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I was also surprised to discover the depth of feelings I had for her.

The thought of them hurting her…

The rage kicked in again, and I made a fist so hard, I could feel my nails cut into my palm.

Despite my strong feelings, I had to be realistic. Attempting to rescue Fleming was a fool’s game. I’d be killed, or captured. No two ways about it.

My primary objective was to get out of there, find safe ground. The odds were against me even being able to do that much. No doubt the exits were being watched, and the only weapon I had was a vase of posies.

The elevator doors opened. I stepped into the empty lift, then eyed the buttons.

First floor.

Sixth floor.

1 or 6.

My finger hovered over the 1.

I hit 6.


Fleming was in a wheelchair, a generic, hospital model. There were thick Velcro straps around the waist, legs, and arms. The straps hardly seemed necessary. She couldn’t run away. She couldn’t even stand. Fleming had crippled her legs years ago, while in service to her country.

Now agents from that same country were holding her prisoner, trying to get her to talk.

Talk? About what? Chandler and I just saved millions of lives. They should be giving me a medal.

“Who do you work for?” the agent asked, staring down at her. He had a long, pale face, a pointy nose, pointy widow’s peak. Fleming smelled aftershave on him. Old Spice. He wore the typical black suit of a spook, and judging by the way the other three in the room regarded him, he was obviously top man on the scene.

“We’re on the same side,” Fleming answered. “But that question is on a need to know basis.”

The agent rested his hand on Fleming’s bandaged one—earlier they’d allowed a doctor in to splint her broken fingers.

They still hurt like hell.

“I need to know,” he said.

“I take orders from two people. One is the President.”

“And the other?”

“The other one is not you.” Fleming flashed a bright smile.

The man squeezed her hand. Even though the lidocaine hadn’t fully worn off, the pain was instant and overpowering. Fleming gasped.

“You have no identification,” the man said, maintaining his grip. “No fingerprints on file. No hits on our facial recognition software. As far as our government knows, you don’t exist.” He squeezed harder. “Since you don’t exist, I can do anything I want.”

“Anything?” she grunted.


“Then you might want to brush your teeth. Smells like you were licking Uncle Sam’s ass.”

The agent released Fleming.

For a few seconds, it took everything she had to control her breathing and separate herself from the pain. Since her accident, she’d been behind a desk, working operations from the intel side. But she’d secretly longed to be a field agent again. To be out in the world, where the action was.

Be careful what you wish for…

“The other woman. She’s your sister, yes?”

Fleming forced cool. “Where is she?”

“She’s talking to one of my colleagues. He plays a bit rougher than I do. Your sister is telling him everything.”

Fleming didn’t have to force the laughter. It came naturally. While everyone had a breaking point, they hadn’t had Chandler nearly long enough to reach hers.

The agent frowned. “You think I’m being funny? We’re going to take you, and your sister, someplace where you’ll never see daylight again.”

“Where no one will ever look?” Fleming asked.


“Like in your underwear?”

His frown deepened. “Prepare her for transport,” he told his men.

The other agents moved forward.

“Hold on,” Fleming said. “What’s your name?”

The agent hesitated, then answered, “Malcolm.”

Fleming looked beyond him, to the other men in the room. “Does anyone here have a mint for Malcolm? Or some gum?”

No one chuckled. Tough crowd.

Then one of them produced a syringe.

This was bad.

Very bad.

Fleming understood Malcolm’s threat all too well. The United States had dozens of secret prisons throughout the world. Being the last super power standing, those in charge had decided to wipe their asses with the Constitution. No more due process. No more trials by peers. No trials at all, in fact. US citizens could be kidnapped, tortured, and executed by their own government, all on the hush-hush.

Fleming knew what went on at these black sites. She knew that no one made it out of them alive.

“The President will have your head if you take me anywhere,” Fleming said.

“Right now the President is in the middle of a worldwide scandal. It’s a PR nightmare. I really doubt he cares what happens to you.”

Especially since he’ll probably blame me for his recent problems, Fleming thought.

She and Chandler had saved millions. But that didn’t mean much for the Commander-in-Chief’s upcoming reelection campaign.

“You’re worried,” Malcolm said. “I can tell. You have good reason to be. Are you sure you have nothing to say?”

Fleming stayed quiet.

“Who do you work for?”

“Okay, I’ll tell you. I work for M.”


“On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. I’m Agent 007. My name is Bond.” Fleming forced herself to smile. “James Bond.”

“Sedate her,” Malcolm ordered.

The needle went in hard and the drug worked quickly.

Fleming knew this would likely be the last moment of peace she would ever have.

She was tough. But everybody breaks.

And now, Fleming realized with terrifying certainty, she was about to find out what her breaking point was.

J.A. Konrath and Ann Voss Peterson on Smashwords

FLEE: A Thriller

Babe On Board

Wild Night is Calling

J.A. Konrath’s Works Available on Smashwords


The List


Shot of Tequila

Jack Daniels Stories (Collected Stories)

Crime Stories (Collected Stories)

Horror Stories (Collected Stories)

65 Proof (Collected Stories)

Truck Stop

Suckers by JA Konrath and Jeff Strand

SERIAL by Blake Crouch and Jack Kilborn

SERIAL UNCUT by Blake Crouch and Jack Kilborn

KILLERS by Blake Crouch and Jack Kilborn

Floaters by JA Konrath and Henry Perez

Planter’s Punch by J.A. Konrath and Tom Schreck

Draculas by Blake Crouch, Jack Kilborn, Jeff Strand, and F. Paul Wilson



The Screaming


Shapeshifters Anonymous

Banana Hammock

Visit the author at www.jakonrath.com

Ann Voss Peterson’s Works Available on Smashwords

Wyoming Manhunt

Christmas Awakening

Priceless Newborn Prince

Rocky Mountain Fugitive

Covert Cootchie-Cootchie-Coo

A Rancher’s Brand of Justice

A Cop in Her Stocking

Seized by the Sheik

Visit the author at http://www.annvosspeterson.com