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Movie: George Morgan (Jehovah) alone; sitting on a chair in the upper black clothes, spreading wide-leg, between the legs sits a cat; Jehovah pulled the penis and moves on hand, but the cat does not respond. The Owner of the Land having fun; in his mind there have been violations - Brama "was brought to the handle". Patron of Jehovah Brama is masochist, mocking Jehovah. ("And this The Jackal claims on the Post Father The universe...?" - this thought belongs to the astral from Jehovah). The Supreme Deity the Absolute, Rid men and gods of our Solar System from the influence of this MONSTER.

Film: lying George Morgan (Jehovah), lying next to another beautiful brunette (brunette previous left). In headboard bugger next a boy of five, oversees the process. The devil invites women with boys. He the woman will be euthanized, and the child uses for other purposes; children are easily susceptible to hypnosis. (Unsuccessfully made bugger nose job; both nostrils severe scarring).

Film: gone pretty brunette with a boy, left George Morgan (the devil) is one. Lying on the couch and "quietly to himself, carrying on a conversation", as long as hands are not tired; Jehovah rejected with disgust by all…

*Film: Already all of New-York knows the inclinations of George Morgan. It service women (doing Masturbation and blowjob), boys (doing blowjob) and dogs (...).

Each day change women and boys is one of the options of recruitment on Saturn. Even if once crossed the threshold of "perverted lust", the victim enlisted in the army of the devil. Only WORSHIP of God can outrun Karma. Karma is a group of gods. A program is for the creation of everything (planets, stars, Universes, Galaxies) that is in the Infinity, and for the execution of Karma (as in computer). Taken from space movie of a man lay in the space program and gives the result: Reward or Retribution. The next is incarnation of the gods of the injected fluids into the consciousness of the merits of the previous life. Hence is the result: the looks, the talent the parents.

*On this page are part of the movies I've seen; some of them are not worth talking about. All kinds of perversions which are depicted in the temple of Brama in India, Jehovah is with animals and loved ones; then apply the widescreen. Travel Agency T. A. encourages tourists to visit this temple, thus works on darkness (those who do service to the devil, will leave with him) In U.S. is the gay clubs, in which people are obsessed with hypnosis, flow into low-lying state flow into low-lying state like spiders in a jar, a few dozen people in the Nude, they lost human form. Jehovah has planted on our Planet the virus of perversion. On Saturn will be global club of gays. I repeat: "to Protect against this scourge can only Great Maitreya. Worship is your choice"! Parents, protect your children, depends on you health and spiritual growth of consciousness (conscience) of your child.

The devil asked repeatedly: " do not write." I got these stills from *movies Space «Jehovah» evoke a sense of disgust and loathing. But in the Teachings it is said: "If it is necessary for a business to go down to the bottom, and then have to fall. It is hoped that information from space sobers all the above, segments of the population. In the Bible, the pedophile Jehovah the devil, points out: "Be pure as I am pure, the Lord your God". What does he mean? Gives a warning to the perverts-the Rakchas’s that they like him not leased . His rectum and attracted passive partners of other nationalities. In the US, 97, 2 million perverts, mean, half of these wastes are not rakshasas; Jehovah is looking for partners.

In the "Rituals" it is said: «You dirty, stinking animal, -- the originator of sin and incest, the originator of all the obscenities...".

Movie: The pederast Jehovah on a wide bed a jack with the next woman lies. The syringe on ten cubes sticks out of a hip. Both lie mad from drugs. From such doses the addict Jehovah will fall short of the Apocalypse. What is done by Bramah with the helper, horror!?!? The owner of land can't hire the victims to Saturn any more; - his "colleague" has failed from over fatigue. Neither the brain, nor consciousness can help if sex is put on a stream. All types of sexual perversions, and as a result were applied to recruitment … Jehovah is the impotent man! All humiliations which the devil applied to people have returned to him a boomerang. It is also the Law of the Karma.

Movie: "…. and in the morning they have woken up ….". The naked devil with the young lady, her top part of a trunk and the head is on the impotent man Jehovah's breast lies. Jehovah mentally gives the decree. The young lady slips down, is bent three times (at her a trunk twice longer, than at a devil), bends and does "lord" blowjob. So there is a transfer in army of a devil of female citizens. A couple of days the young lady woke up and ran away through the back door. Quickly walked along the walls of the house, crouched in front of the windows of the first floor and hastily left on the half-bent legs.

Movie: Time has passed, at "Almighty Sataniya pederast’ Jehovah (billionaire Geordes Morgan) kid creeps on a bed, but Jehovah is indifferent to him, time of the kid hasn't come yet. In about 8-9 years when the eldest son matures, gay Jehovah will switch on younger, and he will divide the hobby with the eldest son (according to Bramah's instructions). The devil (billionaire Georges Morgan) still immerses the wife in a deep sleep, transfers the ten-year-old son to the bedroom and forces to blowjob, later applies a paederasty. In the future Bramah uses sons of a devil for recruitment. The wife has made irreparable nonsense; have doomed myself and children for sending to Saturn. Sometimes them all of four lie in a bed; Jehovah enjoys a family environment. The demon Brama has allowed him to relax until Bramah needs other scenario. After this text Jehovah (Georges Morgan) has shown vision: the naked devil on a back lies, the sluggish genital body lies on the right hip. The younger child creeps up, bends and lips the pas the end of body lays down.

Movie: The pederast Jehovah in a bed embracing the ten-year-old son lies. The child has woken up, has looked at "father" and has turned away. There are no 10 years, and the child sickly, sluggish, growth. The lens has imprinted accurately: the crumpled devil person in wrinkles, are pouted by silicone. He looks the very old man for about 90 years, and to him is twice less – the filthy, worn-out, mangy cable pervert. Here such way to him was defined by the gay theorist, the demon of the Universe Brama.

Movie: Rokfellers beach. The billionaire Georges Morgan – a devil lies on a sand. On the head the hat which is pulled together on perimeter with an elastic band, thingies "decorate" the huge head of a satan. The big head, so is a lot of brains. Why he doesn't use brains in Life? The lens of space has imprinted a cataract on the right eye and lips with bloody cracks from silicone.

Under eyes bags bubbles ("lord" - the addict). The person is crumpled as baked apple. On nostrils fabric in the form of triangles is removed, and the nose began to listen spellbound; it was necessary to cut off the third part of a nose. Nose equal and short; Jehovah was guided on design the website http://theosophy-net.ua - the Handsome!

Movie: "Lord" Jehovah lies in a bed, it was attached behind the son, - embraces him, kisses on a neck, a nape, on an ear. And the child lies silently, not moving, and from eyes tears drip.

Movie: Jehovah daily is engaged in a pederasty with the son. The kid constantly silently cries; lying on one side, cries. Already understands everything. The disproportion of a children's rectum and penisses of daddy can pull out a rectum outside, break a mesentery , which keeps intestines in an initial form within a physical body. After this text Jehovah (Georges Morgan) has shown vision: the naked devil on a back lies, the sluggish genital body lies on the right hip. The younger child creeps up, bends and lips the pas the end of body lays down.