1. Recruitment of the population of our Planet for Saturn.
2. To blow up our Pergies of corrupting. Saturn - is karma Jehovah's, punishment for all crimes, the concentration camp for a planetary satan. During World War II it materialized the scenario war with concentration camps, and now the space prepared for it the similar. It is told: "Don't do the evil, and the evil you passes", "Treat people as you would like, that to you treated". The space will write everything, and everyone will meet with the deserts. The law of Punishment is uniform for all!
Jehovah brought to the power of Jews-rakshasa’s. Under its management they Ukrainian army directed for destruction the peace population of Ukraine. Slavs destroy each other. But time will come Jehovah will rally Slavs also will direct them against Jews, also destruction will begin innocent Jews. Jehovah threw Jews in concentration camps during the Second World War. Are necessary to it sufferings of people, hatred, that same energy to attract destructions from space and to fill it the Earth for explosion.
The Crucified Christ, and behind him appeared a cross of a devil, such, as in scientology sect.
The Cross of scientologists is a cross of a planetary satan of Jehovah. What does the scientology represent? Destructive devilish organization, the certificate is scientology symbolic: the upset cross, thirteen leaves and … other. Obsessed Jehovah - is Ron Hubbard (the schizophrenic, - was on the account at the psychiatry) - read works of church history of “Professor” A.L. Dvorkin) wrote a devilish nonsense instead of previous which was called "Old testament" (Torah). Scientology sect is commercial (as all sects from Jehovah), also it is destructive influences a human body and its mentality. In sect of scientologists the Owner of Land attracts underworld. Once you once violate sin threshold, and the person in a mouth of a devil; the prince of this world provokes to a crime.
To whom do scientologists worship? R. Hubbard's general phrases about worship the Creator and Supreme. But who is he? Creator is Vishnu, the Father of the Universe. The Supreme Deity is the Absolute. In the Old Testament these positions were appropriated by Jehovah. In the New Testament Jehovah devil calls himself God and puts itself before Christ, offering itself as the father Christ, and dreams to collect 144 thousand Jews led by the Innocent person (Christ) on the Mount Zion and that at all on a forehead the name of Jehovah was written.
Scientologists claim that at they have no prayers. But on the concourses scientologists say "A prayer about full freedom", that is a prayer about permissiveness, - "the demonic culture" is preached. Full freedom is for a physical body, in other words, orgy. And who at us is Bacchus? Jehovah!! Bacchus-Jehovah at scientologists - is the false Creator and a false Supreme Deity. Under whose control Ron Hubbard contrived this nonsense? Jehovah is the foolish hires spiritual ignoramuses to Saturn. For stray sheep there is an output, - who wants to continue evolution of the person on Earth, at the last moment can change the mind, having passed cleaning in the sulfuric boiling lake.
In 1942 the darkness shall leave to Saturn; the transient period was tightened. Jehovah-devil is engaged in recruitment.
Be careful, - there is no limit it to insidiousness. Jehovah is Antichrist, the opponent God's on Earth. In sect of scientologists attract those, who "isn't pure on a hand" and use them for revolutions. It is possible to tell those scientologists - elite sect and the most terrible - the devil programs victims at the level of sub consciousness.
Fascists carry swastika’ is the detaining evolution. In Africa many Blacks is Jews. In Tanzania, in the Western and South America the temple of Jews is called "the SYNAGOGUE of the SATAN". Information is on the Internet on the site of Jews.
Swastika evolution (dordzhe). "Sometimes swastika call gamming cross, as in it are connected four coming from a single point of letter (the Greek gamma)».George" has the same meaning as the swastika. The swastika (Sanskrit) - a cross with bent at a right angle. Curved edges by the Sun mean progressive movement - evolution in Space (the movement is clockwise curved ends are turned to the left.
2. Swastika detaining evolution – (the scolded symbol). "A swastika with the bent ends in the opposite direction (movement against the hour the shooters, the bent ends are turned to the right) - matters detaining evolution, such image it is accepted at shamans (sorcerers), Tibetan DUG-PA -representatives of darkness. Hitler's messengers were at shamans. DUG-PA served Hitler. At fascists there was a swastika detaining evolution. On the Internet there is a movie in the section "Swastika", the announcer gives out wrong information. Fascists in the Shambhala weren't. Swastika evolution to the attendant of darkness not is fellow travelers!
It is possible to seize power, but to control it independently it is necessary to be able. All actions now legitimate authorities are viewed beforehand. Accuse Russia of all mortal sins, to brainwash population of Ukraine, what to protect from it NATO can only. Attendants of the USA came to the power. Stop war in the east; the army forgot, that swore to protect the Homeland and the people, instead of to kill the colleagues. Though those, who came to the power, not colleagues to miners. Instead of repair of the destroyed houses for miners - build a wall on border with Russia. And on border with the Belgorod-Dniester Republic is dug a trench 120 km long.
Batch "Freedom" the devil too uses for disorder of Ukraine (an aggression press), but they in this game is of the six. A partition of the states - is a method of Jehovah. What freedom if they promote an entrance of NATO on the territory of Ukraine? None from the obsessed is doesn’t know under whose influence they are. The devil performs hidden management! And who is he, Jehovah-devil? The Jewish deity is in a body of the person, knowing occult sciences, the Owner of Land, satan.
Ukraine became without the nuclear country. EU does last breaths; Ukraine is necessary to it for reanimation. We could go independently and reach such state of the economy that we were imitated: disarmed and strengthened economic relations with neighboring states. Those, who started revolution in Ukraine, it is conscious or it is subject to herd instincts, pushed Ukraine to war. Already now total some thousands of the victims of young people - a gold gene pool of the population of Ukraine. As much thousands it won't be established families. Won't be born children twice anymore? There was no growth of the population because of unemployment and poverty, and now the reason - war earlier. The prime minister offends public people, - works for ignorant public and forcing nationalist aggression among the population. His statements don't do it credit. Casual people came to the power. The choice of the Head of the government and the Supreme Council depends on deputies. Tell the population of Ukraine the true reason of war. If NATO comes to the territory of Ukraine and will arrange antimissile installations in Donetsk region on border with Russia, this most will give a push to the beginning of the third world war; President will become world history, as instigators. We could remain the nuclear-free country. Russia is our board from the evil. Now there is a war for the earth in Donetsk region. Ukraine will become a field of battles and all Europe will be involved then. World war II is incomparable with the tragedy that will befall our Planet - Apocalypse. Injection of destructive energies will cause volcanic eruptions, and EUROPE will be hit by the wave, the continent will go to the bottom of the ocean. All slaves of the devil, which sparked a war in Ukraine, will leave to Saturn. Power and wealth is the "credibility" of the devil for the weak of mind. Free cheese does not happen...