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Didn’t know who destroyed me and who protected. Somehow in kitchen made a dinner and suddenly threw all and turned on the TV. Bovin spoke praised "Torah" - Moses’ Pentateuch. I said that it is cleverer than this book isn't present. I right there as the zombie, put on and went to a synagogue and got stuck there for three years, but, eventually, left it not mine. Later thought: "Probably, Jehovah sent me there. On TV there was a movie "Great Inquisitor". Jehovah brought me to the TV screen, and the Catholic priest, looking at the Christ, shouted: "I accept a devil". I thought, and here a devil and Jehovah? Having read the Bible, it was convinced that the Old Testament — a Judaism, word for word. Only in the Bible in head "Jesus Navin" magnificent figures of the destroyed people when Jews "cleared away to themselves a place" are thrown out, appropriating property of the killed under the leadership of Jehovah.

Started reading other books, by then remained one. My husband died. On his foot the devil made blood clot which soon came off and floated on a pulmonary artery to heart; ten months the breast from pain was broken off. Constantly spoke to the husband: "You will die". And husband to get ready; bought shoes, candles, and all repeated: "I will die". All this Jehovah did to leave me one, - to finish me finally, or to subordinate to itself.

For several days to the death of the husband my neighbor in giving brought me ½ part tea service also told: "Presented us a service, I keep plateaus, and we have the rest" and left. I was surprised. And suddenly in a brain a thought: "Return a service, it is bewitched; separation of a service – separation of a family". I took packaging, ran to neighbors, but they left home. On heart it was so heavy, - trouble presentiment. Wanted to deliver ware through a fence on their site, but a fence is high. Was going to return in the next weekend, but wasn't in time, there was the husband's funeral. The sorcerer Jehovah left me one. At the daughter of the neighbor the son-in-law has left to another, but has in a couple of years returned. The devil used the neighbor against me.

In a year, after death of the husband, again was taken in hand by Jehovah, again hypnosis. I reduced with the woman who told me about Konovalov S. S. books "The book which treats". The author of the book himself doesn't know who operates him and that energy represents. (Already knows, I explained to him.)

On covers of books of Konovalov S. S. of a prayer; one of them begins so: "Make me by the tool of your world... ", i.e. make me the demon, accept in the rack and operate me in the evil and artful affairs, - and in the book 5 the statement against the Christ. The doctor K. can get out of a God, having addressed to powers of Light. It was given chance.

I read books, passed year. Visions began of the astral plan where, there live the dead. Jehovah spoke about people, about their intimate, sometimes my lips: once all of a sudden I told surnames of customers of one murder, then predicted death of one person — everything came true in a week. I asked: who are you? If you from powers of Light, with you speak, and if from darkness — get out". God, so someone can't such tell another. Who?

This day (after sent it) it showed vision: the astral plan, at home, a portrait of the mannish woman of the black with long hair on a hair parting in a scarlet tunic, and signs: green triangle, yellow square and pentacle the red. It was Jehovah, and the image which he showed me - it "a scenic image". (Jehovah has got on on himself a wig with long hair and has dressed bloody red color a tunic, representing "mother the world", - the clown).But didn't know, and thought: "It is necessary to look for a portrait of the Christ". And right there gathered and went to other city to relatives. As me confused "angry", didn't want exposure and hoped that eternally will be in a condition of ignorance. The nephew gave me the book where there was a description of appearance of the Christ according to Pontius Pilate: blue eyes, straight short nose, chubby lips, wide forehead, and fair hair on a hair parting long, curled on the ends. There is such portrait at N.K. Rerich.

It was convinced — in red there was Jehovah — a devil. Before it showed a yard where there was a wedding and told that you will die and you will be embodied at these parents and called a surname. Jehovah of religion fools that we live once, and to me offered transformation. The third time it declined me to death. I keep mind, what from me it is necessary for it? Shouted: «don’t want». Also went to bed with such weight in heart. Woke up in the morning, it was so easy on soul; have a protection!

Books doctor’ Konovalov decided to throw out, but Jehovah told: "Give somebody". To resist to its hypnosis it is useless — will paralyze. On the third time told: "Take out". When left an entrance, the victim already stood near a garbage tank. I wanted to throw books into a tank, but the man took away them. In one and a half years this man went mad, two times till some months lay in a psychiatric clinic and died. You hear Konovalov S. S. Jehovah started me tormenting. At first it deprives of a dream, and then sight. When started writing about it articles, it said in low tones: "I deprive of sight twice".

Sent are on me every night the demons that didn't allow me to sleep. Beat off as could, a mixer, light didn't switch off. Then got used to sleep is in the afternoon, and at night to be awake. Started destroying astral light sight later is.

Went in Orthodox Church, asked priests — anybody knows nothing, and only one elderly priest (God grant health) told him: "With you the satan speaks". Inflated astral light eye pressure and destroyed fields of vision. Then sent quickly growing dairy cataract is. The devil two times about a door hit me, (the left hemisphere of the head – lunar), five times on the street hit me into the left eye an elbow, a fist, a shoulder, - the devil directed all. Seven times knocked is on the street down energy. Infections, insects various this pettiness me tempered, can safely go against it. Before operation of pincers dust-like brought is in an eye.

Jehovah (more precisely demon-rakshas Semyon Schneider) in an ear placed to me a green pregnant caterpillar. It was delivered, got from an ear of one hundred tiny caterpillars green, round, in the diameter of one millimeter. As they to me stand the head! Don't know how guessed to pour over the head vinegar apple and to put on a rubber hat. Under a cap they burst, cracked and all were lost. Then washed away is the head hot water with laundry soap.

Days ten didn't sleep, didn't know that in an ear moves. There were holidays, went to the ENT specialist, the doctor pulled out the green shaggy caterpillar saturated with blood from an ear. Before poured vinegar, peroxide into an ear, but it didn't leave come home, in an ear all the time something again moves. Week went on hospitals, to me again all washed out. The doctor told: "You have a mental disease". Thought that it is Jehovah wants me to define in a psychiatric clinic, he left me at once. All this the tenth part of that happen to me. What only insects Jehovah didn't send me both inside, and outside. And milk from a sick cow palmed off.

I all time thought: "That him from me it is necessary?” After all crimes hissed on an ear, is enticing: "It was necessary to attract financially you". Once, after its next persecution, raised hands up and addressed to Powers of Light to direct me on the Truth way bought E.P.Blavatsky books and plunged into reading as - as if, waited for it. Read all day long. Now know, my Patron heard me; He Waited when will ask it for the help. Luminous intensity respects a freedom of choice of the person and never applies violence.

I wrote the first article quickly, and the next day the crafty forced to tear it on small slices. This dragon influenced me hypnosis. It was necessary to sit down right there, and to write new article, already more reduced. Jehovah executed Konovalov S. S.; I considered a duty to him to explain with whom he speaks – with a devil.When wrote articles, demons came, knocked, sent me on an incipit energy - the head cracked from pain. I expelled them essential oil. Sufferings we spiritually grow!

After my address to Supreme, demons left me. My prayers, probably, didn't reach the Supreme Deity, but Jehovah heard them and left me alone. Means, and on a devil there is a justice!

Within one year read E.P.Blavatsky 11 books. Read for five-six hours in day. In a year bought E.I.Rerich books. "Agni Yoga"!! When read, tears flew like water. In May started reading, and on August 24, 2008 saw for the first time Eye. All sky was in color dabs. The next day asked the knowing person, she was surprised and told that it is Great Maitreya, Lord Shambhala, - Michael the Archangel. It also is my Patron. My God, as long waited for you. As long!