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If there were at least one competent person in the Supreme Council is on this issue, the flag would look like: a yellow strip on top, blue from below; the sun gives warmth, water is wet it means a good harvest, a flourishing in the economy. On one side of the flag is the image of the Creator of our Planet, the Archangel Michael. On the other - two white eagles with open wings, as if soaring skyward. Eagle is a bird of power and power of the state. Color white - a sign of purity and aspiration. The flag should be from the most expensive fabric (silk velvet) and handmade... What relation of the state will be to the flag, the relation of the cosmos to us will be mutual. Space materializes everything!

Now the satan governs in Ukraine. Always its actions are directed against Russia. The next attempt of Jehovah of a devil to do harm to Russia – to organize …

Revolution is in Ukraine.

The principal book the Russian writer N.M.Karamzin’ - "History of the Russian State", over which it worked more two decades practically to these pores it is a little known to the Russian reader. Twelve volumes contain the actual material, taken from archive sources. Opponent of fiction, N. M. Karamzin provided to us information of many archives of the European states.

In book N. M. Karamzin "Legends of centuries" (1 volume) is selection of stories, legends and bylines. In it is told, that Russians occupied Volga region. Over time they were settled on all European territory. Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Finns, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Bulgarians, Germans are uniform the people, Russians from the Volga region.

So there is a space justice that Russia and all European, fraternal peoples were integrated in one big socialist community. Look at appearance Merkel's - the typical Slavic person of the Russian from the Volga region. In present time it got to the coalition opponents of the ancestors is. Merkel isn't ashamed, that Germans decoupled two world wars and that in the territory of Germans the devil kindled fascism? Who opposes the Slavic people? Who chief screenwriter revolution in Ukraine? All revolution (Egypt, Libya, Ukraine Syria, Yemen, Turkey) the author one is the Owner of land, planetary satan Jehovah.

Unbreakable wall for the devil Jehovah has always been Russia because of its Patron is God!!! The devil was given to America, from there spreading all the evil. A year before the elections, NATO called Peter Poroshenko to offer himself as the future President of Ukraine, and in return promised that Ukraine, after his election to the presidency, in the course of the year to join NATO. In the Donetsk region was sold land for NATO through a straw man (an elderly man from USA) for installation anti-missile systems aimed against Russia. The devil is and in the Crimea "laid eyes". Vladimir Putin fulfilled the Decree of God – of the Great Lord of Shambhala; the way for NATO in the Crimea and the Donetsk region will be closed. The war between Russia and Ukraine may be terminated after the next successful presidential elections in Ukraine.

"New Jerusalem is in Ukraine".

2017 Zionist's revelation: "New Jerusalem in Ukraine"!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=EpsIWY92wyo&feature=share

To me the letter - a roller in which it is said that the Southern Ukraine is announced now how "New Jerusalem". Five areas are called: Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhe, Kherson, Nikolayev and Odessa. The map of "the new state" is attached; on her five areas are painted over. To Odessa the ship has already come from Haifa and has brought the first group of Jews on the "primordial homeland". I hope, now clear for what purpose Jehovah-Svarog has organized a revolution in Ukraine. Will begin reset elements of all Jews to Europe for mass destruction. Before it the devil will organize opposition between indigenous people and visitors; Jehovah is necessary to energy of destruction. Devil is "husband of abuse, Jehovah name to him". Kolomoysky will play Jesus Navin's role and "will clear away to himself the place". I express to all visitors compassion. In 2046 there will be an Apocalypse; Europe will leave on an ocean floor. There will be the third Apocalypse on our Planet. Look at the map of the Globe. I provide the list of the states which will disappear after the planet-wide tragedy: Austria, Albania, Andorra, Belgium, Belarus, Bulgaria, Vatican, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia (the border of the Apocalypse will pass across the Urals), Romania, San Marino. Finland, France, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, Sweden, Ukraine, Estonia, Yugoslavia. The first will leave on a bottom Great Britain. As you can see, Israel isn't included into this list. The border of action of the Apocalypse will pass across Arctic and Atlantic Oceans, Mediterranean Sea , Black and Caspian seas, across Ridge Urals. All admirers of a devil of Jehovah will be brought together in Europe. Process has already gone. Jehovah hides information that at most to drag off the population to Saturn. Think of the children and grandsons. I advise Jews to go to Australia, South Africa South America. On Saturn there will be a repetition of what was on Earth. A devil Jehovah is material and spiritless. Attentively read the Old Testament (Torah)!!! Wars, damnations are leaving of Jews from a devil to Egypt. How many lives the Great Lord of Shambhala has is devoted to Jews. Remember, even if burn down alive; it is always possible to leave Jehovah in an astral body on an ocean floor. The astral body doesn't burn and doesn't sink, it moves to depths of waters, to the center of Earth where magma boils. In the Caspian Sea there are underwater cities where there live astrals. The army of a devil of Jehovah (perverts and underworld) can take cover on the drowned Atlantis, the cities have remained there. Atlantis will rise to the surface after death of Europe. Read the Doctrine of Living Ethics - continuation of the Doctrine of Christ, Worship Great Maitreya and you will be saved. Visit the site http://theosophy-mm.net

After Jehovah told that "he prepares the new state in the state for Kolomoysky". But same purpose: to bring together Jews from Israel for destruction during the Apocalypse. Gradually Jehovah will bring together in Europe Jews from all Planet.

There was a hope that Jews will become spiritual descendants of God, but they have departed in darkness. The choice – is behind them. Demons-Rakchas’s(perverts and underworld) – is a spiritless descendants of a devil. Monkeys is the first branch of children of Jehovah; the devil is obliged to move all lemur-primacies on the planet. Demons-Rakshas's (if wish) can remain, having undergone clarification in the sulfuric boiling lake.

Valtsman (Poroshenko) didn't equal hopes of a devil Jehovah, disarmed Kolomoysky's battalion, deprived of shares of «Oil and gas», transferred to the state "Privatbank" and it gave himself up as a bad job. According to Eduard Hodos, the CHaBaD made the decision to re-elect the President of Ukraine because Valtsman (Poroshenko) is the half-blooded and to replace it with another. In Ukraine the CHaBaD governs. I hope it is clear to all for the sake of what "People killed during Euromaidan" died? Valtsman (Poroshenko) didn't understand the purpose and a task of a devil, stumbled on Kolomoysky; this "politician" constructed a monument to Jehovah devil in Dnepropetrovsk, the 18th floor synagogue of devil color, the biggest in Europe. The coast of the Black Sea occupies NATO. It wasn't succeeded to take the Crimea and Donetsk region, Jehovah will appropriate the Southeast of Ukraine. The devil wants to blow up the Planet and to drag off all to Saturn. Only Great Maitreya, Terrestrial Shambhala, and V. Putin with assistance of all population can keep the Planet.

Keeps the Earth the One, Who she Created, - God, the Great Maitreya!!! Russia and America are two countries - leaders. The population of the Planet must make a choice before approaching a planetary tragedy of the Apocalypse. Countries that support Russia are obliged to withdraw from organizations bugger Jehovah: NATO, EU ISIS. Let the example of all is Turkey. Blessed be its President – Erdogan! Russia, all Slavs and Turkey share a COMMON FACTOR BLOOD!!!

Before leaving to Saturn at darkness two main objectives: