper. Literacy accelerated. In a half-century, worldaround man's vocabulary has been expanded to the equivalent of yesterday's scholar. Television's scientific invention and underwater and space exploration have accelerated this process of freeing humanity from its slave complex to an extraordinary degree. The young realize, as their elders do not, that humanity can do and can afford to do anything it needs to do that it knows how to do.
Those who ignorantly think of themselves as a well-to-do con-servative elite are, in fact, so slave-complexed that they are shocked when the younger generation throws aside their clothes and cars of distinction and— abandoning their make-believe mansions which only are their old conquerors' castles— congregate in hundreds of thousands in shameless, innocent bands on vast beaches and meadows. It is not an unspannable generation gap that has occurred, but an emancipation of youth from yesterday's slave-complex reflexes. This has been brought about solely by the proliferation of knowledge. "The medium is the message" is the message only of yesterday's middle-class elite. It said, "Never mind the mind. It's the body that counts." or "It's the physical that can be possessed— To hell with the metaphysical. You can possess a physical brain but not the universally free mind and its thoughts. Leave that to the intellectuals. Look out for those dangerous free thinkers." Higher education was an adornment— a mark of distinction— not something to be taken seriously. The problem of man's being born into the new womb of planetary comprehension, into the new world of integrated coordination and understanding of all humanity, is one not of educating a single absolute monarch, nor of educating either a fascistic or central party elite, nor of educating only the middle class.
It is a matter of educating everyone everywhere to the realities of the emerging of man from the womb of permitted ignorance into the womb of required comprehension and competence. That education will have to be brought about by the extraordinary discarding of yesterday's inadequate amusements, shallow romances and drama, and make-believe substitute worlds to cover up the inadequacies of misinformed and underinformed, physically slavish or bureaucratically dogmatic, thoughtless life.